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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Expectant mums 'getting too fat'

Reflections of us seen in the Pond.

It is a virtual certainty that the most common form of child abuse is nutritional child abuse. Therefore, it is a virtual certainty that the number one abusers of children are their parents. These child abusers fatten their progeny for the kill.

Q: But how early does it begin?

"Obese mums-to-be are more likely miscarry, experience pre-eclampsia and dangerous blood clots or need a Caesarean section to deliver the baby, which is likely to be larger itself.

According to Confidential Enquiries into Maternal and Child Health, obesity is a feature of 35% of maternal deaths.

Babies of obese mothers also face a higher death risk."

A: Before birth.

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