Children who have a high body mass index (BMI) between 9 and 12 years of age are more likely to have high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood insulin levels (all risk factors for developing heart disease) by the time they reach adolescence, according to a study published online in the British Medical Journal.What is not so "reassuring" is that the fat kids do not lose the weight.
Reassuringly, say the authors, children with a high BMI who shed the weight by the time they reach adolescence have better heart disease risk profiles than those who remain overweight.
An Oprah threat to your health and the health of your children? Have you been misled?
Find out at or
See FTC complaints about Oprah and her diet experts at
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
High BMI in Childhood Linked to Greater Heart Disease Risk in Adolescence
More nutritional child abuse.
Researchers Seek A Mysterious Culprit In The Obesity Epidemic
Well, here is a waste of time, resources and effort.
Better to figure out why people, including this researcher, are getting stupider.
By the way, it is no more complex than more Calories in than out.
As to the "Why do we eat too much and expend too little energy?" try the lazy, fat slobs answer.
You will find it to be correct more often than not.
So, why are we fat? And getting fatter? Most people would say it's simple: We eat too much and exercise too little. But University of Alabama at Birmingham obesity researcher David B. Allison, Ph.D., says that answer, while valid, may be a little too simple. Allison and colleagues think the more relevant question is this: Why do we eat too much and expend too little energy? And like good detectives, they've set out to identify a suspect, or suspects, that may be contributing to the obesity epidemic. The game, as they say, is afoot.The only thing simple here is the researcher.
Better to figure out why people, including this researcher, are getting stupider.
By the way, it is no more complex than more Calories in than out.
As to the "Why do we eat too much and expend too little energy?" try the lazy, fat slobs answer.
You will find it to be correct more often than not.
Monday, November 29, 2010
US soldiers using steroids to increase brawn for battle
Good for them.
The best way to prevent the illegal use of these very helpful substances is to legalize them.
In fact, among the meds cited in one version of this article is one that used to be legal for human use until Joe Biden and other similarly impaired individuals got into the situation.
Others are absolutely legal when obtained by prescription.
It is a common fallacy that anabolic steroids are illegal.
Some are. Some are not.
As to the risks, they are significantly overblown.
And as with so many things where government has an agenda, not knowledge, and the bully pulpit, the propaganda you hear and see is untrue.
Just weeks before his battalion of 700 soldiers departed for Afghanistan last year, Lieutenant-Colonel Burton Shields had a disconcerting visit from an army investigator.Why?
The agent said several soldiers under Colonel Shields' command at Joint Base Lewis-McChord had admitted to illegal use of steroids. One of the suspected users was a battalion captain.
Anabolic steroids can increase muscle mass and strength but they are typically taken at much higher levels than those prescribed by doctors.However, even doses that are prescription can add mass and strength - and prevent illness and reverse the damage many illnesses cause.
The best way to prevent the illegal use of these very helpful substances is to legalize them.
In fact, among the meds cited in one version of this article is one that used to be legal for human use until Joe Biden and other similarly impaired individuals got into the situation.
Others are absolutely legal when obtained by prescription.
It is a common fallacy that anabolic steroids are illegal.
Some are. Some are not.
As to the risks, they are significantly overblown.
And as with so many things where government has an agenda, not knowledge, and the bully pulpit, the propaganda you hear and see is untrue.
More Protein, Less Refined Starch Important for Dieting, Large Study Shows
Really, this has to be it. Really.
Then you realize these Danes are full of s**t.
Just like almost all of the diet experts.
Researchers at the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE), University of Copenhagen, can now unveil the results of the world's largest diet study: If you want to lose weight, you should maintain a diet that is high in proteins with more lean meat, low-fat dairy products and beans and fewer finely refined starch calories such as white bread and white rice. With this diet, most people can also eat until they are full without counting calories and without gaining weight.Until you see this (below, too).
Then you realize these Danes are full of s**t.
Just like almost all of the diet experts.
Proof of what every Fitness Watch reader should know by now and what every overweight/obese person should be told.
It is all about Calories in vs. Calories out. Nothing else.Twinkies. Nutty bars. Powdered donuts.Yep.
For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.
His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food.
The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months.
For a class project, Haub limited himself to less than 1,800 calories a day. A man of Haub's pre-dieting size usually consumes about 2,600 calories daily.So he followed a basic principle of weight loss: He consumed significantly fewer calories than he burned.
His body mass index went from 28.8, considered overweight, to 24.9, which is normal. He now weighs 174 pounds.
But you might expect other indicators of health would have suffered. Not so.
Haub's "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20 percent and his "good" cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20 percent. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent.
So much for AdipOprah and her experts.
So much for the s**t for brains idiotte Michellesie "The Cow" Obama and her stupid ideas.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
EMTs get tool to assist obese
Look. It's an Oinkmobile! Or is it a Flabulance? Whatever.

For more fatso devices, go here.
“Super-sized” has become a common phrase recently, especially in relation to food.As long as the fat pay for it and it does not come out of the other's pockets, go for it.
Now, in an effort to cater to the obese population, everything from hospital beds to coffins are being made extra large.
“It is a growing trend,” said Haley Brown, spokeswoman for the Tuscaloosa-based NorthStar Emergency Medical Services. “It’s something that’s happening all across the nation, really.”
NorthStar EMS launched West Alabama’s first bariatric ambulance to transport obese patients this month. Bariatric is a medical term that refers to the treatment of an overweight person.
The ambulance, which primarily serves the Tuscaloosa area, has an extra-large stretcher and a winch to help lift large patients into the vehicle. The winch can sustain a weight range of 800 to 1,600 pounds,
For more fatso devices, go here.
$400,000 to be invested in region to fight childhood obesity
Hold nutritional child abusing parents and the law-breaking mandatory reporters who enable the child abuse accountable .
You're welcome.
You can send the check to my office.
UWWC is seeking partners who can increase knowledge and change behaviors in the areas of nutrition and physical exercise in order to reduce the obesity rates of children in our region. Successful grant proposals will support UWWC’s Childhood Obesity community outcomes.Here is a proposal that will be successful:
Hold nutritional child abusing parents and the law-breaking mandatory reporters who enable the child abuse accountable .
You're welcome.
You can send the check to my office.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Half of Americans facing diabetes by 2020: report
Kudos, fatsos.
More than half of Americans will have diabetes or be prediabetic by 2020 at a cost to the U.S. health care system of $3.35 trillion if current trends go on unabated, according to analysis of a new report released on Tuesday by health insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc.And if they all just had to pay for the consequences of their caloric irresponsibility, diabetes rates would plummet.
Diabetes and prediabetes will account for an estimated 10 percent of total health care spending by the end of the decade at an annual cost of almost $500 billion -- up from an estimated $194 billion this year, according to the report titled "The United States of Diabetes: Challenges and Opportunities in the Decade Ahead."
The average annual health care costs in 2009 for a person with known diabetes were about $11,700 compared with about $4,400 for the non-diabetic public, according to new data in the report drawn from 10 million UnitedHealthcare members.
The average annual cost nearly doubles to $20,700 for a person with complications related to diabetes, the report said. Complications related to diabetes can include heart and kidney disease, nerve damage, blindness and circulatory problems that can lead to wounds that will not heal and limb amputations.
Diabetes, which is reaching epidemic proportions and is one of the fastest-growing diseases in the United States, currently affects about 26 million Americans.
Another 67 million Americans are estimated to have prediabetes, which may not have any obvious symptoms. More than 60 million Americans are unaware that they have the condition, according to UnitedHealth.
One way or another.
Misleading Size Labels Lead To Overeating
It's not only labels. They are fooled by AdipOprah and her experts.

People are easily fooled when it comes to food labels, and will eat more of something if they believe it's a "small" portion, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.And they're fooled by the idiotte Michellesie "The Cow" Obama, too.

Friday, November 26, 2010
Nearly 25 Percent of Overweight Women Misperceive Body Weight
Been fat so long it looks slim to them.

A startling number of overweight and normal weight women of reproductive age inaccurately perceive their body weight, affecting their weight-related behaviors and making many vulnerable to cardiovascular and other obesity-related diseases, according to new research from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston.View these, fatsettes:
In the December issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the researchers report that nearly 25 percent of overweight and 16 percent of normal weight reproductive-age women misperceive their body weight. This is the first study to examine reproductive-age women's weight-related behaviors associated with self-perception of weight.
Overweight and obese Hispanic and African American women are significantly more likely than white women to misjudge their weight, categorizing themselves as normal. The researchers also found that overweight women who perceive themselves as normal weight were significantly less likely to report weight-related behaviors, such as dieting.
"What we found reflects the 'fattening' of America," says corresponding author Dr. Mahbubur Rahman, assistant professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women's Health. "As obesity numbers climb, many women identify overweight as normal, not based on the scale but on how they view themselves."

Low Sodium May Be Responsible For Fractures And Falls In Elderly
Eat more salt!
No, wait!
Eat less salt!
No, wait!
Eat more salt!
No, wait!
No, wait!
Eat less salt!
No, wait!
Eat more salt!
No, wait!
Eat less salt!
Older adults with even mildly decreased levels of sodium in the blood (hyponatremia) experience increased rates of fractures and falls, according to a study presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition. Falls are a serious health problem for the elderly and account for about 50 percent of deaths due to injury in the elderly.Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Smokers Need Not Apply: Is Hiring Ban Trend of the Future?
Now just apply it to the fat to make a change for the much better.
Be the trendsetters.
For about two decades, smokers have been pushed steadily out of the workplace, as lawmakers and employers have sought to minimize exposure to second-hand smoke.Congrats, MHA.
Employers have confined smokers to designated areas, moved smoking areas outside buildings, and limited smoking breaks. Now, some companies are opting to push smokers out of the workplace altogether.
That's the case with the Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA), an employer of 45 that announced earlier this month it would no longer hire people who smoke. The firm is the first private employer in Massachusetts to take such a step, though several others elsewhere -- such as the Cleveland Clinic, a medical center based in Ohio; Alaska Airlines; and Union Pacific Railroad -- have also stopped hiring smokers.
Supporters of the hire-no-smokers policy say it will provide smoke-free work environments and help employers control their health-care costs. But critics argue it's a form of discrimination that, moreover, intrudes into the private lifestyle choices of prospective employees.
The decision to stop hiring smokers as of Jan. 1 fits with MHA's mission as a health advocacy organization, says chief executive Lynn Nicholas.
"The MHA ... is a spokesperson for hospitals across the commonwealth, and tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S. We want to drive the cost of health care down so that is more affordable," she says.
MHA's employees will be expected to report smoking through an honor system, and cessation programs will be offered to existing employees who smoke, says Nicholas, who lost her father and several other relatives to smoking or secondhand smoke.
"Smoking is a personal choice, and as an employer I have a personal choice within the law about who we hire and who we don't," says Nicholas.
Excluding smokers from the hiring pool is something John Banzhaf, for one, would like to see more companies do.
"Smoking is the biggest factor in controllable health-care costs," says Mr. Banzhaf, executive director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), an antismoking group in Washington, and a law professor at George Washington University. Banning the hiring of smokers "appears to be spreading rapidly through the entire private sector -- not just health-related industries -- especially as health-care costs continue to soar."
The average smoker costs companies more than $12,000 a year in health- and disability-related costs and takes four 15-minute breaks a day, reports ASH.
Be the trendsetters.
Excess Fructose May Play Role in Diabetes, Obesity and Other Health Conditions

Blame the bees and those darn fruits.
More and more people have become aware of the dangers of excessive fructose in diet. A new review on fructose in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) indicates just how dangerous this simple sugar may be...One thing it cannot be - too many Calories, no matter the source.
Dietary fructose is present primarily in added dietary sugars, honey, and fruit.
That can absolutely not be it.
No way. No how.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Surgeon General: Childhood obesity endangers future work force

The potbelly is calling the kettle black.
Childhood obesity is more than a public health issue, says U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin. It’s endangering the country’s future work force.So why does this Sow-rgeon General have her job?
Benjamin was in Nashville today drawing attention to the problem of childhood obesity. Of Tennessee kids ages 10 to 17, 36.5 percent are overweight or obese, and Tennessee ranks 48th in the general health of its children.
“If kids are having high blood pressure or heart disease when they’re 19 or 20 years old, you’re not going to have a work force out there,” Benjamin said. “All the studies that show kids perform better when they exercise ... That’s the work force you want.”
Clearly obesity did not endanger her undeserved place in the work force.
Because the moron-in-chief is learning disabled.
Preventing Obesity in Cats, Dogs

No shortage of s**t for brains in the veterinary world, apparently.
Almost half of all dogs and more than half of all indoor cats are overweight or obese, according to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention.It is not "what."
Half of people with overweight pets incorrectly believe their pets are at their optimum weight.
Dr. Marty Becker, author of "Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul," explains on FOX 26 Morning News Extra that pets rely on their owners to provide them with nutrition and exercise.
What pet owners put in their pet's bowl is the single most important factor that determines their health and longevity.
It is how many Calories.
Because no matter what species you are, it is all about Calories in vs. Calories out.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Soldiers sent home for steroid use
That's one way to get out of combat.
There can be no question that anabolic steroids have more to do with improving strength fitness, than "muscle tone."
When a fool like this person has a say, James is "the executive director of the Australia Defence Association," soldiers are likely to suffer.
Three soldiers have been sent home from Afghanistan after being caught using anabolic steroids. Earlier this year, four elite special forces soldiers were also found to be using steroids.However, there is a very worrying aspect to this article if you happen to serve in the Aussie military.
Commentators argue taking steroids does not provide a physical edge in combat, and Mr James says, if anything, the cases have uncovered a vain streak among Defence personnel.This James person is a moron.
"What you need in combat is physical fitness and endurance fitness and steroids have more to do with muscle tone," he said.
There can be no question that anabolic steroids have more to do with improving strength fitness, than "muscle tone."
When a fool like this person has a say, James is "the executive director of the Australia Defence Association," soldiers are likely to suffer.
$3M for childhood obesity research
Canadians are stupid, too. Eh?
Will not work.
See here.
Canadian researchers got new cash Monday to look at health problems including obesity.You betcha.
Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced $3 million in funding for nine research projects ranging from how to get teens exercising to how fat accumulates in newborn Indo-Canadians.
“By enrolling your children in kinder-gym and other similar activities, you are putting them on the right track to leading healthy, active lives,” Aglukkaq said.
Will not work.
See here.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Employees' Perks For Healthy Behavior Will Increase Next Year
One silly, one good, idea.
Silly, will never work:
Silly, will never work:
Employers plan to further reward workers for healthy behavior -- such as quitting smoking or losing weight -- with lower insurance premiums or cash prizes, the Los Angeles Times reports. "In a September survey of 466 large to midsize employers by the professional services company Towers Watson, 65% of respondents said that for 2011 they'll increase incentives to take part in these programs.Good idea:
And 62% said that by 2012, instead of offering employees incentives to participate in wellness programs like in years past, they'll only pay up after they see demonstrated action and results"Once they have to pay, the problem will begin to go away.
"Doctor in the Pocket" Aims to Increase Exercise in Overweight Youth
Wanna bet on the outcome?


An innovative mobile technology program called KNOWME Networks that shows promise in combating childhood obesity is being tested by Donna Spruijt-Metz, MFA, PhD, from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles.
"Pediatric obesity is a huge problem in this country and worldwide," said Dr. Spruijt-Metz. "We've been remarkably unsuccessful at combating it. . . . To change this behavior, we have to be revolutionary," she told a packed session on health monitoring and health outcomes at the 2010 mHealth Summit. The problem, according to one graph shown by Dr. Spruijt-Metz, is that kids essentially sit down at age 11 and don't get up again.
Her revolution involves technology, specifically mobile technology, and includes a set of wearable wireless sensors that measure physical activity, stress, location in time and space, body fat, and a number of other factors. Dr. Spruijt-Metz developed this tool in conjunction with collaborators — Shrikanth Narayanan, PhD; Murali Annavaram, PhD; Urbashi Mitra, PhD; and Gaurav Sukhatme, PhD — from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Data are transmitted in real time to a secure server for storage and analyses. The focus of the technology — called KNOWME because it really knows the child — for these first studies is to develop a Mobile Body Area network that monitors obesity indicators in minority youth.

"We don't see this technology as replacing the physician or health educator, but possibly as strengthening it," said Wendy Nilsen, PhD, moderator of the session and a health scientist administrator in the National Institutes of Health's Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, Bethesda, Maryland, in an interview with Medscape Medical News. "If you see that you have a 'doctor in your pocket,' you may feel more connected." And that connection might lead to behavioral change.I'll take the "it won't work" side of the bet.

Sunday, November 21, 2010
FUSD sends obesity letters
Big deal.
She is mandated to report these fat kids to the authorities.
The overwhelming majority of people with elevated BMIs are fat, not muscular.
And the BMI offers a road map to caloric intake for weight reduction.
This nurse is idiot number two in this article.
A couple thousand Flagstaff parents will soon receive letters from the school district stating their elementary-school children are overweight or at risk of becoming so.This is an IMHO lawbreaker talking.
This is arguably the most serious step Flagstaff Unified School District has ever taken to counter obesity beyond the schoolhouse. It's happening because Flagstaff's medical community is warning of life-shortening consequences for part of a generation if nothing changes.
Although Coconino County's adults have the lowest rate of obesity in the state and the prevalence of adult obesity here is among the lowest in the country (17 percent as of 2007), the same does not seem to hold true for the community's children.
That's according to physicians and nurses here, who are reporting obesity-related diabetes in children as young as age 4.
"These are serious, serious problems going on inside of these children now, and we have to do drastic things to make them better," pediatrician Nina Souders told FUSD's board Tuesday.
She is mandated to report these fat kids to the authorities.
In her practice at North Country HealthCare, Souders treats patients in their mid-20s who are on multiple medications for blood pressure and diabetes due to weight.This IMHO lawbreaker has no idea what is happening except to bitch and moan.
Some of these patients' children are on track to be worse off, she said, gaining weight younger and more irreversibly.
Income and time are partly to blame, Souders said, with family members working multiple jobs, going for inexpensive, nutrient-poor food that is quick to prepare, and taking whatever they can get from food assistance agencies.
But there are some specific shortcomings: Body mass index measurements might say a muscular athlete or a tall African-American student is obese when one is not, or that an Asian student is of a healthy weight in some cases when the student weighs more than is healthy.BMI is clearly the best indicator of overweight/obesity.
"It's not an exact science," said Marilyn Grudniewski, the district's top nurse.
The overwhelming majority of people with elevated BMIs are fat, not muscular.
And the BMI offers a road map to caloric intake for weight reduction.
This nurse is idiot number two in this article.
Vitamin D May Not Benefit Knee Osteoarthritis Sufferers
Impossible! Something the cure du jour does not improve?
Adding vitamin D as a supplement does not appear to lessen the symptoms, or slow the progression, of knee osteoarthritis, according to research presented this week at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in Atlanta.The researchers must have made a grave error.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Overweight children eat healthier food
So much for "healthy foods."
A new study has found that obese children eat more healthy foods such as fruit, vegetable and fish along with low energy cheese and yoghurt in comparison to normal weight children.Calories in vs. Calories out.
The research has been conducted by Telemark University College and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
The study claimed that overweight children drank juice and artificially sweetened soft drinks more often, while the normal weight children drank carbonated drinks and ate unhealthy foods and processed foods.
The results suggest that both parents and children have increased awareness of food choices when children are overweight.
Overweight children are also less physically active and more likely to have obese parents than normal weight children.
Ingestion Of Dangerous Chemicals In Food Wrappers Potential Risk To Humans
No bias here.
Yeah, I'd trust them.
University of Toronto scientists have found that chemicals used to line junk food wrappers and microwave popcorn bags are migrating into food and being ingested by people where they are contributing to chemical contamination observed in blood.Funny how "healthy" foods are not wrapped in this stuff.
Yeah, I'd trust them.
Friday, November 19, 2010
High-Nitrate Diet May Be Good for the Aging Brain
They're good, again - nitrates, nitrites, that is.
And to think, just a short while ago they were bad, no good, no bad...(e.g., good, bad, good, bad).
They do not.
But you can eat healthily.
How to do that is known.
And to think, just a short while ago they were bad, no good, no bad...(e.g., good, bad, good, bad).
In older adults, a high-nitrate diet may help improve regional cerebral blood flow in key areas of the brain involved in executive function, according to results of a small study from scientists at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.Still think they have any idea what a "healthy" food is?
In the study, those who consumed a diet high in nitrate-containing foods and beverages showed increased plasma nitrite levels and regional cerebral blood flow on perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
"Nitrate is converted by bacteria in the mouth into nitrite, and it's been shown that nitrite can vasodilate in the human circulation, especially under hypoxic conditions, which makes it attractive," Daniel Kim-Shapiro, PhD, professor of physics and director of the Translational Science Center at Wake Forest and a senior investigator on the study, noted in an interview with Medscape Medical News.
The study was published online November 5 in Nitric Oxide.
They do not.
But you can eat healthily.
How to do that is known.
WCIR: Childhood Obesity May Cause Early Heart Disease
More nutritional child abuse.
Kudos, fatsos.
The growing epidemic of childhood obesity could result in heart attacks and other cardiovascular events when those children hit their 30s and 40s, NHANES data suggested.Fat parents have fat kids.
There were 17.5% of children ages 6 to 11 who were considered overweight in the period from 2001 to 2004, up from just 4% from 1971 to 1974, according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) presented here at the World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.
NHANES data also showed that for the 12 to 19 year age group, 17% were overweight in 2001 to 2004 compared with 6.1% in the earlier period, said Stephen R. Daniels, MD, PhD, of the University of Colorado School of Medicine and The Children's Hospital, both in Denver.
"There has been a dramatic increase in childhood obesity," Daniels remarked during his review of data linking childhood overweight and obesity with insulin resistance-mediated heart and blood vessel disease later in life. "There is both circumstantial and direct evidence of a link between obesity in youth and cardiovascular disease."
Kudos, fatsos.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
American Council On Exercise (ACE) Announces Nationwide Effort To Eliminate Obesity In America
This'll work.
More marketing BS from a useless group of nearly useless and mostly counter-productive "professionals."
Learn how to be your own personal trainer. You will be way ahead of the game.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE), America's leading authority on fitness and the largest nonprofit fitness certification, education and training organization in the world, announced the launch of a national campaign that will focus on eliminating obesity in America. As an extension of the organization's vision to motivate consumers about the critical need to regularly engage in physical activity and inspire them to make healthy living an integral part of their lives, this movement will leverage ACE's expansive network of nearly 50,000 certified professionals throughout the U.S. and thousands of additional fitness professionals around the country to educate, engage and empower Americans to live better and live longer.And what has this "expansive network of nearly 50,000 certified professionals throughout the U.S." been doing heretofore?
More marketing BS from a useless group of nearly useless and mostly counter-productive "professionals."
Learn how to be your own personal trainer. You will be way ahead of the game.
Researchers Unlock a Secret of Bacteria's Immune System
Another reason not to buy supplements.
Even a moron human no smarter than a bacterium, i.e., one who buys immune system supplements.
A team of Université Laval and Danisco researchers has unlocked a secret of bacteria's immune system. The details of the discovery, which may eventually make it possible to prevent certain bacteria from developing resistance to antibiotics, are presented in the Nov. 4 issue of the journal Nature.Look, if they are just now "unlock[ing] a secret of bacteria's immune system," you can bet they have a long way to go to understanding the immune system of a human.
Even a moron human no smarter than a bacterium, i.e., one who buys immune system supplements.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Weight Training Has Unique Heart Benefits, Study Suggests
Learn how to train.
Resistance exercise (such as lifting weights) produces a different pattern of blood vessel responses than aerobic exercise, suggesting that it may have specific and important benefits for cardiovascular health,...Then train.
The researchers compared vascular (blood vessel) responses to two different types of moderate-intensity exercise: a set of eight resistance exercises, three sets of ten repetitions; and 30 minutes of aerobic cycling. Responses measured included blood vessel widening in response to increased blood flow (flow-mediated dilation) and arterial stiffness (versus distensibility). Greater flow-mediated dilation and lower arterial stiffness are key contributors to cardiovascular health.
Vascular responses to the two types of exercise were significantly different. Resistance exercise produced greater increases in blood flow to the limbs-even though it also caused small increases in central arterial stiffness. In contrast, aerobic exercise produced an increase in aterial distensibility-that is decreased arterial stiffness-but without an increase in blood flow.
Resistance exercise also led to a longer-lasting drop in blood pressure after exercise, compared to aerobic exercise. Dr. Collier and colleagues speculate that resistance may produce "compensatory peripheral vascular effects," which offset the increase in arterial stiffness while keeping blood pressure fairly constant.
Arterial stiffness of central vessels (like the carotid arteries and aorta) has emerged as an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Aerobic exercise is widely recommended to reduce cardiovascular risk. Less is known about the cardiovascular health effects of resistance exercise.
The results support previous studies reporting that resistance and aerobic exercise have opposite effects on arterial stiffness, while showing that resistance exercise has unique effects on blood pressure and limb blood flow.
Buying Groceries With Credit Cards Fuels Unhealthy Food Purchases
Another toxic effect of plastic, apparently.
Using a credit card to pay for groceries makes a person more likely to buy unhealthy food, according to a Binghamton University faculty member's research paper that will appear in the June 2011 issue of Journal of Consumer Research.It "makes" them, it just "makes" them.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
New law is first step in fighting obesity
Not even close.
Dealing with innumerates makes number information useless and frustrating.
There is a better way to deal with the fast food issue.
Here it is.
NSW Premier Kristina Keneally says forcing fast food restaurants in NSW to display kilojoule counts on their menus was just the first step in a national campaign against obesity.An idiot's undertaking.
At a press conference in Sydney's south on Sunday, Ms Keneally introduced an "Australian first" at a McDonald's restaurant.
And she agreed with the Green Party that salt and saturated fat content should also be displayed.
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"Certainly, from the Heart Foundation and other organisations there is a concern that we do need to provide consumers with a full range of information. Salt and fat is part of that," Ms Keneally said.
"What we have said here is that displaying kilojoules is a first step. This scheme will come into place in February," she said.
Dealing with innumerates makes number information useless and frustrating.
There is a better way to deal with the fast food issue.
Here it is.
Drug Suits Raise Questions for Doctors, and Juries
Two words - Anabolic Clinic (sm).
Anabolic steroids reverse bone loss and build bone.
They were used years ago for osteoporosis - in women.
There has never been a toxic overdose with anabolic steroids.
Learn more about anabolic steroids.
Learn more about osteoporosis and why current treatments are severely lacking.
It is your body. It is your life. You should care.
In a civil trial now under way in Manhattan, Mrs. Graves is suing Merck, the maker of Fosamax. Her lawyer, Timothy M. O’Brien, told the jury that Fosamax had caused such debilitating jawbone deterioration that Mrs. Graves required five major operations, including a lengthy surgery to replace her broken jaw with bone from her left arm...None of these drugs build bone which would reverse the problem of osteoporosis.
The lawsuit is one of a handful of bellwether cases against Merck representing litigation involving about 1,400 people across the country who say they developed jawbone ailments after taking Fosamax, Mr. O’Brien said...
An advisory issued last month by the Food and Drug Administration, which first approved Fosamax in the 1990s to treat and prevent osteoporosis, along with reports in medical journals linking bisphosphonates with some rare medical problems including unusual thigh fractures, has heightened scrutiny of the long-term use of these medications.
While the F.D.A. cautioned that it was not clear that oral bisphosphonates had caused the rare thigh breaks, it said these kinds of bone fractures might be related to lengthy treatments with the drugs. The agency will now require the labels on Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Reclast and Atelvia and generic alternatives to state that the optimal period for using the drugs is unknown.
Anabolic steroids reverse bone loss and build bone.
They were used years ago for osteoporosis - in women.
There has never been a toxic overdose with anabolic steroids.
Learn more about anabolic steroids.
Learn more about osteoporosis and why current treatments are severely lacking.
It is your body. It is your life. You should care.
Monday, November 15, 2010
While Warning About Fat, U.S. Pushes Cheese Sales
As I have said, the government and politicians have no incentive to keep the citizens of the USA healthy. This is just more evidence.
Take charge yourself.
Domino’s Pizza was hurting early last year. Domestic sales had fallen, and a survey of big pizza chain customers left the company tied for the worst tasting pies.Do not listen to the experts, they do not give squat about you and those about whom you care, IMHO.
Then help arrived from an organization called Dairy Management. It teamed up with Domino’s to develop a new line of pizzas with 40 percent more cheese, and proceeded to devise and pay for a $12 million marketing campaign.
Consumers devoured the cheesier pizza, and sales soared by double digits. “This partnership is clearly working,” Brandon Solano, the Domino’s vice president for brand innovation, said in a statement to The New York Times.
But as healthy as this pizza has been for Domino’s, one slice contains as much as two-thirds of a day’s maximum recommended amount of saturated fat, which has been linked to heart disease and is high in calories.
And Dairy Management, which has made cheese its cause, is not a private business consultant. It is a marketing creation of the United States Department of Agriculture — the same agency at the center of a federal anti-obesity drive that discourages over-consumption of some of the very foods Dairy Management is vigorously promoting.
Take charge yourself.
Obesity in Adolescence Significantly Associated With Increased Risk of Severe Obesity in Adulthood
More nutritional child abuse that lasts past childhood.
An analysis of nationally representative data suggests that being obese in adolescence increases the risk of being severely obese in adulthood, with the risk higher in women, and highest for black women, according to a study in the November 10 issue of JAMA.And instead of helping these kids out by reporting them and/or their folks to Child and Family Services and/or going after the mandatory reporters who fail to fulfill their mandated responsibilities, this is what gets people to act.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
1 Egg Yolk Worse Than A KFC Double Down When It Comes To Cholesterol

Still think they have any idea what a "healthy food" is?
Three leading physicians have published a review in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology warning about the danger of dietary cholesterol for those at risk of a heart attack or stroke. And they say one of the worst offenders is the egg yolk which, depending on size, can contain 215 to 275 mg of cholesterol. The Double Down from Kentucky Fried Chicken contains 150 mg of cholesterol. Patients at risk of cardiovascular disease are advised to limit their total dietary cholesterol to less than 200 mg per day.Pick your poison (1st image below) or your health food (second image below).
The review of studies was authored by stroke prevention expert, Dr. David Spence of The University of Western Ontario, nutrition expert Dr. David Jenkins of the Risk Factor Modification Centre at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, and cholesterol expert Dr. Jean Davignon of the Clinique de nutrition métabolisme et athérosclérose in Montreal.
"We wanted to put cholesterol into perspective, as there's been a widespread misconception developing among the Canadian public and even physicians, that consumption of dietary cholesterol and egg yolks is harmless," says Dr. Spence, a professor and scientist at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Robarts Research Institute. "Much of this has to do with effective egg marketing."
The review comments on the difference between fasting cholesterol and dietary cholesterol levels. It also discusses two large studies which showed no harm from egg consumption in healthy people. The authors point out that in both studies, those who developed diabetes while consuming an egg a day doubled their risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those eating less than an egg a week. The studies also showed a significant increase of new onset diabetes with regular egg consumption.
Bad food:

Health food:

Preserving Your Memory Magazine

The self-admitted health illiterate Surgeon General of the USA, Regina Benjamin, graces the cover of this Alzheimer's Disease magazine.
Autumn is a time of transition and change, and in that spirit, we have some good news to share on the research front (page 29) in this issue of Preserving Your Memory. We have plenty more to share, too.Who better to promote "healthy meal[s]" and "preserving memory" than a fat, health illiterate who does not forget to eat?
Many people take advantage of cooler weather to take on home improvement projects in the fall. Did you know you could make your loved one with Alzheimer’s feel more at home with some simple home design techniques? Learn how, beginning on page 8. As we head indoors, let’s consider how we can make healthy meals in very little time with chef Kirk Leins (page 22).
No one, I guess.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Daily Dose Of Beet Juice Promotes Brain Health In Older Adults

Finally, an explanation for the gross stupidity of Michellesie "The Cow" Obama. (here is one overweight/obesity-related example)
Researchers for the first time have shown that drinking beet juice can increase blood flow to the brain in older adults - a finding that could hold great potential for combating the progression of dementia.And how does this relate to the idiotte in the White House?
"I am a believer there is a beet gene. People who love beets love them and people who hate beets can't stand them. Neither the President nor I have the beet gene..."Also seems to explain her idiot husband, too. (see here and here for examples)
Planned, focused exercise may be important in losing weight and keeping it off
More about why "exercise" for weight loss is useless, or worse.
Learn to lose weight properly and successfully.
It sometimes takes a Herculean effort to lose a great amount of weight, such as sticking to a strict diet and intense exercise regimen. But a new study finds that people who have lost weight may not exercise that much more than people who have never been overweight--but the way they exercise could be different.The absolutely most important thing to do is gain caloric intake control.
Learn to lose weight properly and successfully.
Massive Dose of Caffeine Kills British Man
Insight into the thought processes of morons - relevant to weight loss.
They even want the product "banned."
This is how the morons in the weight debate react about foods.
Just because fat people abuse Calories, the rest of us have to pay with taxes, banning and other means to harm the calorically responsible.
This is madness worth stopping.
A 23-year-old British man died from what the coroner said was a dangerous dose of caffeine, according to British media reports.So despite the warning label and his clear disregard, the family is upset.
Information from the coroner's inquest revealed that Michael Lee Bedford ingested two spoonfuls of pure caffeine powder that he washed down with an energy drink. Coroner Dr. Nigel Chapman said the dose Bedford consumed was equivalent to 70 cans of Red Bull...
A warning label on the product said only one-sixteenth of a teaspoon should be taken, but Bedford far exceeded that amount...
The family of Michael Bedford also has a strong message about the dangers of products like the caffeine powder that led to his death.
"I feel like it should be banned," his grandmother told British media outlets.
"I think there should be a warning on it saying it can kill," his aunt said.
They even want the product "banned."
This is how the morons in the weight debate react about foods.
Just because fat people abuse Calories, the rest of us have to pay with taxes, banning and other means to harm the calorically responsible.
This is madness worth stopping.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Coffee Boosts Stroke Risk, Study Finds
It is bad, again. See post below.
A cup of coffee can heighten the risk for ischemic stroke, particularly among infrequent drinkers, report researchers. Their study provides new information that may be useful in stroke prevention and is in line with what is already known about the physiologic effects of coffee.Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
Investigators led by Elizabeth Mostofsky, MPH, from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, found a 2-fold increased stroke risk in the hour after drinking a cup of coffee. The increased risk returned to baseline within a 2-hour window, which investigators say strengthens the possibility of a causal relationship.
Coffee Drinking Associated With Reduced Oral Cancer Risk
It is good, again. See post above.
Drinking coffee is associated with a 36% reduction in the risk for cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, according to Italian investigators who performed a meta-analysis of observational studies.Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
These findings echo those published earlier this year by the same group of researchers, and reported by Medscape Medical News at that time. However, the scope of the new study is larger and includes other aerodigestive tract cancers, including those of the esophagus.
The researchers did not find any association between coffee drinking and the risk for laryngeal and esophageal cancers.
Just how many cups a day is protective against oral and pharyngeal cancer could not be precisely determined from the analysis, say the investigators, led by Federica Turati, MD, from the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche in Milan, Italy.
Poor women often gain too many pregnancy pounds
Time to cut entitlements - the bucks are being spent on Calories.
A new study finds that young, low-income women often gain too much weight during pregnancy, raising concerns about the potential long-term impact on their obesity risk.The sooner, the better.
Nearly two-thirds of 427 pregnant women, mostly black or Hispanic, seen at two U.S. medical clinics put on more than the recommended weight during pregnancy.
And a year after giving birth, about half had retained at least 10 of their pregnancy pounds.
Writing in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr. Bonnie E. Gould Rothberg of Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, and colleagues say the findings are worrisome.
Excess weight gain during pregnancy increases the odds of having a larger-than-normal baby and needing a C-section, for example. And women are less likely to be able to shed their pregnancy pounds afterward, raising their risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.
Studies also hint that large newborns are more likely to become overweight themselves down the road.
The researchers found that before pregnancy, just shy of a quarter of the women were overweight, and slightly more were obese.
Among women who were normal-weight before pregnancy, four in 10 fit the definition of "overweight" one year after giving birth, and one in 20 fell into the obese category.
Of those who were overweight before becoming pregnant, more than half were obese one year after delivery, based on body mass index (BMI), a measure of weight in relation to height.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Researchers find discrepancies in weight and behavior among women attending two-year and four-year colleges
This has got to be the reason. Time to make all colleges four-year colleges. That'll fix it.
Women who attend two-year colleges may be at greater risk for being overweight and obese than their peers in four-year schools, a new study finds.But did they adjust for stupid?
Researchers compared weight and other lifestyle factors among men and women attending two-year and four-year colleges. The study included 16,539 students attending 14 two-year colleges and 13 four-year colleges or universities in Minnesota. Through self-reported surveys, study participants noted their weight, physical activity, how much television they watched, how much soda and fast food they consumed, and what methods they used for weight loss.
Women in two-year colleges were more likely to be overweight or obese, engage in less physical activity, watch more television, drink more soda, eat more fast food and use diet pills more than women attending four-year colleges...
When researchers adjusted for factors such as age, race and ethnicity and living situation, most of the associations remained.
All students on average didn't meet national health recommendations.Never mind.
Brain Stimulation Leads to Improved Math Skills, Says Study

Since weight gain and weight loss are all about numbers, and people are innumerate, this may help.
Math: People either love it or hate it. For all the haters out there, what if a little zap to the brain could put you on the road to math whizdom?Why not?
A new study from the University of Oxford found that applying electrical currents to certain parts of the brain improved a person's mathematical performance for up to six months.
"We are very excited to see these results," said Dr. Roi Cohen Kadosh of the University of Oxford and lead author of the study. "We actually aimed to get to this stage in a few years, but we got here sooner than expected."
The researchers used a kind of stimulation known as transcranial direct current stimulation, or tDCS. It is a non-invasive technique where a weak electrical current is applied to the parietal lobe, an area of the brain responsible for numerical understanding, spatial sense and navigation.
Go for it.

Expert: Childhood obesity a problem
Those experts - right on top of it, eh?
Childhood obesity rates have tripled over the past 30 years, according to a presentation Wednesday.No wonder they are experts.
Elaine Taylor, a pediatric nurse practitioner and associate professor of nursing at North Georgia College & State University, said studies show that about 6.5 percent of children ages 6 to 11 were considered obese in 1980. In 2008, that percentage had increased to nearly 20 percent.
Taylor’s presentation was the final installment of the North Georgia Community Connections lecture series, which has been held over the past few weeks at Hampton Park library.
Taylor went on to say that some 80 percent of children who are overweight or obese go on to become overweight adults.
She said the problem has lead to many children developing health issues that historically have been found only in older adults.
Taylor said overweight children are at much higher risks of developing problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, muscle and skeletal disorders, and Type II diabetes.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Fly Study Uncovers Molecular Link Between Obesity and Heart Disease
An animal to teach us about overweight/obesity.
It's no secret that obesity is hard on the heart. More than 30 percent of Americans are obese, and many of them are also at increased risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. However, there are numerous causes of obesity and other risk factors for each of these conditions, making it difficult to tease them apart.Here are more:
At Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham), a team led by Sean Oldham, Ph.D., and Rolf Bodmer, Ph.D., recently created a simple model to link high-fat diet, obesity and heart dysfunction. Using fruit flies, they discovered that a protein called TOR influences fat accumulation in the heart. Their study, published November 3 in the journal Cell Metabolism, also demonstrates that manipulating TOR protects the hearts of obese flies from damage caused by high-fat diets.
"We noticed previously that reducing TOR had a large number of beneficial effects on aging," explained Dr. Oldham, co-senior author of the study. "We next wanted to look at TOR activity in obesity-related heart disease, but we didn't have a good system. In this study, we establish the fruit fly as a model for obesity caused by a high-fat diet."
The fruit fly model is ideal for studying the heart because most of the basic molecular mechanisms controlling its development are surprisingly similar to those in vertebrates -- even somewhat interchangeable. What's more, it's relatively easy to delete individual genes in the fly, allowing researchers to specifically map out each one's role in heart development and function.
In this study, flies fed a high-fat diet of coconut oil became obese and exhibited many of the same secondary symptoms as obese humans, including heart dysfunction. Then, to determine how TOR regulates the effects of fat on the heart, Dr. Oldham and colleagues generated flies that lowered this protein's activity. TOR normally keeps a damper on an enzyme that breaks down fats. By inhibiting TOR (or boosting the fat-digesting enzyme), the researchers reduced fat accumulation in the heart and improved the cardiac health of otherwise obese flies. The heart-protective results were the same whether TOR was blocked in the whole fly, just in fat tissue or just in heart cells.

The Fruit fly (more):





Even more lessons to be learned from the expanding fatso menagerie.
But, why bother? The only animal you need is:

Even more lessons to be learned from the expanding fatso menagerie.
But, why bother? The only animal you need is:

Can Dogs Teach Us A Thing Or Two About Self-Control And Keeping To A Healthy Diet?
You decide.

Does this sound familiar: you skip lunch, then later on, find yourself gobbling a lot more cookies or pieces of cake than you know you need, but somehow find it very hard to stop: and then spend the rest of the day beating yourself up about your lack of self-control and inability to maintain a healthy diet?Good luck.
Well, by studying the effect of low blood sugar on self-control in dogs, a researcher at the University of Kentucky (UK) has come up with a possible explanation: the brain needs glucose to exercise self-control, and knowing this could help us make healthier choices in our diets.
More Drugs Do Not Always Mean Better Care: Studies
Huh, go figger.
The best way to do that is to get fit.
Spending more on drugs does not always translate into healthier patients, a new study shows.The best way to cut costs and improve care is not to "need" meds.
And in a second study, researchers found that when government insurers crack down on payments for certain drugs, doctors are less likely to prescribe them unnecessarily.
The two studies, published online tonight in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggest that government regulations and perhaps healthcare reform can be used to cut costs and improve care.
The best way to do that is to get fit.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds

Proof of what every Fitness Watch reader should know by now and what every overweight/obese person should be told.
It is all about Calories in vs. Calories out. Nothing else.
Twinkies. Nutty bars. Powdered donuts.Yep.
For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.
His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food.
The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months.
For a class project, Haub limited himself to less than 1,800 calories a day. A man of Haub's pre-dieting size usually consumes about 2,600 calories daily.So he followed a basic principle of weight loss: He consumed significantly fewer calories than he burned.
His body mass index went from 28.8, considered overweight, to 24.9, which is normal. He now weighs 174 pounds.
But you might expect other indicators of health would have suffered. Not so.
Haub's "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20 percent and his "good" cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20 percent. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent.
So much for AdipOprah and her experts.

So much for the s**t for brains idiotte Michellesie "The Cow" Obama and her stupid ideas.

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