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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Review Calls for Reevaluation of the Fat-CVD Link

Shelf life city.
Emphasis on reducing dietary saturated fat may miss the target of preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the epidemic of obesity and associated metabolic disturbances, authors of a critical review of the issues concluded...

"There is little evidence from [clinical] trials or from epidemiologic studies that a reduction in saturated fat intake below about 9% of total energy intake is associated with a reduced CVD risk," they added.

In a meta-analysis published in the same issue of the journal, Siri-Tarino and colleagues concluded that the evidence does not support "the conventional wisdom that reduced dietary saturated fat intake is beneficial for cardiovascular health."
Now for how many decades have we heard about the horrors of saturated fats?

Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?

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