The NHS in England faces a total bill of £65bn for new hospitals built under the private finance initiative (PFI), figures obtained by the BBC indicate.Oops.
The so-called "NHS mortgage" means that for some trusts annual repayments take up more than 10% of their turnover.
Experts said the fees, which are rising each year, mean less money for patient care and make it more difficult to achieve the savings being demanded.
An Oprah threat to your health and the health of your children? Have you been misled?
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See FTC complaints about Oprah and her diet experts at
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Concern over rising NHS 'mortgage bill'
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Ornish, Pritikin Cleared for Medicare Payment
More money from us to the fat.
If they are going to be subsidized and choose to accept the cash, should they fail, they should re-pay the forced charity they received with interest.
Medicare will pay for intensive diet and exercise programs developed under the Ornish and Pritikin brands for reducing cardiovascular event risk, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced.More bucks, taken from us, and wasted on the calorically irresponsible who will fail at following these diets as they have failed before.
The agency's review of published data on the Ornish and Pritikin intensive cardiac rehabilitation programs found that they effectively slowed or reversed progression of coronary heart disease and reduce the need for coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) and percutaneous interventions.
Consequently, they are approved for coverage under Part B of Medicare, CMS said. Legislation that went into effect this year established a new benefit for intensive cardiac rehabilitation programs.
Because Medicare will make these programs available to all beneficiaries regardless of income, it expects the decision will "reduce the disparate impact of heart disease in minority populations."
If they are going to be subsidized and choose to accept the cash, should they fail, they should re-pay the forced charity they received with interest.
Kidney stones becoming more common in kids?
Kudos, fatsos. Fat parents have fat kids.
On the other hand, there are reasons to believe that more children may be developing kidney stones, according to Routh. Obesity is a risk factor for kidney stones, and the rising rate of childhood obesity in the U.S. could be at work. Since 1980, the percentage of obese kids between ages 6 and 11 has nearly tripled to 19.6 percent in 2008 according to the Centers for Disease for Disease Control and Prevention.If true, this is yet another form of nutritional child abuse.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Twice as many health managers as doctors as number of NHS bureaucrats soars
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The workforce of NHS penpushers grew eight times faster over the past six months than the number of doctors, figures reveal.Oops.
Despite Government promises that frontline staff will be protected as health trusts endeavour to find £20billion of 'efficiency savings' by 2014, the latest data suggests otherwise.
Chocolate for Blood Pressure Too Hard to Stomach, Researchers Say
Like the old curse goes, "May you get what you want."
A small Australian study looking at whether it would be practical to give people dark chocolate as a treatment to lower blood pressure long term surprisingly found that half of those who were assigned to the chocolate found it difficult to eat every day; they preferred to take a lycopene capsule.Surprisingly sensible research subjects.
Although many people may find these results difficult to digest, lead researcher Dr Karin Ried (University of Adelaide, Australia) told heartwire that it appears there is a difference between "consuming a food item voluntarily or having to eat it on a daily basis for 12 weeks." The participants in the study, who had to eat half a bar of dark chocolate a day, "reported strong taste and concerns about fat/sugar content as reasons for unacceptability of chocolate as a long-term treatment option," she said. Ried writes about her study, which was published last year, in a letter to BMJ August 10, 2010. [sic]
Obese visit GP more often than smokers, researchers say
Wasting resources with each trip.
Overweight people are more likely to make frequent trips to their GP than smokers or those who are generally unfit, say Dutch researchers.And they remain fat.
The findings cannot be explained by overweight people having a higher risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, the analysis showed.
Rising rates of obesity means nurses may have to take some of the pressure off doctors, they said.
The research is published in Family Practice.
The team from Maastricht University looked at GP data from almost 4,500 adults.
Participants also filled in a questionnaire designed to find out about their lifestyles, such as their diet, whether they smoked, how much they drank and how much exercise they did.
They expected to find that the most unhealthy or unfit people would visit their GP more often.
But of the lifestyle factors looked at, only body mass index (BMI) was independently associated with frequent visits to the doctor.
The finding was true of both men and women and was not accounted for by higher rates of chronic illness.
Minor complaints
Although the researchers could not conclude from the study why overweight people may visit their GP more often, they speculated they may have more minor complaints, such as sleep problems or musculoskeletal pain.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cancer Biomarkers Missing in Action
More medical vaporware.
Do yourself a favor and don't rely on the hype.
Rely on what works.
Biomarkers for cancer -- often reported with great publicity -- routinely fail to be of clinical use, a Canadian researcher said.Clearly the best "biomarker" is fitness.
Despite large investments and investigation by competent researchers, no new major cancer biomarkers have been approved for clinical use in the past quarter-century, according to Eleftherios Diamandis, MD, PhD, of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
In a commentary published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Diamandis said that's because a range of common analytical errors lead to what he called "false discovery," even when reports undergo detailed peer review and appear in high-profile journals.
Do yourself a favor and don't rely on the hype.
Rely on what works.
Acetaminophen Use in Adolescents May Double Risk for Asthma
And this is for a "safe" drug used for years - they will find more risk associations for the IMHO malpractice known as diet drugs.
Acetaminophen use in adolescents is linked to development and/or maintenance of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema, according to the results of a global study reported online August 13 in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Better not to use diet drugs - especially since they don't work, anyway.
"This study has identified that the reported use of acetaminophen in 13- and 14-year-old adolescent children was associated with an exposure-dependent increased risk of asthma symptoms," said first author Richard W. Beasley, MD, professor of medicine at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand in Wellington, in a news release, on behalf of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC).
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Cancer care 'at risk' as NHS faces spending squeeze
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Cancer care and infection control are at risk as the NHS prepares to make savings, a health regulator says.Oops.
The review of 129 foundation trusts - the top performing NHS organisations - highlighted both as the sector gears up for its toughest round of savings yet.
The leading hospitals and mental health services in England are planning to make cuts of 4.4% - nearly 50% more than they have ever achieved before.
Monitor, which regulates the trusts, said the task would be "challenging".
While the NHS budget is being protected, the health service has been told to save up to £20bn by 2014 to help it cope with increasing pressures from the ageing population, rising price of drugs and lifestyle changes.
A raft of job cuts has already been announced.
But the analysis by Monitor, which covers about half of all hospital and mental health services, gives the clearest indication yet of how patient care may be affected.
A total of 34 trusts predicted performance could suffer in the coming year with 23 of them identifying cancer targets as at risk.
In particular, the trusts said aim of ensuring treatment starts within 62 days of referral was most at risk.
Cancer targets have been a controversial area in recent weeks with Labour claiming the coalition government wanted to scrap them - something which has subsequently been denied by ministers.
Other than cancer, nine trusts identified MRSA and six Clostridium difficile as areas of concern
Monitor also highlighted the fact that income over the next three years was expected to fall - the first time this has happened.
The regulator said this was expected as it reflected the current economic climate.
But it warned it expected to see "an increased in regulatory action", adding the task facing foundation trusts was "challenging, but achievable".
Dr Mark Porter, of the British Medical Association, said: "Doctors will continue to do their best for patients, but it will not always be possible for the NHS to achieve more with less and the government will ultimately have to take the responsibility for this."
Change Promised for Hospital Quality Measures
Fit people tend to get sick less and require less hospitalization.
Many of the metrics currently used to assess quality of hospital care fail to provide true and valuable accountability, according to leaders of a key organization that helped develop them.Get fit and avoid the failings of bad metrics.
Quality measures now in place include some that "only give us a false sense of accomplishment and reward 'gaming'" or otherwise fail to meet basic criteria for meaningful assessments of patient care, Mark Chassin, MD, MPP, MPH, president of the Joint Commission, and colleagues wrote in the Aug. 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
No Cardiovascular Benefit Found for Rimonabant
More IMHO malpractice re: diet drugs.
The early promise of an anti-obesity drug may never be fulfilled following the discontinuation of a randomized trial for safety reasons and a subsequent data analysis showing no evidence of efficacy for the study's primary endpoint of reduced cardiovascular risk.Give yourself a chance to shed the weight naturally, effectively and properly.
Friday, August 27, 2010
New 'superbug' found in UK hospitals
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
A new superbug that is resistant to even the most powerful antibiotics has entered UK hospitals, experts warn.Oops.
They say bacteria that make an enzyme called NDM-1 have travelled back with NHS patients who went abroad to countries like India and Pakistan for treatments such as cosmetic surgery...
Infections have already been passed from patient to patient in UK hospitals.

American Dietetic Association Updated Position Paper Says Developing Lifelong Healthy Behaviors In Children Is A "Shared Responsibility"
Does that mean that the rest of us can also have the responsibility of "punishing" kids who are calorically irresponsible and their parents?
The American Dietetic Association has published an updated position paper on local support for nutrition integrity in schools that calls on schools and communities to work together to provide healthful and affordable meals for all children and to promote educational environments that help students learn and practice healthy behaviors for their entire lives.F**k the idiots at the ADA.
ADA's updated position paper, published in the August issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, represents the Association's official stance on this health issue:
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that schools and communities have a shared responsibility to provide students with access to high-quality, affordable, nutritious foods and beverages. School-based nutrition services, including the provision of meals through the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, are an integral part of the total education program. Strong wellness policies promote environments that enhance nutrition integrity and help students to develop lifelong healthy behaviors.
Little Interest in Drug to Prevent Prostate Cancer
If you want to try to prevent it, read on.
Read up on it and then go to Anabolic Clinic to learn more.
Physicians continue to shy away from prescribing finasteride to prevent prostate cancer, despite evidence from two large clinical trials showing that the 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor (5ARI) significantly reduced the risk, a survey showed.Better not to develop prostate cancer at all and there are safer approaches than finasteride, a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor (5ARI).
Two-thirds of urologists and 80% of primary care physicians said they had never prescribed finasteride for chemoprevention, according to survey results published online in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
Read up on it and then go to Anabolic Clinic to learn more.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Federal School Lunches Linked to Childhood Obesity
A good example of crappy research and impossible conclusions based on poor data, yet touted as truth, most likely for political reasons.
IMHO liars, or idiots. Take your pick.
Read about school lunches and why they are NOT a cause of overweight/obesity.
With children going back to school, parents are concerned that their youngsters are staying fit and eating right, especially those who dine in a school cafeteria.This is the kind of dissembling they use to steal money from our pockets.
New research funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture finds that children who eat school lunches that are part of the federal government's National School Lunch Program are more likely to become overweight.
The same research study found, however, that children who eat both the breakfast and lunch sponsored by the federal government are less heavy than children who don't participate in either, and than children who eat only the lunch, says economist Daniel L. Millimet at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
IMHO liars, or idiots. Take your pick.
Read about school lunches and why they are NOT a cause of overweight/obesity.
'Emergency fund' to fast-track cancer drugs
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The government has announced a £50m fund which it says will give "thousands" of very sick cancer patients access to drugs sooner.Oops.
It will mean doctors will be able to give treatments which have not been approved by the rationing body NICE.
The announcement was made at the launch of a study showing that the UK lags in providing the newest cancer drugs.
Bisphosphonates Not Linked to Esophageal Cancer, Says Study
Yes, they are - they are "possibly" linked.
Read up on how and then go to Anabolic Clinic to learn more.
Oral bisphosphonates are not significantly associated with esophageal or gastric cancer, according to a large cohort study from the United Kingdom published in the August 11 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.Better not to need these drugs at all.
The new study comes out about a year and a half after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported 23 cases of esophageal cancer between 1995 and 2008 in patients using alendronate and another 31 cases in patients using a variety of bisphosphonates in Europe and Japan.
These cases "possibly" indicate "risk of malignancy associated with bisphosphonate use," note the authors of the new study.
The authors took up the challenge of investigating the possible link between these cancers and oral bisphosphonates, the use of which has "dramatically" increased in recent years in the Western world.
The link was not proven in 2 recent smaller studies, say the authors, led by Chris Cardwell, PhD, from the Center for Public Health at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The lack of a link to cancer stands in contrast to the proven link between the use of oral bisphosphonates and esophagitis.
Read up on how and then go to Anabolic Clinic to learn more.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Study: Belly bulge can be deadly for older adults
Still not better than the BMI.
BMI is related to all cause mortality AND you cannot cheat it.
The inch and pound, which form the basis of the BMI calculation cannot be fudged like taking your waist circumference can.
You can lie about anything, but you cannot fudge the inch or pound.
BTW, this puts their data into suspicion. Who knows how much fudging went on? No way to tell.
Further, people are more likely to weigh themselves than tape measure their girth.
Plus, using the BMI provides a road map for weight loss - something waist circumference cannot.
For the alleged 2% that fell through the cracks, well, that is a small price, if any.
If your pants are feeling a bit tight around the waistline, take note: Belly bulge can be deadly for older adults, even those who aren't overweight or obese by other measures.Here is why.
One of the largest studies to examine the dangers of abdominal fat suggests men and women with the biggest waistlines have twice the risk of dying over a decade compared to those with the smallest tummies.
Surprisingly, bigger waists carry a greater risk of death even for people whose weight is "normal" by the body mass index, or BMI, a standard measure based on weight and height.
"Even if you haven't had a noticeable weight gain, if you notice your waist size increasing that's an important sign," said lead author Eric Jacobs of the American Cancer Society, which funded the study. "It's time to eat better and start exercising more."
Other research has linked waist size to dementia, heart disease, asthma and breast cancer.
Bulging bellies are a problem for most Americans older than 50. It's estimated that more than half of older men and more than 70 percent of older women have bigger waistlines than recommended. And it's a growing problem: Average waistlines have expanded by about an inch per decade since the 1960s.
To check your girth, wrap a tape measure around your waist at the navel. No fair sucking in your bulge. Men should have a waist circumference no larger than 40 inches. For women, the limit is 35 inches.
The new study, appearing in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine, is the first to analyze waist size and deaths for people in three BMI categories: normal, overweight and obese. In all three groups, waist size was linked to higher risk.
About 2 percent of people in the study had normal BMI numbers but larger than recommended waists. Jacobs said the risk increased progressively with increasing waist size, even at waist sizes well below what might be considered too large.
BMI is related to all cause mortality AND you cannot cheat it.
The inch and pound, which form the basis of the BMI calculation cannot be fudged like taking your waist circumference can.
You can lie about anything, but you cannot fudge the inch or pound.
The researchers crunched numbers on waist circumference, height and weight to draw conclusions about who was more likely to die. Study participants measured their own waists, so some honest mistakes and wishful fudging could have been included, the authors acknowledged.See?
BTW, this puts their data into suspicion. Who knows how much fudging went on? No way to tell.
Further, people are more likely to weigh themselves than tape measure their girth.
Plus, using the BMI provides a road map for weight loss - something waist circumference cannot.
For the alleged 2% that fell through the cracks, well, that is a small price, if any.
Research Shows Sugary Drinks Do Not Cause Weight Gain
Even considering the source (see below), the statement is true.
And the source of this study?
New research from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, shows that sugary drinks, consumed in moderate quantities, do not promote weight gain, carbohydrate craving or adverse mood effects in overweight women when they do not know what they are drinking.There is one thing and one thing only that causes overweight/obesity - more Calories in than out.
The study, conducted by Marie Reid, Richard Hammersley and colleagues set out to determine the long-term effects of adding a sucrose drink to the diet of overweight women (BMI 25-30), on dietary intake and mood. The results show that overweight women do not suffer adverse effects, such as weight gain or mood fluctuation, if they do not know whether or not they are drinking a sugary or artificially sweetened drink. Instead women took in fewer calories elsewhere in the diet, to balance the calories in the drinks.
These findings suggest that because it is widely believed that sugary drinks are bad and part of an unhealthy diet, people then go on to behave accordingly. Prof Marie Reid, Professor of Applied Psychology at Queen Margaret University concludes: "Widespread publicity about the supposed harmful effects of sugar may make such effects more likely, as believing sugar to be harmful may encourage negative emotions after eating sugary food and lead to the abstinence violation effect. In other words, knowing that you're drinking sugary drinks, while believing that they're harmful, might result in the derailing of a generally healthy low-fat diet".
"Sugar in moderation plays a neutral role in the balanced diet, but an emotionally charged role in the psychology of food choice," she added.
And the source of this study?
The research was funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and The Sugar Bureau.
The Sugar Bureau
The Sugar Bureau is an association fostering research, communication and information on sugar and health.
Source: Queen Margaret University
Beta-Amyloid Further Implicated in Mental Decline
Two words - Anabolic Clinic.
The beta-amyloid protein fragments that form the characteristic plaques in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease also appear linked to cognitive decline in those who don't develop dementia, researchers found.Beta-amyloid is associated with low levels of anabolic substances.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The waning promise of leptin in the obesity fight
Who could have seen this coming? Fitness Watch readers, that's who.
When the so-called fat-controlling hormone leptin was first discovered, scientists predicted it would be the basis for a bonanza of new obesity-fighting drugs.If you want to lose the pounds, go here and stop wasting your life waiting for the "cure."
That was 15 years ago. Today, scientists are still trying to develop leptin-based weight-loss therapies, but progress has been slower than anticipated. That's because leptin appears to affect several biochemical pathways in the body, and scientists still can't agree on how, precisely, the hormone works.
Researchers do, however, know one thing about leptin: "It's way more complicated than we first thought," says Susan Fried, a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine.
Signs of Puberty Seen Earlier in White Girls
Fat parents have fat kids with early-onset puberty.
The number of white girls developing signs of puberty at a younger age has almost doubled since the late 1990s, researchers found.Kudos, fatsos.
A longitudinal study of more than 1,200 girls examined between 2004 and 2006 found that 10.4% of the white 7-year-old girls had begun to mature -- as determined by the presence of palpable breast buds -- according to Frank Biro, MD, of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, and colleagues...
Increases in body mass index may be to blame for earlier maturation, Biro told MedPage Today.
"Our study comes on the other side of the obesity epidemic that's occurred not only in this country but other countries around the world," he said, "and we think that one of the more important contributing factors is the higher body mass index in the girls in the 21st century."
Latest Increase In US Obesity Rate Will Mean More Cancers, Experts Warn
Kudos, fatsos.
According to just-released figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2.4 million more Americans became obese between 2007 and 2009. Approximately 26.7 percent of the US adult population, or 72.5 million people, are now obese. Experts at the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) said today that this increase may well result in a corresponding increase in the national cancer rate in years to come.And who do you expect to pay for the consequences of your caloric irresponsibility?
The AICR experts pointed out that those 72.5 million Americans face an increased risk for colorectal cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer, kidney cancer, esophageal cancer, endometrial cancer, pancreatic cancer and gallbladder cancer.
"Obesity plays a central role in many cancers," said AICR Director of Research Susan Higginbotham, PhD, RD. "Its links to heart disease and diabetes are well-known, but Americans need to understand that more obesity today means more cancer tomorrow."
AICR currently estimates that excess body fat causes approximately 103,600 cases of cancer in the US every year, and warns that as the percentage of the population who are obese continues to increase, this number will rise.
Monday, August 23, 2010
NHS premium threatens GP incomes
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Family doctors face losing part of their current income to pay for an incentive for good quality commissioning and for keeping National Health Service costs under control, the government proposed on Thursday.Oops.
The “premium” payment would have to come from within existing resources, the Department of Health said, with the GP consortia – who under the government’s plans will be buying the bulk of NHS care – then deciding which practices within the consortia will receive the payment.
The proposal that “if you come in over budget you will lose money” will “scare people”, said Dr Laurence Buckman, chairman of the British Medical Association’s family doctors committee. With the NHS already in deficit in some parts of the country, and with a big squeeze to come on spending, the proposal would worry GPs, Dr Buckman said. “How scary it will be will depend on how much is involved”.
High Weight Gain in Pregnancy: Heavier, More Obesity-Prone Babies
Fat parents have fat kids. And it don't have nuthin' to do with genes.
As doctors and researchers grapple with the U.S.'s runaway rates of obesity, they have begun to look for causes of it in a critical if little understood period of life: the nine months before birth. Research has found that women who gain too much weight in pregnancy have heavier babies - and that heavier babies are more prone to obesity later on.Kudos, fatsos.
Until now, researchers had not been able to rule out the role of genes. If heavier mothers give birth to heavier babies, it was presumed, it could be the woman's genes that cause her to gain excessive weight during pregnancy and that those genes, passed on to her child, contribute to his or her obesity.(See pictures of pregnant-belly art.)
A new study helps eliminate that possibility. By looking at a large group of women who gave birth at least twice from 1989 to 2003, researchers were able to compare different pregnancies in the same women. Based on the data, the authors conclude that maternal weight gain during pregnancy leads to higher infant birth weight, independent of genetics. "What this study adds to the literature is the family approach, which reduces the influence of genetic factors. These kids all have the same mothers. The high birth weight isn't because of genes. It has something to do with the weight gain itself," says Matthew Gillman, director of an obesity-prevention program at Harvard Medical School. Gillman was not involved in the study.
Warm weather, cold beer, hot dogs can bring on headaches
No prob.
You've stuck your toes in the sand and fired up the grill. The burgers are sizzling. An ice-cold Corona and a panoply of toppings awaits.Have a cold dog with a warm beer.
Sounds like the recipe for a perfect summer afternoon.
And the formula for a killer headache, it turns out.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
More British Cities Called To Invest In Innovative Cycling Schemes And Save Millions From Health Bill
You have to be an idiot to believe that this will work.
Major cities around Britain are still lacking in proper cycling infrastructure and innovative thinking around cycling schemes, says the Faculty of Public Health (FPH).Brits would rather die than "exercise."
Dr John Middleton, Vice-President of UK Faculty of Public Health, comments:
"The cost of obesity to the nation is around one billion pounds and we have over 40,000 people dying from premature cardiovascular disease every year. With more and more people short on time to get their minimum 30 minute regular exercise five days a week, active travel is almost the ideal answer. If we made cycling to work or school the easy option, we could cut down on these depressing figures considerably.
Money down the drain.
Weight Gain During Pregnancy Increases Weight Of Child Independent Of Genetic Factors
Early nutritional child abuse is intentional, not genetic.
The only way to help the kids, is to hold fat parents accountable.
A study analysing the weight gain during pregnancy of mothers with more than one child shows that pregnant women who put on more weight are much more likely to have heavier babies. Given the association of birthweight with adult weight, the authors of this new work say that obesity prevention efforts targeted at women during pregnancy could have beneficial effects for their children. The Article, published Online First in The Lancet, is written by Dr David S Ludwig, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA, and Dr Janet Currie, Columbia University, New York, USA...Fat parents have fat kids.
The authors conclude:Because high birthweight predicts BMI later in life, these findings suggest that excessive weight gain during pregnancy could raise the long-term risk of obesity-related disease in offspring. High birthweight might also increase risk of other diseases later in life, including asthma, atopy, and cancer.
The only way to help the kids, is to hold fat parents accountable.
Hypertension And Chili Peppers

Hypertension and researchers with s**t for brains.
For those with high blood pressure, chili peppers might be just what the doctor ordered, according to a study reported in the August issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication. While the active ingredient that gives the peppers their heat - a compound known as capsaicin - might set your mouth on fire, it also leads blood vessels to relax, the research in hypertensive rats shows.That is why there is no hypertension in Mexico.
It is concluded that hypertension in Mexico is an important public health problem similar to that seen in developing and developed nations. Efforts should be aimed at strengthening measures to prevent and control hypertension in Mexico.No, wait.
More crap research.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Obesity Prevention Begins Before Birth: Excess Maternal Weight Gain Increases Birth Weight After Controlling for Genetic Factors
Yep. More early nutritional child abuse.
It is and always will be about caloric irresponsibility.
Stop nutritional child abuse.
Expectant mothers who gain large amounts of weight tend to give birth to heavier infants who are at higher risk for obesity later in life. But it's never been proven that this tendency results from the weight gain itself, rather than genetic or other factors that mother and baby share.It never was and never will be about genetics or any other excuse.
A large population-based study from Children's Hospital Boston, looking at two or more pregnancies in the same mother, now provides evidence that excess maternal weight gain is a strong, independent predictor of high birth weight.
The study, published Online First in The Lancet, highlights the importance of weight management efforts even before birth.
"Since high birth weight, in turn, increases risk for obesity and diseases such as cancer and asthma later in life, these findings have important implications to general public health," says coauthor David Ludwig, MD, PhD, director of the Optimal Weight for Life (OWL) at Children's Hospital Boston. "It's appropriate for a baby to be born with some fat, but a baby born too fat indicates that the fetus developed in an abnormal environment during the most critical nine months of life."
It is and always will be about caloric irresponsibility.
Stop nutritional child abuse.
Chew on This: Six Dental Myths Debunked
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.

Myth 6: Dental decay is only a young person's problemNice smiles, guys.
...Adults and elders are more likely to have chronic health conditions, like diabetes, which are risk factors for periodontal disease (which begins with an inflammation of the gums and can lead to tooth loss). "Type 2 diabetes patients have twice the risk of developing periodontal disease of people without diabetes. Furthermore, periodontal disease exacerbates diabetes mellitus, so meticulous oral hygiene can help improve diabetes control," says Palmer.

Dietitians Should Lead In Preventing And Treating Obesity
Dangerous morons.
Because dietitians spout the conventional drivel re: weight loss and the advice of the experts is why diets fail.
Wanna fail at weight loss? Go speak with a dietitian.
Hey, dietitians:
Weight and obesity are never far from the headlines and with figures reaching epidemic proportions, dietitians are on the frontline when it comes to effective prevention and treatment.If dietitians are "on the frontline when it comes to effective prevention and treatment," then why are weight and obesity "figures reaching epidemic proportions"?
Because dietitians spout the conventional drivel re: weight loss and the advice of the experts is why diets fail.
Wanna fail at weight loss? Go speak with a dietitian.
Hey, dietitians:

Friday, August 20, 2010
More Efforts Needed in the United Kingdom to Achieve Timely Surgery After TIA
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Patients in the United Kingdom are waiting longer than the recommended 14 days to receive vascular surgery after symptoms of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), results of a new audit show, and renewed efforts are needed if the United Kingdom is to meet these standards, according to a related editorial in the July 31, 2010, of The Lancet.Oops.
Extra pregnancy pounds may hurt baby: study
More early nutritional child abuse.
"[T]he best time to begin obesity prevention may be actually prior to birth, by focusing on weight gain and diet of the mother during pregnancy..."
Dissuade fat people from having kids until the pounds are shed.
Many American women may need to start watching their weight during pregnancy so that they do not get too heavy and risk hurting their babies, researchers said on Wednesday.Yep.
They found that women who gained more weight during pregnancy gave birth to heavier babies, who in turn are themselves more likely to become obese adults. They also may be more prone to cancer, allergies, and asthma.
"The study suggests that the best time to begin obesity prevention may be actually prior to birth, by focusing on weight gain and diet of the mother during pregnancy," said Dr. David Ludwig of Children's Hospital in Boston, who worked on the study published in the medical journal The Lancet. Ludwig and Janet Currie, an economist at Columbia University in New York, looked at data from all babies born in Michigan and New Jersey over a 15-period, from 1989 to 2003 -- 513,500 women and their 1.1 million offspring.
They wanted to eliminate genetic causes of high birth weight so they compared babies born to the same mother.
"[T]he best time to begin obesity prevention may be actually prior to birth, by focusing on weight gain and diet of the mother during pregnancy..."
Dissuade fat people from having kids until the pounds are shed.
More conflicting data on suicide risk with epilepsy drugs
And such is the nature of most drug data, including the "safe" IMHO malpractice diet drugs.
Get fit.
Some seizure drugs may not raise the risk of suicide for patients with epilepsy as feared, but they do increase the risk for people with depression, researchers reported this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.Better not to take the meds than get caught in a data whipsaw.
They say the drugs do not make it more likely that patients with epilepsy will commit suicide. But people take the drugs for a range of other conditions and some of these had a 65 percent higher risk.
Get fit.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hundreds 'would miss out if cancer fund cut'
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Hundreds of dying patients would lose out if ministers do not set up a £200m cancer drugs fund, campaigners say.Oops.
The Tories promised the money in opposition for those struggling to get access to treatment, but the government has since said there is no guarantee.
The Rarer Cancers Foundation said if just half the amount was made available - as some are suggesting - as many as 3,600 patients could lose out.
But an editorial in the Lancet criticised the fund as "indefensible"
The medical journal claimed the money would lead to a postcode lottery and was unfair on dementia and multiple sclerosis sufferers who arguably struggle just as much to access treatment.
It added: "Scratch the surface, and it quickly becomes clear that what this fund represents is not the victory for patient groups that some believe. Rather, it is the product of political opportunism and intellectual incoherence."
When It Comes To Dietary Compounds, Concentration, Timing And Interactions Are Key
When resveratrol kills.
Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) chemist Thomas Wang, who specializes in cancer prevention research, has reported evidence that for some dietary compounds, length of exposure over time may be key to whether or not ingestion leads to a beneficial, or detrimental, effect.Oops.
Scientists do not know exactly why one person develops cancer and another does not. But they do know that certain nutrients might increase or decrease cancer risk...
Half of those animals were fed a daily diet that included 3 to 6 milligrams of purified resveratrol (equal to roughly the amount in five glasses of wine or grape juice). At first, the tumor cells in the resveratrol-fed lab animals grew slower. But as the animals continued to consume resveratrol, there was an increase in blood vessels developing around the tumors of the resveratrol-fed animals, effectively setting up a system of feeding the tumors.
Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
Diabetes and literacy key to beat dementia, says study
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes and being a fat person is linked to depression.
Preventing diabetes and depression could have a dramatic impact on cutting cases of dementia, a study suggests.And the money the rest of us have to pay to rescue and repair the fat, which is a wasteful, failing undertaking, depresses us.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Diabetes costs 'out of control'
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The NHS is spending too much on diabetes drugs say researchers, who found the medicines account for 7% of the UK prescribing budget.Oops.
High LDL in Youth Predicts Coronary Calcification Later
Fat kids have high LDL. Fat parents have fat kids.
Young adults whose lipid levels are less than optimal are likely in midlife to develop coronary calcium -- a surrogate measure of coronary artery disease, a large prospective cohort study found.Kudos, fatsos.
For young adults ages 18 to 30 years whose low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels were 4.14 mmol/L or greater, the adjusted odds ratio for having coronary calcium two decades later was 5.6 (95% CI 2 to 16) compared with those whose levels were below 1.81 mmol/L, according to Mark J. Pletcher, MD, of the University of California San Francisco, and colleagues.
In an editorial accompanying the study, Gerald S. Berenson, MD, and Sathanur R. Srinivasan, PhD, of Tulane University in New Orleans, observed that the findings suggest that the focus of primary and secondary prevention of coronary atherosclerosis should not focus only on lipids but should be expanded to include primordial prevention among high-risk children, "who have an excess prevalence of interrelated risk factors, an epidemic of obesity, increasing occurrence of diabetes, and heart disease that is out of control as adults."
"Pediatric epidemiologic studies have provided more than sufficient data to awaken interest in primordial prevention, which involves improving lifestyle and health behaviors beginning in childhood before abnormal risk factors develop," Berenson and Srinivasan asserted.
Researchers find 95 genes affecting cholesterol
That's 95 genes this time.
You really have to be a brain-dead quality idiot to expect that a genetic cure to this or overweight/obesity will arrive before you are dead.
Better to get fit.
A scan of the full human DNA sequence has turned up 95 genes that affect blood cholesterol, including a few affected by drugs on the market and others that might be the basis of new drugs, researchers said on Wednesday.As more genes are found, the situation will become even more complex.
Their findings demonstrate that regulating cholesterol levels is even more complex than many people knew but also point to some short-cuts to prevent heart disease.
You really have to be a brain-dead quality idiot to expect that a genetic cure to this or overweight/obesity will arrive before you are dead.
Better to get fit.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
NHS missing out on cancer drug payments
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The NHS may be missing out on millions of pounds of reimbursement for cancer drugs because of onerous paperwork, say researchers.Oops.
U.S. dietary supplements often contaminated: report
Time to sue the parasites at Whore Foods.
Many popular dietary supplements contain ingredients that may cause cancer, heart problems, liver or kidney damage, but U.S. stores sell them anyway and Americans spend millions on them, according to Consumer Reports.Still think they have any idea what a "safe" supplement is?
The consumer magazine published a report on Tuesday highlighting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's lack of power to regulate such supplements, and said the agency rarely uses what little power it does have.
The report from the influential group urged Congress to speed up small moves toward giving the agency more clout, especially in regulating supplements.
Despite the "natural" labels carried by many of the supplements, many are contaminated.
Yet Americans flock to take them, according to the magazine, citing the Nutrition Business Journal as saying the market was worth $26.7 billion in 2009.
"Of the more than 54,000 dietary supplement products in the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, only about a third have some level of safety and effectiveness that is supported by scientific evidence," the report reads.
In addition, the FDA has not inspected any supplement factories in China, even though the agency set up field offices there starting in 2008, Consumer Reports said.
Formula Milk Not The Cause Of Breast Growth In Babies, Say Chinese Authorities
The Empire Strikes Back.
An inquiry into whether infant formula milk might be linked to breast growth in babies found no link, Chinese authorities announced today. The investigation was ordered after some parents in Hubei complained their babies were growing breasts and one 1-year-old girl in Beijing had premature puberty after drinking formula milk made by Synutra International. (Link)And so the controversy rages on.
A Ministry of Health spokesman, Deng HaiHua said the investigation found that the hormone levels within the milk powder were within normal standards "(investigators) found nothing abnormal about the amount of hormones contained in milk powder from Synutra and other brands".
According to Deng, food safety experts from China CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) tested 42 samples of Synutra dairy products and 31 dairy samples from other dairy companies.
One of the samples tested came from the milk residue drunk by one of the babies who had grown breasts - nothing unusual was detect.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Milk Formula That Caused Breast Growing In Babies Triggers Further Dairy Tests In China
Explained! Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Look at the bright side.
At least she can breast feed herself.

After claims came in that a brand of infant formula caused breast growth in some babies, Chinese authorities said they are testing a wide range of dairy products, as well as breast milk. It is alleged that formula milk from Synutra International is tainted with hormones and causes premature puberty in Hubei province.Stop whining.
Synutra International adamantly denies its products are tainted. The company's share price has dropped 35%.
This is not the first time food safety problems concerning infant formula or milk powder have been reported in China. Two years ago melamine (a colourless crystalline compound used in making synthetic resins; 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine. Formula: C3H6N6) was detected in milk products produced by 22 different Chinese companies, leading to the illnesses or deaths of at least 300,000 Chinese children. Melamine had been added to mask tests for protein content.
Chinese health authorities say tests are currently undergoing on milk products in Beijing and Shanghai, as well as some other major cities. They say it will take a few days before test results are back.
The current allegedly tainted milk products are said to cause unusually high levels of estradiol and prolactin - hormones which stimulate the production of breast milk (lactation).
The Health Ministry says a panel of nine experts has been assembled to carry out the investigation, consisting of endocrinologists (hormone specialist doctors), pediatricians and food safety experts.
So far, three cases have been reported in Hubei of infants with abnormal estradiol and prolactin hormone levels. Their parents suspect this was caused by consuming milk formula made by Synutra International.
The father of a one-year-old girl in Beijing told China Daily, a Chinese newspaper that his daughter was diagnosed with premature puberty signs and symptoms. According to the BBC, the father is "furious".
Look at the bright side.
At least she can breast feed herself.
Fears public health may be hit in shake-up of NHS
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The overhaul of the NHS may harm the public health drive, experts fear.Oops.
Under government plans, primary care trusts in England will be abolished and GPs given control of the budget.
The shake-up will also mean public health is handed to councils, but the King's Fund health think tank said this could lead the NHS to turn its back on issues like smoking and drinking.
Type 2 Diabetic Teens Show Brain Abnormalities
Fat parents have fat kids. Stupid parents have stupid kids who become stupid parents.
Brain structure and cognitive function appear to suffer among obese teens with type 2 diabetes, according to MRI and neuropsychology findings.Will the circle ever be unbroken?
The differences, compared with other obese teens, included consistently worse performance in all cognitive domains assessed, reduced white matter volume, enlarged cerebrospinal fluid space, and lower microstructural integrity of the white and grey matter.
These effects match what has been seen with type 2 diabetes in adults, Antonio Convit, MD, of NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, and colleagues reported online in Diabetologia.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Picky Eaters: When Waffles and Fries Are All You Eat

Get some government money! Calling all vegetarian, vegans, teetotalers and others who restrict what they eat.
Bob Krause hates Thanksgiving, and not because of that all forced family time.These folks are trying to get money from us contending that "picky eating" is a medical condition.
Krause, 63, calls himself a picky eater -- one who won't eat anything that's served at a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, or any other dinner, for that matter.
Krause survives on little more than grilled cheese sandwiches, French fries and waffles. And, like other picky eaters, Krause hopes that a registry of adult picky eaters, recently begun by Duke University and the University of Pittsburgh, will bring attention to a problem he believes should be considered a medical condition.
The registry, dubbed the Food F.A.D. Study, or the Finicky Eating in Adults study, has already attracted more than 2,000 participants. According to its website, the survey and registry was created to learn more about adults who describe themselves as picky eaters.
"Much of the research on picky eating has been done in children," reads the site, which is run by Dr. Nancy Zucker at Duke University Medical Center along with colleagues at Western Psychiatric Institute in Pittsburgh. "We know very little about what picky eating looks like in adults and whether such eating habits cause any problems for either yourself or your family."
Krause says he knows all too well what picky eating can do to a person's social life. Now on this third marriage, Krause said that his first two ended partially because of his picky eating.
"I absolutely think picky eating is a type of eating disorder," said Krause.
If so, then those among us who are picky eaters because we do not overeat or refuse to stick some foods in our mouths, e.g., meat, alcohol, animal products, may be in line for the next federal gravy train.
After all, if you do not shove every kind of crap down your pie hole, you must be a "picky eater," i.e., you pick and choose what you eat.
Here is the link to the study website.
Have your friends fill out millions of these questionnaires.
Get in while the getting is good.
Adolescents With Type 2 Diabetes Have Diminished Cognitive Performance and Brain Abnormalities, Study Finds
Effect, not cause, per these researchers - caused by the parents.
Kudos, fatso nutritional child abusers.
A study by researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have found that obese adolescents with type 2 diabetes have diminished cognitive performance and subtle abnormalities in the brain as detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Identification of cognitive impairments as a complication of type 2 diabetes emphasizes the importance of addressing issues of inactivity and obesity, two important risk factors for the development of the disease among the young...Fat parents have fat kids.
"This is the first study that shows that children with type 2 diabetes have more cognitive dysfunction and brain abnormalities than equally obese children who did not yet have marked metabolic dysregulation from their obesity, " says Antonio Convit, MD, professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research. "The findings are significant because they indicate that insulin resistance from obesity is lowering children's cognitive performance, which may be affecting their ability to perform well in school."
Kudos, fatso nutritional child abusers.
B Vitamins Don't Cut Repeat Vascular Events
Say it ain't so.
Taking vitamin B supplements does not appear to reduce vascular risk in patients who have suffered a stroke or a transient ischemic attack, a randomized controlled trial showed.Time to stop wasting money at Whore Foods.
The clinical trial, conducted among more than 8,000 patients in 20 countries, found that the rate of stroke, myocardial infarction, or vascular death was not significantly different between those who received a B vitamin supplement as part of usual care and those given placebo (15% versus 17%; RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.00), according to Graeme Hankey, MD, of Royal Perth Hospital in Australia, and colleagues.
The trial results add to data from other trials of vitamin B supplementation that have failed to show a benefit for stroke, MI, or vascular death, the researchers reported online in The Lancet Neurology.
"These results do not support the use of B vitamins to prevent recurrent stroke," they wrote. "The results of ongoing trials and an individual patient data meta-analysis will add statistical power and precision to present estimates of the effect of B vitamins."
Saturday, August 14, 2010
'Give out statins with junk food'

A way to have some fatsos pay as they go, so the rest don't have to and kiddie doses, too.
Fast food outlets should consider handing out cholesterol-lowering drugs to combat the effects of fatty food, say UK researchers.Gotta admire the ingenuity.
Taking a statin pill every day would offset the harm caused by a daily cheeseburger and milkshake, the Imperial College London team said.
It would only cost 5p a customer - similar to a sachet of ketchup.
But the British Heart Foundation warned an unhealthy diet does more harm than just raising cholesterol.
Writing in the American Journal of Cardiology, Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues said it was about reducing harm in the same way that people who smoke are encouraged to use filters and those who drive are told to wear seatbelts.
They took data from trials of almost 43,000 people to calculate whether the statins could override the effects of eating a junk food diet.
A statin a day can neutralise the risk of cardiovascular disease linked to a daily intake of a 7-oz cheeseburger and a small milkshake, they calculated.
The researchers said there could be no substitute for leading a healthy lifestyle, including eating a good diet, but that a complimentary statin would be at least one positive choice among a sea of negative ones.
For those only eating junk food once a year, an annual one-off statin dose would have little effect, but for those who partake more regularly it would have a greater opportunity to neutralise that risk, they added.
Can only fly in the USA if we stop paying for fat person medications, which we should.
Newly Discovered Fat Cell May Pose Health Threat
They'll be eating in the streets
And the kids can't see their feet
And the morsels that they worship they'll eat some...
Meet the new fat cell.
Same as the old fat cell.
(apologies to The Who)
And the kids can't see their feet
And the morsels that they worship they'll eat some...
Meet the new fat cell.
Same as the old fat cell.
(apologies to The Who)
As if fat weren't troublesome enough, a research team at the University of Colorado School of Medicine has discovered a new type of fat cell with potentially harmful characteristics.The best way is not too overconsume Calories, idiots.
The body stores energy in fat -- either white or brown cells. But over time too much fat can cause health issues. Previously, the researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus had traced certain fat cells back to bone marrow. It appeared likely that a type of stem cell (the hematopoietic cell) was getting into the blood stream and settling somewhere else.
The latest research, which used laboratory mice but applies to humans, demonstrates that is the case. It shows that these stem cells travel through the blood stream into fat tissue and tend to accumulate in deep abdominal fat, primarily of females. This new type of fat may affect the body's ability to dispose of fats and sugars, and produces inflammatory problems. The results also help explain why fat in different parts of the body behaves differently. The research team now is detailing the health threats these fat cells cause and looking for ways to halt the formation and accumulation of harmful fat.
Fit heart can slow brain ageing, US researchers say
Why so many folks are effectively becoming senile morons at a younger age.
Keeping your heart fit and strong can slow down the ageing of your brain, US researchers say.Get fit.
A Boston University team found healthy people with sluggish hearts that pumped out less blood had "older" brains on scans than others.
Out of the 1,500 people studied, the team observed that the brain shrinks as it ages.
A poor cardiac output aged the brain by nearly two years on average, Circulation journal says.
The link was seen in younger people in their 30s who did not have heart disease, as well as elderly people who did.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Michelle Obama is down on beets, up on cleansing

She looks so cleansed.
Michelle Obama dishes on the first family's health and eating habits in a new magazine interview, admitting she can't stand beets and that she does an occasional dietary "cleanse" to clear her palate and change her mindset.Clearly, it did not clean her s**t for brains mindset.
Here is what her hubby has to say about his intentions regarding "science":
to "restor[e] scientific integrity to government decision making."…science advisers should be appointed based on their credentials, "not their politics or ideology," and that officials should "be open and honest with the American people about the science behind our decisions."Now you get that FLOTUS is the flatus-brain credited with being behind the recently passed Child Nutrition Bill.
Here is some White House science:
The cleanses, she said, "help me clean out my palate. Because when you start adding things like sugars into your diet, you start craving them. And the more you eat, the more you crave."Toxins?
A cleanse can involve a temporary change in diet promoted to rid the body of toxins and improve well-being.
Dozens of books and hundreds of web sites promote "detox" regimens. Spas invite dieters to spend thousands of dollars to starve themselves in exotic locations. But many dietitians and medical experts say these diets are pointless at best and dangerous at worst...Idiot.
They're based on "junk science" rather than a true understanding of how the body works. Worst of all, extreme diets like the Master Cleanse can cause serious side effects in vulnerable groups.
"These diets can give people a false sense of security, a feeling that they've been protective of their health," Dawn Jackson-Blatner, a dietitian at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital Wellness Institute and American Dietetic Association spokeswoman, tells WebMD. "Then, when the diet's over, they go back to their normal way of eating."
Toxins, Toxins Everywhere?
Detox proponents say the body is under constant assault from toxins such as smog, pesticides, artificial sweeteners, sugar, and alcohol. Without a periodic cleansing, these poisons accumulate in the body and cause headaches, fatigue, and a variety of chronic diseases.
But the science behind the detox theory is deeply flawed, says Peter Pressman, MD, an internal medicine specialist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The body already has multiple systems in place -- including the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract -- that do a perfectly good job of eliminating toxins from the body within hours of consumption.
"There's no evidence at all that any of these approaches augment the body's own mechanisms," Pressman tells WebMD.
Processed Meat Linked to Increased Risk for Bladder Cancer
Nitrates/nitrites are bad, again. And they were just so good for you.
Intake of processed meat and its components is linked to increased risk for bladder cancer, according to the results of the large, prospective National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study reported online August 2 in Cancer.Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
"Meat could be involved in bladder carcinogenesis via multiple potentially carcinogenic meat-related compounds related to cooking and processing, including nitrate, nitrite, heterocyclic amines (HCAs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)," write Leah M. Ferrucci, PhD, from the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland, and colleagues. "The authors comprehensively investigated the association between meat and meat components and bladder cancer."
Are Americans now more honest about their weight?
So what?
Are Americans becoming more honest about their weight?Hardly sounds like an action plan.
That theory could explain why the gap appears to be closing in what people say they weigh and what actual measurements report.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Access to kidney transplants 'varies widely across UK'
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
An organ donation manager has welcomed a study that reveals wide differences in kidney patients’ access to life-saving organs.Oops.
James Neuberger, associate medical director of organ donation and transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), said renal centres should “take note” of the study, which found large variations across the UK that could not be explained by health reasons.
Marks and Spencer launch plus-size school uniforms

Fat parents have fat kids.
Marks and Spencer has started to sell over-sized school uniforms for overweight children as young as four.Kudos, fatsos.
Its new Plus schoolwear range includes clothes for pre-school children with waistlines of up to 23ins, a size usually worn by eight-year-olds.
Campaigners said it was simply commercial recognition of the fact obesity was a growing problem among younger pupils.
Marks and Spencer said the trial range followed demand from parents.
Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Change Usually Requires Combinations of Cognitive Approaches
As long as they pay for it themselves...
That will be a better teacher than all the "counseling and extended follow-up" in the world.
A program of counseling with extended follow-up in conjunction with self-monitoring and goal-setting is the best approach to affecting sustainable lifestyle changes to reduce cardiovascular risk, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association.Otherwise, let them experience the consequences of their behavior full bore.
The new statement, published Circulation, was created by the AHA's Prevention Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing. It is based on analyses of 74 studies of US adults between January 1997 and May 2007, measuring effects of behavioral change on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, physical activity and fitness, and diet, including intake of fat, calories, salt, fiber, and fruits and vegetables.
That will be a better teacher than all the "counseling and extended follow-up" in the world.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
NHS failing to treat mini-stroke victims quickly enough, says report
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
People worried about stroke may wish to consider taking out health insurance following a damning report on the NHS.Oops.
A study has found that failure by the health organisation to quickly treat victims of mini-strokes - characterised by symptoms such as facial or arm weakness, speech problems or blurred vision - is costing an estimated 500 lives a year.
Weight Issues Move Up Need for Walkers, Canes, Other Devices

Kudos, fatsos.
Obese older adults are more likely to use walkers, canes and other mobility devices at a younger age, and may run the risk of using them incorrectly, according to new research from Purdue University.Here are some of the special devices you need.
"Baby Boomers are coming of age and obesity is an epidemic for this population as well," said Karis Pressler, a doctoral student in sociology and gerontology and the project's lead author. "This research shows that if obesity continues at this rate, we are going to see an increase in the use of assistive devices, which can be costly to individuals and the health-care system. Reliance on assistive devices can affect everyday life in multiple ways, from how you bathe, to how you dress, to how you move.
"If people don't want to be reliant on these devices in the future, they need to realize how obesity heightens one's risk of becoming disabled and affects how a person will compensate for that disability."
Other studies have evaluated the use of assistive devices, but this study is different because it follows more than 1,000 individuals, ages 65 and older, and tracks both their body weight and use of assistive devices for 10 years. The data is from a national survey about Medicare patients. The findings are published in the summer issue of The Gerontologist.
A third of adults older than 65 use at least one device, and lower body disability is what drives and predicts their use, Pressler said. The most popular devices are shower seats and tub stools, grab or handle bars for bathing, walkers, canes or a raised toilet seat.
Pay for them yourself.

Personal responsibility health agenda 'welcomed'
But will it be accepted by those who are personally responsible?
It cannot work the other way around.
The stress on personal responsibility for health is being welcomed by experts - but they warn people still need some help in improving their lifestyles.It is impossible for state intervention to work except for the reasonable intervention of having people pay for their irresponsibility, e.g., higher insurance costs borne by fat people receiving public benefits.
Ministers have been vocal about the need for people to take charge of changing their own behaviour instead of relying on state intervention.
It cannot work the other way around.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
UK health gap between rich and poor widest ever
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The gap between the health of the rich and the poor is greater now than at any time since records began, research has shown.Oops.
Government initiatives over the past few decades have done little or nothing to close the gap between the life expectancy of poor people compared with those who are wealthy.
ASMBS: Gastric Banding Gets Low Marks
More about the IMHO malpractice known as bariatric surgery.
Adjustable gastric banding achieves only modest weight loss, and even that benefit deteriorates over time in most patients, a Dutch surgeon said here.Oops.
Obesity Rise Linked to Disability Increase Among Elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean
Kudos, fatsos.
As a result of rising obesity rates in Latin America and the Caribbean, elderly people there are becoming more likely to suffer from disabilities, according to a paper recently published by University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers in the American Journal of Epidemiology.You are an international problem.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Jillian Michaels: Another Lawsuit Filed Against 'Biggest Loser' Diet Guru

Scammer Jillian, meet scammer Oprah.
"Biggest Loser" star and fitness guru Jillian Michaels is being sued for endorsing a diet cleanse supplement that contains allegedly dangerous ingredients.Put them in the same cell.
According to court documents, the unnamed plaintiff in the lawsuit is suing Michaels and Thin Care International, makers of "Triple Process Total Body Detox & Cleanse," for $10 million for "actively and fraudulently conspiring to hide the alleged dangers" of the product, TMZ reports.
Though the verdict is still out on whether or not this product is as dangerous as the court documents claim, experts agree that the product is no doubt ineffective at providing any of its purported benefits, such as reduced "belly bloat," increased energy, and reduced "body waste buildup."
AdipOprah is too big.
Separate cells, then.
As long as they get cells and their ill-gotten gains are re-possessed plus a penalty, all is good.
What prevents falls after strokes? Study: Not much
Two words - Anabolic Clinic.
Anabolic substances have been shown to improve rehab (including post-stroke) and increase strength, two factors that can prevent falls.
Anabolic substances have been shown to improve rehab (including post-stroke) and increase strength, two factors that can prevent falls.
While most stroke survivors will suffer falls, strategies to prevent these dangerous events continue to fall short, suggests a new study out of Australia.Read up on it. Then decide.
Up to three in four stroke survivors fall within six months of their stroke, and these falls can lead to serious injuries, including broken bones.
Low-carb edges low-fat for heart risk factors
BFD. What is the bottom line?
Because it is all about the weight. Lose it and get better.
Here's how to do it right, 'cause the conventional approaches fail spectacularly.
However, whether that HDL advantage actually translates into greater heart-health benefits is unclear.Yup.
For now, Foster said, the message is that either a low-fat or low-carb diet can work in the longer term. He also noted that people do not necessarily have to join a formal program to learn the behavioral changes that can help them succeed, as the same type of information is available online and in books.
Because it is all about the weight. Lose it and get better.
Here's how to do it right, 'cause the conventional approaches fail spectacularly.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
NHS Somerset to hold inquiry into killer care home boss
"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." Donald Berwick, MD, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
An NHS inquiry is to be held into how a former care home manager in Somerset was able to siphon off prescription drugs from the elderly people she nursed, the BBC can reveal.Oops.
Rachel Baker, 44, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in May for the manslaughter of 97-year-old Lucy Cox with a lethal dose of painkillers at the Parkfields Residential Care Home, in Butleigh, Somerset.
528-pound mom dies 5 months after birth

Victoria Lacatus, shown arriving by ambulance on Feb. 17, 2010 at a hospital in Bucharest to deliver her first baby, has died of a heart attack.
Wonder why.
A 25-year-old Romanian woman weighing 528 pounds who gave birth to a baby girl more than 5 months ago, has died.Same risks as all fat moms.
Relatives of Victoria Lacatus say she died of a heart attack Sunday after developing a high fever and breathing problems.
Doctors from Craiova hospital in southern Romania said Lacatus' heart stopped. Hospital manager Florin Petrescu said doctors tried to resuscitate Lacatus for 30 minutes, a task made difficult because of her extreme obesity...
Rasasingham said she would be at risk of clots, diabetes, post-birth bleeding and infection.
Why Fad Diets Work Well for Some, but Not Others
Wrong - all creatures in the known universe MUST lose weight when they consume fewer Calories than they burn. This is the Law of Thermodynamics and it holds true everywhere including with fat people.
Crazy - there are about 6,000,000,000 people on the planet. So far, it is believed that there are over 6,000 genes involved in weight control. Here you can calculate the number of ways just 6,000 things (not "over 6,000") can be combined. Here is the answer (I will post the number at the end of this blog entry. It is not unimpressive.):
This result does not take into account that there are at least two forms of each gene.
This more than doubles the result.
Recall that the smaller result was known as "infinity."
This does not include mutations, other variations, epigenetic considerations and yet to be discovered additional genes that are involved in weight control (and their mutations, other variations and epigenetic considerations).
Personalized weight loss? "...Diets...tailored to an individual's genes"? Piece of cake.
Clearly, these people are friggin' moonbats.
(As is this nut promising "personalized medicine.")
Just eat fewer Calories than you burn.
Here is the number for merely 6,000 gene combinations (less than half of the possibilities):
The resulting factorial of 6,000! is 20,066 digits long.
The result also contains 1,498 trailing zeroes (which constitutes to (sic) 7.47% of the whole number)
Ever notice some people seem to eat anything they want and never gain a pound, while others seem to gain weight just by looking at fattening foods? You may be seeing things correctly after all. According to research published in the July 2010 issue of Genetics, this may have a biological cause. Using fruit flies, researchers have found that genes interacting with diet, rather than diet alone, are the main cause of variation in metabolic traits, such as body weight. This helps explain why some diets work better for some people than others, and suggests that future diets should be tailored to an individual's genes rather than to physical appearance.Here is one reason why these researchers are wrong and one reason why they are crazy:
Wrong - all creatures in the known universe MUST lose weight when they consume fewer Calories than they burn. This is the Law of Thermodynamics and it holds true everywhere including with fat people.
Crazy - there are about 6,000,000,000 people on the planet. So far, it is believed that there are over 6,000 genes involved in weight control. Here you can calculate the number of ways just 6,000 things (not "over 6,000") can be combined. Here is the answer (I will post the number at the end of this blog entry. It is not unimpressive.):
The resulting factorial of 6,000! is 20,066 digits long.This calculator expresses the result more clearly: "infinity."
The result also contains 1,498 trailing zeroes (which constitutes to (sic) 7.47% of the whole number)
This result does not take into account that there are at least two forms of each gene.
This more than doubles the result.
Recall that the smaller result was known as "infinity."
This does not include mutations, other variations, epigenetic considerations and yet to be discovered additional genes that are involved in weight control (and their mutations, other variations and epigenetic considerations).
Personalized weight loss? "...Diets...tailored to an individual's genes"? Piece of cake.
Clearly, these people are friggin' moonbats.
(As is this nut promising "personalized medicine.")
Just eat fewer Calories than you burn.
Here is the number for merely 6,000 gene combinations (less than half of the possibilities):
The resulting factorial of 6,000! is 20,066 digits long.
The result also contains 1,498 trailing zeroes (which constitutes to (sic) 7.47% of the whole number)
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