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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Recipe for Healthy Eating Not Easy to Stick To

Another example of how Americans are fooling themselves.
Americans appear to be taking in public health messages about eating healthier, but the question remains as to whether they're really digesting them, a new survey shows.

Nearly 90% of respondents to a Consumer Reports telephone survey thought they were eating right -- saying that their diet was either somewhat (52.6%), very (31.5%), or extremely healthy (5.6%).

But when they were asked about what they actually eat, far fewer seemed to be in following a healthy diet.

For instance, of the 1,234 people surveyed, only 30% said they eat five servings of fruit and vegetables every day, just 13% step on the scale every morning, and a meager 8% monitor their daily calorie intake.

"Americans have a tendency to give themselves high marks for healthy eating, but when we asked how many sugary drinks, fatty foods, and fruits and veggies they consumed, we found that their definition of healthy eating was somewhat questionable," Nancy Metcalf, senior editor at Consumer Reports Health, said in a statement.
Or are just plain stupid.

You decide.

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