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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Americans Getting Heavier And Heavier

No news here.

Just a reminder.

We're fat.

You're probably fat.

Oprah is fat. And she is rich.

Part of her wealth comes from keeping you fat and getting you fatter.

This is what being fat does:
"Health consequences of being obese/overweight:
(Source: The Surgeon General)

-- Premature death. It is estimated that 300,000 deaths per year in the USA are attributable to obesity. The more you weigh, the greater the risk. If your BMI is greater than 30 you have a 50-100% higher risk of premature death compared to a person with a healthy weight.

-- Heart disease. The incidence of heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina and abnormal heart rhythm is greater for people whose BMI is above 25.

-- Hypertension. An obese person has twice the risk of having high blood pressure compared to someone of normal weight.

-- Cholesterol/Blood fat. If you are obese your levels of blood fat will be higher and your levels of HDL (good cholesterol) will be lower than those of a person of normal weight.

-- Diabetes. If you put on 11-18 pounds your risk of developing diabetes type 2 are double, compared to a person who has not gained weight. More than 80% of people with diabetes are overweight/obese.

-- Cancer. A person who is overweight/obese has a higher risk of developing the following cancers: colon, gall bladder, kidney, prostate, post-menopausal breast cancer.

-- Sleep apnea. A much higher percentage of obese people suffer from interrupted breathing while sleeping than people of normal weight.

-- Arthritis. Your risk of developing arthritis goes up 9-13% for every 2-pounds extra weight you put on.

-- Pregnancy. If the pregnant mother is obese the risk of her or her baby dying is much greater, compared to a pregnant mother whose weight is normal - the risk of maternal high blood pressure is ten times higher. Obese mothers are more likely to have problems with labor and delivery. The risk of developing gestational diabetes is much higher if the woman is obese. Obese pregnant women are at a higher risk of giving birth to babies with birth defects, such as spina bifida. "
Stay fat if the above and more problems are worth it to you.

Just don't ask me to pay for your self-inflicted problems.

Or the problems you inflicted on your fat children.

But if you want to stop being fat, go here, here, here, here and here.

Buy the books. (Yes, I wrote them.)

Read them.

Follow the recommendations.

vote the scummy, unctuous, do-nothing, hand-wringing, all talk politicians out of office (especially those liars who are going to "fix" the sick care system)

sue Oprah, David Katz, Jorge Cruise, Ian Smith, Art Agatston, Barry Sears, Phil McGraw, Mehmet Oz, Michael Roizen and Bob Greene, their publishers and media promoters

report teachers, doctors, parents of fat children, clergy, politicians, school officials, nurses and hospital staff members to your state child welfare agencies for failing to report child abuse under CAPTA

insist that the AMA, NIH, medical and specialty societies, child advocacy groups, patient advocacy organizations, politicians, Medicare/Medicaid, HHS demand a halt to bariatric surgeries, except as an emergency
and with the time you have left, relax.

Don't worry, be happy.

Don't overeat.

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