Here is the perfect doomed to fail trifecta:
1."If a child is obese when they hit adolescence, are they destined to be overweight for life? Is gastric bypass surgery for obese adolescents a reasonable option? How can parents work with schools and the community to stem the rising tide of adolescent obesity? Will the almost 25 million American kids and teenagers who are obese make up the first generation to live sicker and die younger than their parents? These questions and others will be addressed at The Society for Adolescent Medicine's (SAM) annual scientific meeting being held in Greensboro, North Carolina, March 26-29, 2008."Overweight/obesity are not medical conditions. Medicalizing these issues has led to this, this, this and this.
2. "The keynote speaker for the conference is Kelly Brownell, PhD, MPH, Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale University and the Director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. Dr. Brownell is an internationally known expert on weight control. He has written 13 books and more than 200 research papers and book chapters, and holds appointments on 10 editorial boards. Dr. Brownell will discuss opportunities for addressing obesity clinically, as well as ways for health professionals to become active in changing the broader landscape by arguing for changes in schools, communities and the nation."Kelly is a fat fellow who cannot control his own weight. Here are pictures of him.

3. "Dr. Lavizzo-Mourey plans to address SAM members on what they can do to help create environments for children and adolescents that focus on improving access to affordable healthy foods and provide opportunities for safe physical activity in schools and communities."
There are no "healthy" foods, only healthy eating, and exercise is a terribly inefficient way to lose weight.
More crap from the sick care industry.
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