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Friday, October 30, 2009

Be Overweight And Live Longer

"Contrary to what was previously assumed, overweight is not increasing the overall death rate in the German population. Matthias Lenz of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Natural Sciences of the University of Hamburg and his co-authors present these and other results in the current issue of Deutsches Artzeblatt International (Dtsch Artzebl Int 2009; 106[40]: 641 - 8)."
Death rate is a Rot Hering.
And to keep the calorically irresponsible alive we are paying for the sick care related to their increased incidence of diseases of choice, which include cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

In addition to the fact that this is not "contrary to what was previously assumed," which indicates how poorly these researchers investigated the prior literature, this study is another exercise in missing the point.

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