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First Lady Michelle Obama has announced a four-pronged assault on childhood obesity that focuses on increasing the number of "healthy schools," adding more physical activity to youngsters' lives, encouraging consumers to make smart food choices, and improving access to healthy foods, which she calls a major barrier to healthy eating.More of the school nutrition crap.
She invited a bipartisan group of lawmakers and leaders to the Old Family Dining Room of the White House Tuesday to ask for suggestions on dealing with the epidemic.
"One of the tougher challenges that we need to look at is improving the accessibility and affordability of foods because there are many food deserts in this nation, which makes it difficult for families trying to access good options," Obama told Senate leaders who oversee agriculture and health, as well as the Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services.
By that she referred to low income areas of many cities where there are no supermarkets, and the only food outlets are neighborhood convenience stores whose inventories are high on snacks but almost devoid of fresh fruit, vegetables, protein, and other healthy foodstuffs.
She said childhood obesity is a problem that is "eminently solvable," adding, "Anyone who has access to children in their lives is going to have to work together. And one of the things that's also very clear is that this problem won't be solved by any single federal solution. This is going to require national action."
Revising federal child nutrition programs, which include school lunch guidelines, will be part the initiative, Obama said, offering "an opportunity to impact more than 30 million kids."
Doomed from the start.
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