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Friday, March 25, 2011

Look to overweight, not overseas, for source of U.S. health problems, says surgeon general

The pig speaks.
Her first report as surgeon general, her “Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation,” tackles the issue of obesity and overweight by advocating a cultural change that elevates the role of exercise as an everyday value. People are tired of being told what they can’t eat, or what they can’t do, she said.

““I’m trying to change a negative conversation about being obese and overweight to a positive conversation,” Benjamin said.

She cited First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign as a good example, and she’s staged group walks of doctors and healthcare workers in several cities to show people how simple the idea of moving is. Benjamin, who has felt the heat of public criticism about her own extra poundage, even invited television cameras to follow her on a hike from one rim of the Grand Canyon to the other to show that “if I can do it, anyone can.”
But she hasn't done it.

She remains fat.

And so has the other pig, i.e., the moronette in the White House.

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