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Monday, August 20, 2007

Improve Healthy Eating By Involving Kids In Grocery Shopping

Blind leading the blind alert!
"'It is important for kids to start eating healthy early in life for many reasons said Kristen Bardon, R.D.., L.D., senior clinical dietician in the Department of Clinical Nutrition at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. 'One reason is to help prevent the long-term consequences of a poor diet such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer.' (typo in original)

Allowing your child to become involved in the grocery shopping process is a creative and fun way to help them learn more about consuming a healthy diet and keeps them entertained."
So let's make sure we have this straight.

Parents are mostly overweight or obese fat adults who do the grocery shopping.

They are to set the example to their children on how to grocery shop.

By following the grocery shopping example set by parents, kids won't grow up to be overweight or obese fat adults.

Even though their parents did.

Got it.

More expert advice. More crap.

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