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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making The Move To Exercise For Overweight And Obese People

Confirmation of just how lousy exercise is for weight control.
How much exercise are overweight and obese people getting? More than many might think, according to research findings by nurses from Case Western Reserve University's Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing.

They reported their findings in the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners article, "Exercise and exercise intentions among obese and overweight individuals."

The investigators found that 29 percent had been exercising for six months, 39 percent regularly exercised and 25 percent contemplated exercising.

Only 12 percent had no desire or thoughts of getting active...

The level of obesity was higher than expected; many patients had a BMI at or above 31. A BMI score between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight and those at or above 30 are in the obesity range. Individuals were grouped in three classes of obesity, based on BMI scores from low (30-34.9), medium (35-39.9) and high (greater than 40).

Surprised by the level of exercise reported, Quinn Griffin said this study shows that just because someone is overweight does not mean they are not exercising or considering it.
To lose the weight, exercise is of almost no help, and even detrimental, for most people.

There are much better, as in really effective, ways to shed the pounds.

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