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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Virus May Be Contributing Factor In Obesity Epidemic

More hog (white) wash.
"Scientists have reported new evidence that infection with a common virus may be a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic sweeping through the United States and other countries. In laboratory experiments they showed that infection with human adenovirus-36 (Ad-36), long recognized as a cause of respiratory and eye infections in humans, transforms adult stem cells obtained from fat tissue into fat cells. Stem cells not exposed to the virus, in contrast, were unchanged."
Here is their problem.

Even if it was true, you still have to fill the fat cells fat.

The only way to do that is, guess what?, to consume more Calories than you burn.

In other words, more Calories in than out.

In other words, overeat.

"Pasarica and her associates are now in the process of trying to identify the factors that predispose some people with the virus to develop obesity while others do not, but results of this investigation are not yet available, they say."
There is one factor and one factor only.

Overeating, i.e., more Calories in than out.

Open your eyes morons.

And who is paying for this nonsense?

We are.
" Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)..."
This is the same NIH that is too stupid to realize that there is no way that a 500-1000 daily Calorie deficit can ever lead to a 1-2 pound weekly weight loss.

What do you expect?

1 comment:

Alan aka Avrum ben Avrum said...

Dear Dr. Applebaum,

I am reading your column with great interest as I am an avid bicyclist and weight lifter/cruncher. In a time frame recently of about 5-6 weeks I dropped twenty five pounds thru heavy biking, reduction of calories, eating fish, veggies, drinking lots of water and oh, one martini at night!:) seriously i notice that after several days like this i lose my appetite, i just do not feel hungry and therefore find it all the easier to keep on track.

Alan D. Busch