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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Australia airline 'fat tax' urged


"A leading Australian nutritionist has urged airlines to charge obese passengers more for their seats.

Dr John Tickell believes a "fat tax" would highlight his country's obesity crisis and make commercial sense, as heavier loads increase fuel costs."

Now for the killers to enter with a way to make an Australian buck for themselves by keeping the fat fat.

"But health groups have warned that to single out people with weight problems could cause them emotional stress."

Poor, fat babies need health groups to charge them to protect them from losing weight and keep them fat.

"He said that Australian airlines should impose charges on their overweight clients, as they do for excess baggage, because heavier loads increase fuel costs."

He's right.

And these porkers are a safety hazard, too.

C'mon we all know that pigs were not meant to fly.

Charge 'em.

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