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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Dietary Counseling For Weight Loss More Successful With Frequent Meetings And Greater Calorie Restrictions

Nope. Just more trash from the medical establishment.

The title of the article should have been "Dietary Counseling For Weight Loss With Frequent Meetings And Greater Calorie Restrictions Is UNSUCCESSFUL."

The results clearly prove how terrible dieting advice and programs are. It is the spin of the article's title that misleads.

This study:
"analyzed 46 trials that included 6,386 people who were participating in dietary counseling-based weight loss programs and 5,467 people not involved in formal weight loss programs."
Dieters who underwent the expensive and labor intensive counseling lost about 11 pounds in one year. Or a mere less than one pound per month.
"Approximately half the weight loss remained at three years, but almost none of the weight loss remained at five years."
Embarrassingly bad.

Yet the experts refuse to recognize it is their advice that prevents weight loss.

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