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Monday, April 11, 2011

A Smile Can Increase Children's Fruit & Veggie Consumption

Wanna bet?
A new study, published in the journal Obesity, suggests that parents smile while eating something that they want their children to eat. Researchers found that how much children wanted to eat a particular food was influenced by emotions displayed by people eating it in photos.

Photos of people happily eating a child's favorite food made them want it even more, while a photo of a person looking "disgusted" by that same food tended to make the children want it less. If a child disliked a certain food, seeing someone with a pleasant expression eating it made the child more open to trying that food.
There must be a lot of parents who scowl while eating, eh?

BTW, note that "Photos of people happily eating a child's favorite food made them want it even more," not that they ate more or enjoyed it more or kept eating more over the long haul.

The only mores here, are more bad research and the more-on authors of the study.

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