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Saturday, April 14, 2012

April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days

With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.

Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.

Today’s Tip – get involved at school.

Recall that teachers and principals are mandatory reporters and that the overwhelming majority of mandatory reporters (discussed April 07 and 08) do not fulfill their obligations under the law and fail to report nutritional child abuse.

Attend a meeting of your PTA or Local School Council or whatever the equivalent organization is in your community.

Take the opportunity to ask these lawbreakers, the teachers and principal, why they are not fulfilling their mandated legal responsibilities.

If you are not satisfied with their response, call your local child welfare services, and report them. Get the name of the person with whom you spoke.

It is not wrong to report a violation of the law. Especially when the lives of children are at stake.

To see who the mandatory reporters are in your state, click here.

Source: here.

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