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Monday, November 12, 2007

Survey Report: Cancer Fear Won't Curb Obesity

You have to admire the commitment of fat people.

Commitment to abusing their children, killing themselves, killing their children and having us pay for their rescue, that is.
"Even fear of cancer won't make Americans take weight loss seriously, said 63% of respondents to a MedPage Today poll."
Stop supporting these people. Stand up for your self, your rights and the rest of the country.

A surprisingly astute comment:
"Said an oncology nurse, 'I think the problem here isn't that fear of cancer doesn't motivate, but rather people don't know how to manage their diets and control their weight. Until we give people useful tools to develop a weight-loss and maintenance plan, they will continue to struggle with obesity. All the counseling in the world won't accomplish that.'"
So while you are in the process of standing up for what is right and if you agree with me about the correct way to manage weight, refer the fat to where they can get "useful tools to develop a weight-loss and maintenance plan," learn "how to manage their diets and control their weight," and help their children, too.

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