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Monday, April 30, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact – Even though today marks the end of Child Abuse Prevention Month, remember that every day is Nutritional Child Abuse Prevention Day.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact – Even though today marks the end of Child Abuse Prevention Month, remember that every day is Nutritional Child Abuse Prevention Day.
Fatty Diets May Be Associated With Reduced Semen Quality
Which leads to reduced quality offspring, i.e., fat kids.
If only the quality could be reduced to the point that the fat would not be able to reproduce.
Men's diets, in particular the amount and type of different fats they eat, could be associated with their semen quality according to the results of a study published online in the journal Human Reproduction.Fat people are more likely to eat fatty diets than intended-size people.
The study of 99 men in the USA found an association between a high total fat intake and lower total sperm count and concentration. It also found that men who ate more omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (the type of fat often found in fish and plant oils) had better formed sperm than men who ate less.
If only the quality could be reduced to the point that the fat would not be able to reproduce.
Chronic Disease Prevention Policies Need Better Costing Estimates
What a concept! Even if it is misapplied.
A big reason is the bad weight loss advice that is doomed to fail.
Doomed to fail advice does not improve over time.
In order to capture the potential economic value to prevent obesity related diseases like diabetes and heart disease, policymakers have to increase the length of time when establishing cost estimates for legislative proposals for chronic health conditions. Investigators from the Campaign to End Obesity have established that policy makers are limited in their ability to consider effective policies to address these costly conditions based on their findings.When it comes to fat people, longer will surely demonstrate more failure since they cannot keep the weight off even in the short-term.
The study, "Assessing the Economics of Obesity and Obesity Interventions," which was led by Michael O'Grady and James Capretta, explains the method in which the Congressional Budget office measures the benefits of policies to address chronic diseases. Their cost estimates usually cover a 10-year period,. However, this period is not long enough to capture the costly complications of chronic diseases, like those linked to obesity, given that many complications take over 10 years to manifest.
A big reason is the bad weight loss advice that is doomed to fail.
Doomed to fail advice does not improve over time.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Do not force your kid to eat.
Even if you sweated over a hot stove all day to make whatever you made, do not force it down your child’s throat.
Taking it personally will not help.
Fact is, better the food is left on the plate than worn around the belly.
As long as cravings and overeating do not result, there is no good reason to make an issue of the matter.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Do not force your kid to eat.
Even if you sweated over a hot stove all day to make whatever you made, do not force it down your child’s throat.
Taking it personally will not help.
Fact is, better the food is left on the plate than worn around the belly.
As long as cravings and overeating do not result, there is no good reason to make an issue of the matter.
Losing Belly Fat, Whether from a Low-Carb or a Low-Fat Diet, Helps Improve Blood Vessel Function
It is all about the Calories.
Do it right.
Here is how.
Overweight people who shed pounds, especially belly fat, can improve the function of their blood vessels no matter whether they are on a low-carb or a low-fat diet, according to a study being presented by Johns Hopkins researchers at an American Heart Association scientific meeting in San Diego on March 13 that is focused on cardiovascular disease prevention.Lose the weight.
In the six-month weight-loss study, Hopkins researchers found that the more belly fat the participants lost, the better their arteries were able to expand when needed, allowing more blood to flow more freely.
Do it right.
Here is how.
Your Nose Impacts On Bite Size
The stronger the smell of a food, the smaller our bite size tends to be, Dutch researchers reported in the journal Flavour. This might mean your nose can have an impact on body weight control. According to the authors, the aromas of food may affect how much food we eat.Rhinoplasty (nose job) - the new bariatric surgery.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Sure, you think you want to be your child’s friend. But is that all? And at what cost?
First and foremost you have to be the parent.
Unlike friends who can come and go or say “good-bye” and head home, you and your child are united forever.
Using food as a reward is not the way to build a relationship. If the only reason you and your kid continue to relate is because you offer-up food as a bonding agent, there is something fundamentally wrong.
Plus the association of food with reward threatens to become a lifelong fixation that can only lead to a bad outcome.
Do not get into the habit of using food as a reward or pacifier and if you have already made that mistake, start putting an end to it.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Sure, you think you want to be your child’s friend. But is that all? And at what cost?
First and foremost you have to be the parent.
Unlike friends who can come and go or say “good-bye” and head home, you and your child are united forever.
Using food as a reward is not the way to build a relationship. If the only reason you and your kid continue to relate is because you offer-up food as a bonding agent, there is something fundamentally wrong.
Plus the association of food with reward threatens to become a lifelong fixation that can only lead to a bad outcome.
Do not get into the habit of using food as a reward or pacifier and if you have already made that mistake, start putting an end to it.
Brain Development Of Premature Infants May Be Influenced By Maternal Obesity
Another reason why the fat should not reproduce.
Maternal obesity may contribute to cognitive impairment in extremely premature babies, according to a new study by researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.More early nutritional child abuse.
"Although in the past decade medical advances have improved the survival rate of babies born at less than seven months, they are still at very high risk for mental developmental delays compared with full-term infants," said Jennifer Helderman, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics at Wake Forest Baptist and lead author of the study. "This study shows that obesity doesn't just affect the mother's health, but might also affect the development of the baby."
NIH study finds interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes give good return on investment
Not even close.
But, hey. If it is intervention they want then it is intervention that they should pay for out of pocket.
If not, see if they can get a loan from the Grim Reaper.
Otherwise, adios fatsos.
Programs to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes in high-risk adults would result in fewer people developing diabetes and lower health care costs over time, researchers conclude in a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health.As if the fatsos could reduce fat and Calorie intake, in real life.
Prevention programs that apply interventions tested in the landmark Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) clinical trial would also improve quality of life for people who would otherwise develop type 2 diabetes. The analysis of costs and outcomes in the DPP and its follow-up study is published in the April 2012 issue of Diabetes Care and online March 22 at
The DPP showed that lifestyle changes (reduced fat and calories in the diet and increased physical activity) leading to modest weight loss reduced the rate of type 2 diabetes in high-risk adults by 58 percent, compared with placebo.
But, hey. If it is intervention they want then it is intervention that they should pay for out of pocket.
If not, see if they can get a loan from the Grim Reaper.
Otherwise, adios fatsos.
Friday, April 27, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Make your home the place where your child and his/her friends want to play.
When they are at your residence, you have the control.
You can keep them out of the fridge and pantry, you can offer the kids snacks of which you approve, you can be certain they are not hitting the liquor cabinet, etc.
If you want something done right, do it yourself.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Make your home the place where your child and his/her friends want to play.
When they are at your residence, you have the control.
You can keep them out of the fridge and pantry, you can offer the kids snacks of which you approve, you can be certain they are not hitting the liquor cabinet, etc.
If you want something done right, do it yourself.
Overweight Physicians Often Miss Overweight In Patients
Been fat so long, it looks like slim to them.
According to a study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins, overweight doctors are significantly less likely to identify patients' weight problems in their diagnoses. Lifestyle factors considerably increase the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, as well as the majority of major diseases.Do not see a fat doctor.
One would imagine that a person's weight is of significant importance and should be a consideration when treating patients. However, the study entitled "Impact of Physician BMI on Obesity Care and Beliefs," indicates that doctors' own weight problems may obscure how they view - and counsel - patients.
In order to determine whether medical professionals' weight status (as reflected in their body mass index [BMI]) affected interaction with obese patients, the researchers examined a cross-sectional survey of 500 primary care physicians.
They found that doctors who were overweight were 20% less likely to advise patients on weight management than doctors of normal weight. Furthermore, they found that only 7% of overweight doctors acknowledged that patients were overweight, compared with 93% of normal-weight doctors.
Put them out of business.
Obesity harms 'later brain skill'
Another study showing that fat people are stupid.
Being overweight in later life puts you at higher risk of brain decline, Korean research suggests.And brain function is not affected for the positive.
A study of 250 people aged between 60 and 70 found those with a high body mass index (BMI) and big waists scored more poorly in cognitive tests.
The Alzheimer's Society said the research, in the journal Age and Ageing, added to evidence that excess body fat can affect brain function.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Have meals on a schedule.
Discipline is at the heart of earned success.
Establish daily feeding times and stick with them.
Failing to meet the schedule and offering excuses instead of commitment and success teach kids bad habits.
Remember that you are the parent and responsible for who your child becomes.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Have meals on a schedule.
Discipline is at the heart of earned success.
Establish daily feeding times and stick with them.
Failing to meet the schedule and offering excuses instead of commitment and success teach kids bad habits.
Remember that you are the parent and responsible for who your child becomes.
Red Meat Increases Risk Of Cancer, Heart Disease And Death
More bad news for poultry and aquatic animals.
People who eat more red meat seem to have a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and cancer and all-cause mortality, says a study published Online First in the Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archive journals. Those who substitute red meat with other foods, such as fish and poultry are linked to a lower risk of mortality.With certainty, the death part is true if you are the source, e.g., a cow.
The study's background information says that in many diets the key source for protein and fat is meat, and yet earlier research shows that the consumption of meat is linked to a higher risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and certain types of cancer.
An Pan, Ph.D., of the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, and team evaluated data from two prospective cohort studies, with repeated measures of diet and up to 28 years of follow-up, which included data from 37,698 men and 83,644 women. They noted 23,926 deaths, which included 5,910 deaths from CVD and 9,464 deaths from cancer.
The team writes:
"We found that a higher intake of red meat was associated with a significantly elevated risk of total, CVD and cancer mortality, and this association was observed for unprocessed and processed red meat, with a relatively greater risk for processed red meat. Substitution of fish, poultry, nuts, legumes, low-fat dairy products and whole grains for red meat was associated with a significantly lower risk of mortality."
Findings of the pooled analysis showed that for a one-serving-per-day the risk of mortality increased by 12% for consuming total red meat, by 13% for unprocessed red meat and by 20% for processed red meat.
After analyzing meat substitutes, they estimated that replacing one daily serving of total red meat with one serving of either fish, poultry, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products or whole grains lowered the mortality risk by 7%, 14%, 10%, 19%, 10% and 14% respectively, saying:
"We estimated that 9.3 percent in women of total deaths during follow-up could be prevented if all the participants consumed fewer than 0.5 servings per day of total red meat in these cohorts."
Strong Association Between Obesity And Increased Death Risk Tied To Sleeping Pills
Another consequence of fatosity.
Trouble sleeping = sleeping pill use.
Sleeping pills = greater likelihood of death.
Kudos, fatsos.
Obesity appears to significantly increase the risk of death tied to sleeping pills, nearly doubling the rate of mortality even among those prescribed 18 or fewer pills in a year, researchers reported.Sleep apnea = trouble sleeping.
"Obesity emerged as a marker of increased vulnerability," said Robert Langer, M.D., M.P.H., at the annual American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention | Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions in San Diego.
"The associations between sleeping pills and increased mortality were present, and relatively stronger, even in people aged 18 to 54," said Dr. Langer, a family physician and epidemiologist with the Jackson Hole Center for Preventive Medicine in Jackson, Wyo.
"Obese patients appear particularly vulnerable, perhaps through interaction with sleep apnea," said study co-author Daniel Kripke, M.D., a psychiatrist with Scripps Clinic's Viterbi Family Sleep Center in San Diego.
He noted that sleeping pills were previously associated with more and longer pauses in breathing in people with sleep apnea.
Trouble sleeping = sleeping pill use.
Sleeping pills = greater likelihood of death.
Kudos, fatsos.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today's Tip - Another way to get involved.
Here is an excerpt from an article about overweight/obese kids:
This makes them, IMHO, complicit in the child abuse.
You can call child and family services if you want. But that is not today's tip.
The article was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, April 2009 issue.
Many medical journals demand that authors disclose whether they have an economic interest in the drug, device, etc., about which they are writing.
Likewise, these journals should demand that sick care workers (or education workers in their journals) disclose if they have performed their duties and reported the abused children.
To get involved, go to the websites of the American College of Preventive Medicine, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and whomever else you choose and ask them to demand this information from their authors.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today's Tip - Another way to get involved.
Here is an excerpt from an article about overweight/obese kids:
"US kids are not only too heavy; they're also out of shape, according to a new study of 5th and 7th grade students in Georgia.I am willing to bet that these docs did not do their IMHO mandated by law duty and report these kids to Georgia's child and family services department.
Half didn't reach minimum standards for healthy aerobic fitness, Dr. Kenneth E. Powell, a physician in private practice, and his colleagues found, while nearly a quarter didn't make the grade in terms of muscle fitness, endurance or flexibility.
Powell and his team determined body mass index (BMI) and tested fitness and physical activity levels of 5,248 students from 93 schools across Georgia."
This makes them, IMHO, complicit in the child abuse.
You can call child and family services if you want. But that is not today's tip.
The article was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, April 2009 issue.
Many medical journals demand that authors disclose whether they have an economic interest in the drug, device, etc., about which they are writing.
Likewise, these journals should demand that sick care workers (or education workers in their journals) disclose if they have performed their duties and reported the abused children.
To get involved, go to the websites of the American College of Preventive Medicine, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and whomever else you choose and ask them to demand this information from their authors.
Exercise May Not Make Older People Fall Less
Misleading title - lies.
Joining a regular exercise program may make older people move faster, but it doesn't mean they're more steady on their feet, suggests a new study.Fear of falling is not the same as falling. And older folks, like younger folks, should train, not exercise.
Improving physical performance also doesn't mean an older person's fear of falling goes away.
"We can't take it for granted that if we improve on the physical performance that it will translate over to the psychological dimension," said Dr. Ellen Freiberger, the study's lead author and a sports medicine and gerontology researcher at Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg in Germany.
Mothers On Low-Income Risk Obesity To Feed Their Children
Where madness meets bulls**t.
This is the same reasoning that explains why rich people are money-insecure.
Pity the poor rich.
Mothers who financially struggle to provide food for their families tend to put themselves at risk of obesity while trying to feed their children, according to Penn State sociologists.You get fat from eating too much food, i.e., too many Calories.
Mothers who do not have enough money to provide adequate food for their families - food-insecure - are more likely to be obese or overweight than fathers who face food shortages, as well as food-insecure, childless women and men, said Molly Martin, assistant professor of sociology and demography. Over time, these food-insecure mothers also gain more weight compared to all food-insecure men and food-insecure women not caring for children.
This is the same reasoning that explains why rich people are money-insecure.
Pity the poor rich.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – You and your child can succeed at weight loss/weight control, no matter the circumstances.
There is much talk, similar to the “healthy foods” debate, which is garbage and a way to tell you that you must fail unless conditions are perfect.
Some of these conversations revolve around urban planning, parks and green space.
These are specious and silly arguments.
There is a bottom line to life and that is perfection is a very difficult standard.
If you wait for perfection, whatever that really is, to arrive you will die waiting.
People succeed against odds of various sizes all the time. Successful businesspersons, sports figures, etc., fight the odds daily.
In fact, using sports figures as an example, if conditions were perfect for these people daily who would care to watch?
The essence of usual success is overcoming something.
So don’t let the rantings of high-placed, media hyped morons convince you that your kids need perfection to control their weight.
It is possible under real life circumstances.
To suggest otherwise is an insult to you and your children
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – You and your child can succeed at weight loss/weight control, no matter the circumstances.
There is much talk, similar to the “healthy foods” debate, which is garbage and a way to tell you that you must fail unless conditions are perfect.
Some of these conversations revolve around urban planning, parks and green space.
These are specious and silly arguments.
There is a bottom line to life and that is perfection is a very difficult standard.
If you wait for perfection, whatever that really is, to arrive you will die waiting.
People succeed against odds of various sizes all the time. Successful businesspersons, sports figures, etc., fight the odds daily.
In fact, using sports figures as an example, if conditions were perfect for these people daily who would care to watch?
The essence of usual success is overcoming something.
So don’t let the rantings of high-placed, media hyped morons convince you that your kids need perfection to control their weight.
It is possible under real life circumstances.
To suggest otherwise is an insult to you and your children
Metabolic Syndrome Increases Kidney Disease Risk in Elderly
Metabolic syndrome is what fat people get.
Your choice, fatsos.
People aged 65 years and older with metabolic syndrome are at greater risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD), and those with increasing insulin resistance alone risk rapid loss of renal function and CKD, according to a study published online February 15 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.Weight loss or dialysis or kidney transplant?
Hui-Teng Cheng, MD, from the Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University, Hsin-Chu Branch, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, and colleagues followed-up 1456 patients aged 65 years and older, 39% of whom had metabolic syndrome, for an average of 3 years to determine the effect of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance on kidney function in the elderly. Earlier research has shown a relationship between metabolic syndrome and CKD in middle age, but such studies have not been conducted in the elderly, the authors report.
"Our study found that metabolic syndrome predicts both the prevalence and incidence of chronic kidney disease in people aged 65 years or older," lead investigator Chung-Jen Yen, MD, from the Department of Internal Medicine and the Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine, said in a news release. "We also found that rapid decline in renal function is more likely found in individuals with insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels."
Your choice, fatsos.
Diagnosing Sensitivity, Allergy Or Intolerance To Food Via Blood Tests
Woo-woo lab testing.
Caveat, moron.
Blood testing to determine a link between food and illness is increasingly common, but some tests are not considered diagnostic and can lead to confusion, according to a primer in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).But most won't, IMHO, since there are bucks to be made from fleecing the stupid.
Both traditional physicians and holistic medicine practitioners may offer blood testing to diagnose adverse reactions to food. A food allergy is a specific immunologic reaction to a food that can be reproduced with exposure to the food in question. An intolerance is an adverse reaction without an immunologic response, such as lactose intolerance. However, "food sensitivity" is a general term that may be used for any symptom or response that is thought to be food related.
The distinctions between all of the above may not be clear to patients and can be misunderstood. Moreover, unstandardized food sensitivity tests, which can cost hundreds of dollars, are widely available and can be purchased by patients from a variety of health care providers as well as some pharmacies. One common type of blood testing uses a measure of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody binding to specific foods. However, the presence of these antibodies may be part of the normal human response and indicate tolerance to these foods, rather than an adverse reaction.
"Physicians should caution patients about the controversy surrounding testing for food sensitivity," writes Dr. Elana Lavine, Humber River Regional Hospital, Toronto.
Caveat, moron.
Monday, April 23, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – If you want to keep your kids from getting overweight/obese, control their Calories.
One of the best ways is for you to learn how to prepare meals of appropriate caloric content and to have as many meals at home as possible.
This gives you the most control over the Calories your children put into their bodies.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – If you want to keep your kids from getting overweight/obese, control their Calories.
One of the best ways is for you to learn how to prepare meals of appropriate caloric content and to have as many meals at home as possible.
This gives you the most control over the Calories your children put into their bodies.
Footloose And Cancer Free - Mice With Pten
The same people who cannot cure toenail fungus want to mess with the genes of your inner mouse.
In a perfect world, we could eat to our heart's content without sacrificing our health and good looks, and now it appears that maybe we can. Mice with an extra dose of a known anti-cancer gene lose weight even as their appetites grow. Not only that, but according to the report in the March issue of the Cell Press journal Cell Metabolism, the animals also live longer, and that isn't just because they aren't getting cancer, either.Good luck with that.
Bias Can Exaggerate Drugs’ Effectiveness
Fit people generally avoid drugs as compared to unfit people.
Doctors — and patients — might not be getting all the information they need about the safety and effectiveness of certain drugs because of “publication bias,” the tendency of researchers and medical journals to favor positive results over negative ones.And the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is that if you do not take medications, overhyped or not, you cannot suffer a side effect or poor medication-related outcome.
Researchers running drug trials are required to submit detailed results to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But when it comes to reporting trial results publicly in medical journals, “it’s an entirely different ballgame,” according to Dr. Erick Turner, lead author of a study published today in PLoS Medicine.
“Doctors are trained to regard medical journals as the gospel truth,” said Turner, assistant professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. “But what we’re learning here is it’s not necessarily the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
Sunday, April 22, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – It is better for a child never to have been overweight/obese than it is for a child to have to be rescued from overweight/obesity.
Fat parents have fat kids.
If you are an overweight/obese adult and want to have children, do the best thing you can for your future children – wait until you lose the pounds.
Fat parents expose their children and themselves to more than the conditions mentioned on April 06.
Among these additional problems are:
· Labor and delivery complications
· Fetal and neonatal death
· Maternal complications (e.g. hypertension, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia)
· Delivery of large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants
· Birth defects, especially neural tube defects
· Miscarriage
· More cesarean deliveries with higher rates of anesthesia complications and infections
· Longer stays in the hospital
· Premature delivery in women with high blood pressure, which increases the risk for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
· Blood clots
· Hospital costs for prenatal care were dramatically higher for overweight and obese women. Costs were fivefold to 16-fold greater than for normal-weight women, depending on how much extra weight the women carried.
Waiting a short while to shed the pounds in order to get your weight under control can save your children a lifetime of illness and hardship.
You should care enough to do the right thing.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – It is better for a child never to have been overweight/obese than it is for a child to have to be rescued from overweight/obesity.
Fat parents have fat kids.
If you are an overweight/obese adult and want to have children, do the best thing you can for your future children – wait until you lose the pounds.
Fat parents expose their children and themselves to more than the conditions mentioned on April 06.
Among these additional problems are:
· Labor and delivery complications
· Fetal and neonatal death
· Maternal complications (e.g. hypertension, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia)
· Delivery of large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants
· Birth defects, especially neural tube defects
· Miscarriage
· More cesarean deliveries with higher rates of anesthesia complications and infections
· Longer stays in the hospital
· Premature delivery in women with high blood pressure, which increases the risk for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
· Blood clots
· Hospital costs for prenatal care were dramatically higher for overweight and obese women. Costs were fivefold to 16-fold greater than for normal-weight women, depending on how much extra weight the women carried.
Waiting a short while to shed the pounds in order to get your weight under control can save your children a lifetime of illness and hardship.
You should care enough to do the right thing.
Endocannabinoids Play Role In Energy Metabolism: Blocking Natural, Marijuana-Like Chemical In The Brain Boosts Fat Burning
Sorry, Mickey:
If you are just going to say "No," you are better off saying it to Calories.
Stop exercising, eat as much as you want ... and still lose weight? It sounds impossible, but UC Irvine and Italian researchers have found that by blocking a natural, marijuana-like chemical regulating energy metabolism, this can happen, at least in the lab.Bad news for fat mice who like to feel high.
To create this hypermetabolic state, UCI pharmacology professor Daniele Piomelli and colleagues engineered neurons in the forebrains of mice to limit production of an endocannabinoid compound called 2-AG. All mammalian brains contain 2-AG, which the researchers believe helps control the activity of forebrain neural circuits involved in energy dissipation.
As a result, these modified mice ate more and moved less than typical mice but did not gain any weight, even when they were fed a high-fat diet. Additionally, they did not develop any signs of metabolic syndrome, a combination of health problems such as obesity and high blood pressure that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
"We discovered that these mice were resistant to obesity because they burned fat calories much more efficiently than normal mice do," said Piomelli, the Louise Turner Arnold Chair in the Neurosciences. "We had known that endocannabinoids play a critical role in cell energy regulation, but this is the first time we found a target where this occurs."
If you are just going to say "No," you are better off saying it to Calories.
Clear Link Between Mood and Food
At least for this researcher who was in the mood to store nuts for winter:
New research shows there is a strong link between higher levels of nutrient intake and better mental health, thereby adding to the growing body of evidence demonstrating the critical role of diet in mood disorders.She must eat The Journal of Stupid Research.
"People who suffer from mood disorders function better when they are eating better," coauthor of the study Bonnie Kaplan, PhD, from the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, told Medscape Medical News. "It really is true that you are what you eat."
Saturday, April 21, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Another way that you can get involved is by getting the word out that doctors, nurses, teacher, principals and others are breaking the law by failing to report nutritional child abuse and neglect to the authorities as they are mandated to do by law.
It is probable that most reporters are unaware of this.
Call your local TV network affiliates, call your newspapers, call investigative reporters and ask them to look into the matter.
If you do chat rooms, then chat this up.
The laws are on the books. They are there for a reason. And the reason is to protect children.
Get involved.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Another way that you can get involved is by getting the word out that doctors, nurses, teacher, principals and others are breaking the law by failing to report nutritional child abuse and neglect to the authorities as they are mandated to do by law.
It is probable that most reporters are unaware of this.
Call your local TV network affiliates, call your newspapers, call investigative reporters and ask them to look into the matter.
If you do chat rooms, then chat this up.
The laws are on the books. They are there for a reason. And the reason is to protect children.
Get involved.
Overweight People May Benefit From Active Breaks During Prolonged Sitting
Interrupting prolonged periods of sitting with regular, two-minute breaks of light or moderate intensity activity like walking may be good for overweight and obese people's health, because new research reported recently in Diabetes Care shows it helped their bodies keep glucose and insulin levels under control after consuming the equivalent of a high calorie meal ("postprandial" levels)...However, there were no data to show that any of this made a real world difference.
For their study, the researchers recruited 19 participants aged 45 to 65 who were either overweight or obese.
Each participant took part in three experiments, with six days break between each one.
In the first experiment they had to sit for 5 hours with no break. In the second experiment they sat for the same length of time, but every 20 minutes they walked on a treadmill at a light-intensity pace for 2 minutes. And in the third experiment, they did the same as the second, except the pace was at moderate intensity.
Gene Mutation Causes Uncontrolled Obesity
Not for these folks (above).
A single gene mutation stops neurons from sending appetite suppressing signals to the right part of the brain, resulting in uncontrolled gluttony and subsequent obesity, scientists from Georgetown University Medical Center reported in the journal Nature Medicine. The authors explained that their findings could lead to ways of turning on brain sensitivity to insulin and leptin, hormones that suppress appetite - for example, there might be a way of stimulating expression of that faulty gene.
The researchers found that the mutation in the Bdnf (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) gene undermines brain neurons' ability to pass insulin and leptin chemical signals through the brain. Their study involved mice.
Friday, April 20, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Let us build on yesterday’s.
There is a common factor to all of this weight loss/weight control stuff.
That common factor is time.
Simply put, it takes time to complete the goal of weight loss. Probably more time than you realize if you hear any of the drivel spouted by, for example, Oprah and her experts and other popular diet gurus. But it will certainly take less time if you do it properly and not improperly.
The fact is, and here is the lesson for the kids, only commitment to pursuing the goal the right way and perseverance in that pursuit will make possible attaining most goals.
Weight loss/weight control is no exception.
The opportunity is to teach your child patience and commitment.
Do not squander it.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Let us build on yesterday’s.
There is a common factor to all of this weight loss/weight control stuff.
That common factor is time.
Simply put, it takes time to complete the goal of weight loss. Probably more time than you realize if you hear any of the drivel spouted by, for example, Oprah and her experts and other popular diet gurus. But it will certainly take less time if you do it properly and not improperly.
The fact is, and here is the lesson for the kids, only commitment to pursuing the goal the right way and perseverance in that pursuit will make possible attaining most goals.
Weight loss/weight control is no exception.
The opportunity is to teach your child patience and commitment.
Do not squander it.
Studies Question the Pairing of Food Deserts and Obesity
More proof that: too fat has nada to do with neighborhoods, Michelle Obama is a f**king idiot and that all of this too-poor-to-eat-healthily crap is political, not scientific.
BTW, Brownell, just like Michellesie "The Cow" Obama, is overweight/obese.
F**k them both. F**k them all.
It has become an article of faith among some policy makers and advocates, including Michelle Obama, that poor urban neighborhoods are food deserts, bereft of fresh fruits and vegetables.Duh.
But two new studies have found something unexpected. Such neighborhoods not only have more fast food restaurants and convenience stores than more affluent ones, but more grocery stores, supermarkets and full-service restaurants, too. And there is no relationship between the type of food being sold in a neighborhood and obesity among its children and adolescents.
Within a couple of miles of almost any urban neighborhood, “you can get basically any type of food,” said Roland Sturm of the RAND Corporation, lead author of one of the studies. “Maybe we should call it a food swamp rather than a desert,” he said.
Some experts say these new findings raise questions about the effectiveness of efforts to combat the obesity epidemic simply by improving access to healthy foods. Despite campaigns to get Americans to exercise more and eat healthier foods, obesity rates have not budged over the past decade, according to recently released federal data.
“It is always easy to advocate for more grocery stores,” said Kelly D. Brownell, director of Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, who was not involved in the studies. “But if you are looking for what you hope will change obesity, healthy food access is probably just wishful thinking.”
BTW, Brownell, just like Michellesie "The Cow" Obama, is overweight/obese.
F**k them both. F**k them all.
Electronic Device Helps Overweight And Obese Adults Stick To Diet, Exercise Regime
Actually, there are two devices.
Overweight and obese adults who used an electronic diary program on a personal digital assistant did better at staying on diet and physical activity programs, researchers reported at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions.They are known as the "Don't eat too many Calories or else devices":
Thursday, April 19, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Do not rely on package labeling that describes a “serving size.”
If you carefully read the nutrition information that appears on a package’s label, you will note in small type that it is “based on a 2,000 calorie (sic) diet.”
Fact is, unless you are willing to do the math and know how many Calories you should consume each day, this “fact” is harmful.
Face it, when an elephant goes on a diet it eats like a horse. Feed an elephant a diet sized for a cat, i.e., a “serving size,” and you will have one hungry elephant that sooner or later will rampage through a jungle of food consuming everything in its path.
If you are overweight/obese, you are accustomed to eating a lot of Calories and to cut back severely will only create an unsustainable hardship. The result is that you will quit. And when overweight/obese people quit their diets, they tend to overeat even more than before, ending up bigger, fatter, with an even greater BMI and therefore less healthy, i.e., at a higher risk of developing certain bad illnesses.
When you are out of caloric control, it is likely that you will subject your kids to too many Calories, too.
You lose all perspective on how many Calories to serve to yourself and those under your influence.
If you are going to set an example for your children and become a calorically responsible parent, which you should, be sure to make haste slowly and decrease your caloric intake in a sustainable, step-wise fashion.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Do not rely on package labeling that describes a “serving size.”
If you carefully read the nutrition information that appears on a package’s label, you will note in small type that it is “based on a 2,000 calorie (sic) diet.”
Fact is, unless you are willing to do the math and know how many Calories you should consume each day, this “fact” is harmful.
Face it, when an elephant goes on a diet it eats like a horse. Feed an elephant a diet sized for a cat, i.e., a “serving size,” and you will have one hungry elephant that sooner or later will rampage through a jungle of food consuming everything in its path.
If you are overweight/obese, you are accustomed to eating a lot of Calories and to cut back severely will only create an unsustainable hardship. The result is that you will quit. And when overweight/obese people quit their diets, they tend to overeat even more than before, ending up bigger, fatter, with an even greater BMI and therefore less healthy, i.e., at a higher risk of developing certain bad illnesses.
When you are out of caloric control, it is likely that you will subject your kids to too many Calories, too.
You lose all perspective on how many Calories to serve to yourself and those under your influence.
If you are going to set an example for your children and become a calorically responsible parent, which you should, be sure to make haste slowly and decrease your caloric intake in a sustainable, step-wise fashion.
Testosterone May Help Heart Failure Patients, Studies
Two words - Anabolic Clinic (sm).
Very old news - known for over half a century.
Very old news - known for over half a century.
Testosterone can ease shortness of breath and improve exercise endurance among patients with chronic heart failure, according to a combined analysis of four clinical trials.To find out more about the benefits of anabolic substances, see here and here.
Some study participants experienced 50 percent improvements in their ability to walk and in some cases, the muscle-strengthening effects lasted a year. Although 84 percent of the study subjects, with an average age of 67, were men, testosterone treatment with patches, gels or injections also produced improvements in women.
How A Single Gene Mutation Leads To Uncontrolled Obesity
Hogwash. Same crap as the pedophilia hard-wire.
Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have revealed how a mutation in a single gene is responsible for the inability of neurons to effectively pass along appetite suppressing signals from the body to the right place in the brain. What results is obesity caused by a voracious appetite.Try using your "just say 'NO!'" gene.
Their study, published March 18th on Nature Medicine's website, suggests there might be a way to stimulate expression of that gene to treat obesity caused by uncontrolled eating.
The research team specifically found that a mutation in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) gene in mice does not allow brain neurons to effectively pass leptin and insulin chemical signals through the brain. In humans, these hormones, which are released in the body after a person eats, are designed to "tell" the body to stop eating. But if the signals fail to reach correct locations in the hypothalamus, the area in the brain that signals satiety, eating continues.
"This is the first time protein synthesis in dendrites, tree-like extensions of neurons, has been found to be critical for control of weight," says the study's senior investigator, Baoji Xu, Ph.D., an associate professor of pharmacology and physiology at Georgetown.
"This discovery may open up novel strategies to help the brain control body weight," he says.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Do not fall victim to the whining of hopeless, ignorant naysayers.
There are people out there trying their hardest to guarantee that your kids fail.
What they do is tell kids that “such and such is impossible.”
In the weight debate, this usually takes the form of “having the figure of a model is not possible.”
The point is not to debate the merits of looking like a model. The point is to protect your kids from people who tell them what is or is not possible for them.
For example, there is a moron politician who wants to outlaw the sale of Barbie dolls claiming “such toys influence girls to place too much importance on physical beauty, at the expense of their intellectual and emotional development.”
(To the best of my knowledge, male action figures are not targeted.)
The next thing you know, someone will say that it is not possible for a guy who is half White, half Black to become President.
Guess we will just have to see. Maybe someday…
In any event, it is 100% possible for kids to get muscular, it is 100% possible for kids to get lean, it is 100% possible for kids to develop trained-appearing bodies, it is 100% possible for kids to be nutritionally fit.
They just have to do what it takes for them to achieve their goal, as anyone else would have to with any goal.
And no one should stand in their way.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Do not fall victim to the whining of hopeless, ignorant naysayers.
There are people out there trying their hardest to guarantee that your kids fail.
What they do is tell kids that “such and such is impossible.”
In the weight debate, this usually takes the form of “having the figure of a model is not possible.”
The point is not to debate the merits of looking like a model. The point is to protect your kids from people who tell them what is or is not possible for them.
For example, there is a moron politician who wants to outlaw the sale of Barbie dolls claiming “such toys influence girls to place too much importance on physical beauty, at the expense of their intellectual and emotional development.”
(To the best of my knowledge, male action figures are not targeted.)
The next thing you know, someone will say that it is not possible for a guy who is half White, half Black to become President.
Guess we will just have to see. Maybe someday…
In any event, it is 100% possible for kids to get muscular, it is 100% possible for kids to get lean, it is 100% possible for kids to develop trained-appearing bodies, it is 100% possible for kids to be nutritionally fit.
They just have to do what it takes for them to achieve their goal, as anyone else would have to with any goal.
And no one should stand in their way.
Consuming Berries Benefits The Brain
What foods that kill look like:
Not hardly.
They probably help with Alzheimer's by making you dead before the disease develops.
Not hardly.
Strong scientific evidence exists that eating blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and other berry fruits has beneficial effects on the brain and may help prevent age-related memory loss and other changes, scientists report. Their new article on the value of eating berry fruits appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.These would be the same antioxidants that kill.
In the article, Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D., and Marshall G. Miller point out that longer lifespans are raising concerns about the human toll and health care costs of treating Alzheimer's disease and other forms of mental decline. They explain that recent research increasingly shows that eating berry fruits can benefit the aging brain. To analyze the strength of the evidence about berry fruits, they extensively reviewed cellular, animal and human studies on the topic.
Their review concluded that berry fruits help the brain stay healthy in several ways. Berry fruits contain high levels of antioxidants, compounds that protect cells from damage by harmful free radicals.
They probably help with Alzheimer's by making you dead before the disease develops.
One Simple Strategy Could Help Us Resist Temptation
Here are two:
Think of this as you:
Here are two:
Think of this as you:
When facing temptation, can a simple change of language make a difference? According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, consumers who respond to temptation with the words "I don't" versus "I can't" are more able to resist.K-rap study.
"Whether it's buffalo wings at a tailgate or heaping plates of calories at the Thanksgiving day dinner table that is your downfall, help is merely a couple of words away," write authors Vanessa M. Patrick (University of Houston) and Henrik Hagtvedt (Boston College).
In four studies the authors examined the difference between framing a refusal with the words "I don't" vs. "I can't." "This insight is based on the notion that saying "I can't" to temptation inherently signals deprivation and the loss from giving up something desirable," the authors write. "For instance, when faced with a tempting slice of pumpkin pie, one's spontaneous response, 'I can't eat pumpkin pie' signals deprivation. Saying 'I don't eat pumpkin pie' is more effective." This approach signals to oneself (and others) a sense of determination and empowerment, which makes the refusal strategy more effective.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Get your kids out of the house since most homes are toxic, nutritionally.
This is especially true if your kids are overweight/obese.
They probably have access to the refrigerator or pantry where Calories live waiting to get swallowed.
Keep your kids away from home after dinner.
Take them to the library, community center, etc., where they can do homework or play ball or anything but eat. If it means that you have to stay with them and read a book instead of watching TV, so be it.
It should not be tough for you to conclude that your kid’s life is worth more than a TV show.
If it is tough to arrive at this conclusion, your child has a much worse problem than just being overweight/obese.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Get your kids out of the house since most homes are toxic, nutritionally.
This is especially true if your kids are overweight/obese.
They probably have access to the refrigerator or pantry where Calories live waiting to get swallowed.
Keep your kids away from home after dinner.
Take them to the library, community center, etc., where they can do homework or play ball or anything but eat. If it means that you have to stay with them and read a book instead of watching TV, so be it.
It should not be tough for you to conclude that your kid’s life is worth more than a TV show.
If it is tough to arrive at this conclusion, your child has a much worse problem than just being overweight/obese.
Skin Tone Linked To Fruit And Veg Consumption
You look like what you eat.
Most people know eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for long term health, but unfortunately, not that many actually consume the recommended daily amount. Now scientists at the University of St Andrews in the UK are hoping to appeal to another motivator: vanity. They report in a study published recently in the American Journal of Public Health, that eating more fruit and vegetables can change skin tone, lending it a healthier glow, within a matter of weeks.Wanna bet?
Exercise Can Lead To Female Orgasm, Sexual Pleasure, According To Unique Study
Morgasms (above)
Norgasms (below)
Findings from a first-of-its-kind study by Indiana University researchers confirm anecdotal evidence that exercise -- absent sex or fantasies -- can lead to female orgasm.Your choice, ladies.
While the findings are new, reports of this phenomenon, sometimes called "coregasm" because of its association with exercises for core abdominal muscles, have circulated in the media for years, said Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion in IU's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. In addition to being a researcher, Herbenick is a widely read advice columnist and book author.
"The most common exercises associated with exercise-induced orgasm were abdominal exercises, climbing poles or ropes, biking/spinning and weight lifting," Herbenick said. "These data are interesting because they suggest that orgasm is not necessarily a sexual event, and they may also teach us more about the bodily processes underlying women's experiences of orgasm."
Monday, April 16, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – How to empower children to help themselves.
The sad truth is that parents have let their kids down by abusing them nutritionally.
So have other adults. Specifically, the adults charged with protecting children by reporting abuse, including nutritional child abuse, have abdicated their responsibilities and are complicit in the child abuse.
With the adults out of the picture, who is left to help the kids, except themselves?
No one.
Since children have to protect themselves, lobby to make contact information available to them to call their local child welfare services.
Kids need to be taught the signs of nutritional child abuse and how to seek help.
This is a matter to raise at a school meeting or through your local government representatives.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – How to empower children to help themselves.
The sad truth is that parents have let their kids down by abusing them nutritionally.
So have other adults. Specifically, the adults charged with protecting children by reporting abuse, including nutritional child abuse, have abdicated their responsibilities and are complicit in the child abuse.
With the adults out of the picture, who is left to help the kids, except themselves?
No one.
Since children have to protect themselves, lobby to make contact information available to them to call their local child welfare services.
Kids need to be taught the signs of nutritional child abuse and how to seek help.
This is a matter to raise at a school meeting or through your local government representatives.
Excessive Cured Meat Intake May Be Harmful to COPD Patients
By definition, excessive anything is harmful.
Remember, association is not the same as cause and effect.
Excessive consumption of cured meat is associated with an increased risk for hospital readmission among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), report Jordi de Batlle, BMedBiol, from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology, Hospital del Mar Research Institute, the CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública, and the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, and colleagues. Results from their study were scheduled to be published online March 8 in the European Respiratory Journal.Especially when your goal was to prove an association.
The goal of the Phenotype and Course of COPD Project (PAC-COPD) study was to assess the association between dietary intake of cured meat and risk for COPD readmission among patients with COPD. The researchers calculated the association between cured meat intake and COPD admissions using parametric regression survival-time models.
Researchers demonstrated that higher cured meat consumption was related to a 2-fold increased risk for COPD readmission (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.31 - 3.12; P = .001), after adjusting for age, forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), and total calorie intake. In addition, the time to the first COPD readmission was longer in patients with low cured meat intake (P = .028).
Remember, association is not the same as cause and effect.
Comparing Diets For Weight Management In Obese Children
There can be only one outcome.
A new study of three diets with obese children shows that all diets are effective in managing weight...As long as fewer Calories are consumed than are burned, weight must be lost.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Because you have almost certainly been brainwashed by Big Media, Big Sick Care, Big Government, etc., you may not believe this, but exercise is a terribly inefficient way to lose weight.
It is also almost impossible to improve fitness simply by exercising.
To improve fitness, you have to TRAIN. This is much more intense a form of physical activity than simple exercise.
It is good to instill a culture of physical activity in children. It is best to teach them the correct way to accomplish goals.
If the goal is fitness, then the only way to achieve it is by engaging in intense physical activity, i.e., training.
Here is the tip. Despite all the dumbing down of things to be politically correct and telling children that it is good if all they do is simply participate, do your children one better.
Teach them to compete.
Teach them that it is simply not enough to “Just do it.”
Teach them to do things, including physical activity, in order to succeed.
Leave failure to others.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Because you have almost certainly been brainwashed by Big Media, Big Sick Care, Big Government, etc., you may not believe this, but exercise is a terribly inefficient way to lose weight.
It is also almost impossible to improve fitness simply by exercising.
To improve fitness, you have to TRAIN. This is much more intense a form of physical activity than simple exercise.
It is good to instill a culture of physical activity in children. It is best to teach them the correct way to accomplish goals.
If the goal is fitness, then the only way to achieve it is by engaging in intense physical activity, i.e., training.
Here is the tip. Despite all the dumbing down of things to be politically correct and telling children that it is good if all they do is simply participate, do your children one better.
Teach them to compete.
Teach them that it is simply not enough to “Just do it.”
Teach them to do things, including physical activity, in order to succeed.
Leave failure to others.
Exercise and Rest Both Effective for Some Patients With Back Pain
Well, this should clear things up.
Exercise might not always be the best treatment approach for some low back pain sufferers. A new randomized trial shows no difference in pain, disability, or general health among patients with lower back pain and Modic changes (MCs) — edema or fatty degeneration in the vertebral endplate — who followed an exercise regime and those who adopted a routine of rest and load reduction.Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
The finding that rest results in the same small improvements as a more active treatment approach challenges the idea that exercise should be the "gold standard" for patients with low back pain and MCs, said lead author Rikke K. Jensen, MSc, from the Research Department, Spine Centre of Southern Denmark, in Middelfart. This article is part of her PhD thesis.
Obesity Increases The Risk For Colorectal Cancer And Polyps
What is up the fat ass of a fatass.
The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and the Campaign to End Obesity (CEO) are joining forces to highlight the potentially deadly link between higher Body Mass Index (BMI) and colorectal cancer. In light of the increasing prevalence of obesity in the United States and the strength of the scientific evidence linking obesity to increased colorectal cancer risk, the two organizations are combining efforts... Their goal is to educate the public about obesity as a major risk factor for the second leading cancer killer in the United States and about the importance of colorectal cancer screening in patients with high Body Mass Index.Kudos, fatsos.
"Dietary and other modifiable risk factors may account for as many as 90 percent of colorectal cancers, and recent studies suggest that about one-quarter of colorectal cancer cases could be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle," explained ACG President Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACG. "Consumers need to understand the link between a higher Body Mass Index and colorectal cancer, take this risk factor seriously, and talk to their doctor about colorectal cancer tests," he added.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – get involved at school.
Recall that teachers and principals are mandatory reporters and that the overwhelming majority of mandatory reporters (discussed April 07 and 08) do not fulfill their obligations under the law and fail to report nutritional child abuse.
Attend a meeting of your PTA or Local School Council or whatever the equivalent organization is in your community.
Take the opportunity to ask these lawbreakers, the teachers and principal, why they are not fulfilling their mandated legal responsibilities.
If you are not satisfied with their response, call your local child welfare services, and report them. Get the name of the person with whom you spoke.
It is not wrong to report a violation of the law. Especially when the lives of children are at stake.
To see who the mandatory reporters are in your state, click here.
Source: here.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – get involved at school.
Recall that teachers and principals are mandatory reporters and that the overwhelming majority of mandatory reporters (discussed April 07 and 08) do not fulfill their obligations under the law and fail to report nutritional child abuse.
Attend a meeting of your PTA or Local School Council or whatever the equivalent organization is in your community.
Take the opportunity to ask these lawbreakers, the teachers and principal, why they are not fulfilling their mandated legal responsibilities.
If you are not satisfied with their response, call your local child welfare services, and report them. Get the name of the person with whom you spoke.
It is not wrong to report a violation of the law. Especially when the lives of children are at stake.
To see who the mandatory reporters are in your state, click here.
Source: here.
Long-Term Diabetes Triples Stroke Risk
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
Time to start withholding the cash?
Having diabetes for a decade or more dramatically increases the risk for ischemic stroke, report researchers.As soon as we stop paying for this disease of choice and its sequelae, rates will plummet.
The new study, published online March 1 in the journal Stroke, found diabetes increases risk 3% each year and triples at 10 years.
"We were not surprised to see an increased risk," senior investigator Mitchell Elkind, MD, from Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, told Medscape Medical News. "But we were taken aback by how high the risk was."
Using data from the Northern Manhattan Study, investigators looked at 3298 multi-ethnic participants. They found that 22% had diabetes at baseline and another 10% went on to develop the disease over the course of the study. There were 244 ischemic strokes.
"Our study provides evidence that the risk of ischemic stroke increased continuously with duration of diabetes mellitus," the authors explain. This was after controlling for other factors such as age, smoking history, physical activity, history of heart disease, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
"The increase is not as much during the second half of the first decade," they noted, "but it increases steeply as the disease enters its second decade."
Time to start withholding the cash?
Obesity May Be A Price Paid By Developing Nations For Economic And Social Growth
Obesity is a price paid for by the calorically responsible for the flaws of the calorically irresponsible.
Obesity is a price paid for by the calorically responsible for the flaws of the calorically irresponsible.
Developing nations experiencing economic and social growth might also see growing waistlines among their poorest citizens, according to a new study from Rice University and the University of Colorado.That is true for all nations and economic/social statuses.
Friday, April 13, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – help your children find friends that support fitness.
You may recall a while back there was a lot of talk about fat being contagious.
This is nonsense. It is simply an example of how people with similar interests tend to hang out and reinforce their interests.
Just as jocks tend to hang with jocks and nerds with nerds, so, too, do overweight/obese people tend to hang with each other.
As a parent, it is important that you are aware of with whom your kids hang out.
Just as you would hopefully not want your kids to congregate with drug abusers, and would discourage them from hanging out with them, so, too, should you discourage your kids from hanging out with Calorie abusers.
Screen your children’s friends. Get to know who they are and how they take care of themselves (or, if you prefer, how their parents take care of them).
Children who are not taught good personal habits, like weight control, will likely be negative influences on your kids. Remember, overweight/obese children are likely to have low self-esteem, illnesses, academic problems, poorer social skills and more negatives.
And if you are inclined to say to yourself, “Well, they can be nice people, these overweight/obese kids my child knows,” you should realize that is not the point.
First, normal weight kids can also be nice, but, second, and more important, it is not about the other kids. It is about your child and your responsibility to help them have the best life possible for them. Part of that is guiding them to friends who offer more good to them.
Also, if you are of the mindset that it is nice of your kid to befriend the “unfortunate” overweight/obese child, recognize that it is nice to donate to a charity, but you do not have to live as the recipients.
Protecting your children and helping others are two separate things. You can do both and it does not have to be at the expense of one over the other.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – help your children find friends that support fitness.
You may recall a while back there was a lot of talk about fat being contagious.
This is nonsense. It is simply an example of how people with similar interests tend to hang out and reinforce their interests.
Just as jocks tend to hang with jocks and nerds with nerds, so, too, do overweight/obese people tend to hang with each other.
As a parent, it is important that you are aware of with whom your kids hang out.
Just as you would hopefully not want your kids to congregate with drug abusers, and would discourage them from hanging out with them, so, too, should you discourage your kids from hanging out with Calorie abusers.
Screen your children’s friends. Get to know who they are and how they take care of themselves (or, if you prefer, how their parents take care of them).
Children who are not taught good personal habits, like weight control, will likely be negative influences on your kids. Remember, overweight/obese children are likely to have low self-esteem, illnesses, academic problems, poorer social skills and more negatives.
And if you are inclined to say to yourself, “Well, they can be nice people, these overweight/obese kids my child knows,” you should realize that is not the point.
First, normal weight kids can also be nice, but, second, and more important, it is not about the other kids. It is about your child and your responsibility to help them have the best life possible for them. Part of that is guiding them to friends who offer more good to them.
Also, if you are of the mindset that it is nice of your kid to befriend the “unfortunate” overweight/obese child, recognize that it is nice to donate to a charity, but you do not have to live as the recipients.
Protecting your children and helping others are two separate things. You can do both and it does not have to be at the expense of one over the other.
Thiazolidinediones Linked to Risk for Osteoporotic Fracture
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
They should be paying for all this themselves.
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs), which are used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, are associated with a 1.3-fold elevation in risk for osteoporotic fracture compared with other antidiabetic medications, according to a report published online March 6 in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.Another double whammy for fatsos - diabetes and osteoporosis from the meds taken to treat a disease of choice.
Two randomized controlled clinical trials implicated TZDs in decreased bone density in the hip and lumbar spine in women, and a meta-analysis of 10 studies found increased risk for fracture in the upper arm, hand, and foot.
TZDs decrease bone mineral density by activating peroxisome proliferator–activated receptors, which shifts the fates of mesenchymal stem cells in bone marrow toward the adipocyte lineage and away from producing osteoblasts. Diabetes can also affect bone remodeling by altering vitamin D metabolism, glycosylating collagen, and increasing output of calcium in urine.
They should be paying for all this themselves.
Practice What You Preach: Doctors With Healthy Lifestyles More Likely To Recommend Them To Patients
Now why wouldn't a big, fat doc suggest to his/her patients to do the healthy things?
Physicians who have more healthy habits are more likely than doctors without such habits to recommend five important lifestyle modifications to patients, including eating healthy, limiting sodium, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol and being more physically active.Duh.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact – Today we will expose another myth popular in the weight debate. That myth has to do with the “genetic” cause of overweight/obesity.
It is a lie.
There is no "genetics" anywhere on the planet that will cause any organism to become overweight/obese in the absence of consuming more Calories than are burned.
That is why there will never be a genetic “cure” to overweight/obesity, even if humans become so good at manipulating genetics that they can make a difference in a human’s genes.
Think about it. Suppose we became really good at genetic manipulation and could change a human being into a cat. What happens when you feed a cat more Calories than it burns? It gains weight.
What happens when you feed a cat fewer Calories than it burns? It loses weight.
There is never, ever going to be a genetic cure for the overweight/obesity of children, because genetics did not cause them to get overweight/obese.
Kids get overfat from too many Calories. Period.
If you are waiting for the “genetic cure” to rescue your kids, you will wait until both you and they are long gone.
A genetic “cause” for overweight/obesity is nothing more than an excuse not to act, a reason not to face the facts.
The time to act is now. The action to take is to control the Calories the kids consume.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact – Today we will expose another myth popular in the weight debate. That myth has to do with the “genetic” cause of overweight/obesity.
It is a lie.
There is no "genetics" anywhere on the planet that will cause any organism to become overweight/obese in the absence of consuming more Calories than are burned.
That is why there will never be a genetic “cure” to overweight/obesity, even if humans become so good at manipulating genetics that they can make a difference in a human’s genes.
Think about it. Suppose we became really good at genetic manipulation and could change a human being into a cat. What happens when you feed a cat more Calories than it burns? It gains weight.
What happens when you feed a cat fewer Calories than it burns? It loses weight.
There is never, ever going to be a genetic cure for the overweight/obesity of children, because genetics did not cause them to get overweight/obese.
Kids get overfat from too many Calories. Period.
If you are waiting for the “genetic cure” to rescue your kids, you will wait until both you and they are long gone.
A genetic “cause” for overweight/obesity is nothing more than an excuse not to act, a reason not to face the facts.
The time to act is now. The action to take is to control the Calories the kids consume.
Hospital Reporting Initiative Does Not Reduce Mortality
Fit people tend to require less hospitalization than unfit people.
Get fit.
Hospital Compare, Medicare's public reporting initiative for hospitals, which was initiated in 2005, appears to have had little effect on patient mortality caused by heart attack and pneumonia, and only a modest effect on heart failure mortality, according to a new report.All three of these conditions are more likely to occur in the unfit and at an earlier age, to boot.
Andrew Ryan, PhD, an assistant professor of public health and Walsh McDermont Scholar in the Division of Outcomes and Effectiveness Research at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, and colleagues reported their findings in the March issue of Health Affairs.
According to the researchers, Hospital Compare is Medicare's recent public reporting initiative and "is the most ambitious program to date. It includes quality measures that focus on heart attack, pneumonia, and heart failure for all US acute care hospitals."
Get fit.
Taste Perception Affected By Visual Images Of Food
Really? Ground-breaking research.
Just looking at images of food can change our taste experience, according to research published in the open access journal PLoS ONE.Not.
The authors of the study, led by Johannes le Coutre of the Nestlé Research Center in Switzerland, found that participants reported tastes to be more pleasant when preceded by images of high-calorie foods, such as pizza or pastry, as compared to low-calorie foods like watermelon or green beans.
The researchers conducted neuroimaging studies that identified previously unknown brain mechanisms of visual-gustatory sensory interactions involved with food enjoyment. Taken together, the study highlights the importance of visual food appeal as one determinant for nutritional reward.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Here is something you can do to help the kids.
Become an advocate for change. This month we will explore things you can do to make a difference.
We already discussed reporting doctors who are complicit in child abuse by breaking the law and not reporting nutritionally abused children to the authorities.
Today we will discuss so-called fast foods and how you can help kids who eat fast foods better control their weight.
You may recall that McDonald’s used to serve “super-sized” portions as an option.
Well, during school hours, if fast food places sold “student-size (tm)” portions, i.e., smaller servings, only to school age kids, that might decrease the number of Calories they consume at that meal.
Student Size Me! (tm)
Sounds good, eh?
Phone, write or email your representatives if you think this is an action that could help.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – Here is something you can do to help the kids.
Become an advocate for change. This month we will explore things you can do to make a difference.
We already discussed reporting doctors who are complicit in child abuse by breaking the law and not reporting nutritionally abused children to the authorities.
Today we will discuss so-called fast foods and how you can help kids who eat fast foods better control their weight.
You may recall that McDonald’s used to serve “super-sized” portions as an option.
Well, during school hours, if fast food places sold “student-size (tm)” portions, i.e., smaller servings, only to school age kids, that might decrease the number of Calories they consume at that meal.
Student Size Me! (tm)
Sounds good, eh?
Phone, write or email your representatives if you think this is an action that could help.
Burgeoning Cost of Alzheimer's Disease Unsustainable
Two words - Anabolic Clinic (sm).
Two words - Anabolic Clinic (sm).
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias will cost the United States an estimated $200 billion this year alone, according to the 2012 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report released today by the nonprofit Alzheimer's Association.To learn about how Anabolic Medicine (sm) might be able to affect AD and help you or someone about whom you care, go here.
Medicare and Medicaid will foot most of the bill — respectively, $104.5 billion (52%) and $35.5 billion (18%). Medicare payments for an older person with AD and other dementias are nearly 3 times higher and Medicaid payments 19 times higher than for seniors without AD and other dementias, the report notes.
It also notes that most people with AD and other dementias have 1 or more serious chronic conditions, and AD acts as a cost multiplier on these other diseases.
White rice link seen with Type 2 diabetes, says study
Eat nothing. Everything is bad.
A link is not the same as cause and effect.
Health researchers said on Thursday they had found a troubling link between higher consumption of rice and Type 2 diabetes, a disease that in some countries is becoming an epidemic.This is, of course, more crap.
Further work is need to probe the apparent association and diets that are notoriously high in sugar and fats should remain on the no-go list, they cautioned.
"What we've found is white rice is likely to increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, especially at high consumption levels such as in Asian populations," Qi Sun of the Harvard School of Public Health told AFP.
"But at the same time people should pay close attention to the other things they eat.
A link is not the same as cause and effect.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Though governed by the laws of physics, the matter of body weight is entombed in a collection of fairy tales that would make the Brothers Grimm envious.
Please read to the end where the children are addressed directly.
There is only one truth and one truth only about body weight: an imbalance of Calories in vs. Calories out results in weight gain or weight loss.
If you consume more Calories than you burn, you MUST lose weight.
If you consume fewer Calories than you burn, you MUST lose weight.
Nothing, NOTHING, else matters.
During the month we will address some of these myths. Today we start with the lies about healthy foods.
In the weight debate, “health” really means the statistical likelihood of developing certain bad illnesses. You are healthiest, i.e., you are at the LOWEST risk of developing these bad illnesses when your Body Mass Index (BMI), a ratio of height to weight is between 18.5 and 24.9.
How you achieve a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is of little relevance.
For example, it is unknown whether someone with a BMI of 22.0 who ate boneless, skinless, free-range organic chicken breasts is any healthier than someone with a BMI of 22.0 who ate red meat.
Nor is it known, if someone with a BMI of 22.0 who ate fresh vegetables is any healthier than a person with a BMI of 22.0 who ate frozen vegetables.
When it comes to losing weight, the source of the Calories is relatively unimportant. Caloric intake is all that matters. As long as fewer Calories are consumed than burned, the weight comes off with 100% certainty.
Which brings us to the matter of “healthy” foods.
The best that we know right now, is that there are no healthy foods, but there is eating healthily. Anything you eat that gets you to a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is healthy eating.
But what about antioxidants, you ask? Or preservatives?
Clearly the jury is out. As to antioxidants, see here and here. For preservatives, see here.
Today’s healthy food is tomorrow’s toxic food. And vice versa.
What happens is a political debate where parasites in search of votes or lazy parents looking to blame others or corrupt researchers pandering for grants get into the conversation and promote so-called “healthy” foods so they can benefit.
Not you.
Or your kids.
In fact, the kids end-up harmed as otherwise well-intentioned parents get distracted and disheartened thinking that only “healthy” foods will “save” their children.
Not so.
What will save the kids is not the bickering of infantile grown-ups.
What will save the kids is here now, i.e., fewer Calories in than out if they are already overweight/obese.
To help the kids, cut the Calories that they consume by a modest amount and watch the weight come off.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Fact and Tip – Though governed by the laws of physics, the matter of body weight is entombed in a collection of fairy tales that would make the Brothers Grimm envious.
Please read to the end where the children are addressed directly.
There is only one truth and one truth only about body weight: an imbalance of Calories in vs. Calories out results in weight gain or weight loss.
If you consume more Calories than you burn, you MUST lose weight.
If you consume fewer Calories than you burn, you MUST lose weight.
Nothing, NOTHING, else matters.
During the month we will address some of these myths. Today we start with the lies about healthy foods.
In the weight debate, “health” really means the statistical likelihood of developing certain bad illnesses. You are healthiest, i.e., you are at the LOWEST risk of developing these bad illnesses when your Body Mass Index (BMI), a ratio of height to weight is between 18.5 and 24.9.
How you achieve a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is of little relevance.
For example, it is unknown whether someone with a BMI of 22.0 who ate boneless, skinless, free-range organic chicken breasts is any healthier than someone with a BMI of 22.0 who ate red meat.
Nor is it known, if someone with a BMI of 22.0 who ate fresh vegetables is any healthier than a person with a BMI of 22.0 who ate frozen vegetables.
When it comes to losing weight, the source of the Calories is relatively unimportant. Caloric intake is all that matters. As long as fewer Calories are consumed than burned, the weight comes off with 100% certainty.
Which brings us to the matter of “healthy” foods.
The best that we know right now, is that there are no healthy foods, but there is eating healthily. Anything you eat that gets you to a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is healthy eating.
But what about antioxidants, you ask? Or preservatives?
Clearly the jury is out. As to antioxidants, see here and here. For preservatives, see here.
Today’s healthy food is tomorrow’s toxic food. And vice versa.
What happens is a political debate where parasites in search of votes or lazy parents looking to blame others or corrupt researchers pandering for grants get into the conversation and promote so-called “healthy” foods so they can benefit.
Not you.
Or your kids.
In fact, the kids end-up harmed as otherwise well-intentioned parents get distracted and disheartened thinking that only “healthy” foods will “save” their children.
Not so.
What will save the kids is not the bickering of infantile grown-ups.
What will save the kids is here now, i.e., fewer Calories in than out if they are already overweight/obese.
To help the kids, cut the Calories that they consume by a modest amount and watch the weight come off.
Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency And Higher Mortality In Female Nursing Home Residents
More cure du jour hype.
It requires immediate action to de-fund the researchers as they have proven nothing.
A link is not cause and effect.
The majority of institutionalized elderly female patients are vitamin D deficient and there is an inverse association of vitamin D deficiency and mortality, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM).No it does not.
Recommendations for dietary vitamin D intake in the elderly are higher than any other age group because vitamin D deficiency is extraordinarily prevalent in this population and is considered a causal risk factor for skeletal diseases. Treatment involves the daily ingestion of up to 800 IU of vitamin D. The current study examined whether vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for mortality in institutionalized elderly patients.
"Our findings show that the vast majority of nursing home residents are severely vitamin D deficient and those with the lowest vitamin D levels are at high risk of mortality," said Dr. Stefan Pilz, MD, of the Medical University of Graz, Austria, and lead author of the study. "This situation warrants immediate action to prevent and treat vitamin D deficiency."
It requires immediate action to de-fund the researchers as they have proven nothing.
A link is not cause and effect.
Study links womb environment to childhood obesity
Fat parents have fat kids.
New evidence has linked the environment in the womb with increased body weight in later life.Another reason why the fat should not reproduce.
Scientists found changes around the DNA at birth which may result from a mother's diet or exposure to pollution or stress.
They then linked these changes to a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) in children aged about nine years of age.
Monday, April 09, 2012
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - 30 Tips and Facts in 30 Days
With certainty, fattening kids up by making them overweight/obese is child abuse.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – if you attend a religious institution, you have an opportunity to do good. Approach the religious leader and exhort him or her to make fitness a priority for him- or her-self and the congregation. For example, you could suggest that the harm overweight/obesity causes the body God provides is a violation of God’s laws. Although your belief system may be different from this example, there is likely a similar argument you can use.
If the religious leader is overweight/obese, then convince him or her to shed the pounds publicly and possibly as a challenge to include the congregation.
Nutritional child abuse is the most common form of child abuse of which we are aware. About one-third of all kids are overweight or obese. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month in the USA. To help these children, who are arguably the most abused on earth, Fitness Watch will offer 30 tips and facts – one for each day in April – directed at saving the children. Even if you are not from the USA, these facts and tips can help you and your children, too.
Today’s Tip – if you attend a religious institution, you have an opportunity to do good. Approach the religious leader and exhort him or her to make fitness a priority for him- or her-self and the congregation. For example, you could suggest that the harm overweight/obesity causes the body God provides is a violation of God’s laws. Although your belief system may be different from this example, there is likely a similar argument you can use.
If the religious leader is overweight/obese, then convince him or her to shed the pounds publicly and possibly as a challenge to include the congregation.
Perception And Preference May Have Genetic Link To Obesity
Matters not. What matters is whether making excuses for fat people has a genetic link.
K-rap research.
Does fat have a taste?Even a 100% fat diet must result in weight loss if the number of Calories consumed is less than the number burned.
About five years ago, animal studies first revealed the presence of entirely novel types of oral fat sensors or receptors on the tongue. Prior to this time, it was believed that fats were perceived only by flavor and texture cues. With this new information, "everything that we thought we knew about fat perception got turned on its head," said Beverly Tepper, a professor in the Department of Food Science at Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.
K-rap research.
Evidence Lacking In Benefits Of Non-Drug Pain Relief In Labor
Bad news for woo-woo.
There is a reason why "what works" works.
There is better evidence for the effectiveness of drug-based approaches for relieving labour pains than non-drug approaches. These are the findings of an all-encompassing publishing in The Cochrane Library, which draws together results from a number of previous reviews on the subject.More evidence for "if it cannot hurt, it cannot help."
Many different approaches are used to relieve pain in labour, but not all are supported by strong evidence. The researchers brought together the results of 15 previous Cochrane reviews and three non-Cochrane reviews, including data from 310 trials in total. To try to distinguish between well-supported and less well-supported pain relief approaches, they decided to split interventions into three categories.
Painkilling drugs given by epidural, combined spinal epidural (CSE) and inhalation fell under the first category, "what works". There was less evidence for immersion in water, relaxation, acupuncture, massage and local anaesthetic nerve blocks or non-opioid drugs. The authors classed these interventions as "may work". However, more adverse effects were associated with the interventions for which there was the best evidence, including nausea and vomiting caused by inhaled painkillers and hypotension due to epidural. The second group of pain relief approaches, although less well-supported by clinical evidence, were better tolerated, with women reporting improved satisfaction with pain relief for all except massage. The least supported or "insufficient evidence" group of pain relief interventions included hypnosis, biofeedback, sterile water injection, aromatherapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and injected or intravenous opioids.
There is a reason why "what works" works.
The Pig Is Clever Like A Fox

Oprah's participation in the weight loss debate is an Orwellian nightmare - the pig is in charge.
Well, the pig is clever like a fox.
Just in time to rollout the new version of the book she co-wrote with Bob Greene, AdipOprah, an IMHO whore-for-the-money and clear threat to people's health, devoted the cover and cover story of her O(bese), The AdipOprah magazine, to her weight woes.
In typical fatso style she basically blames her alleged mere 40-pound weight gain on her poor, defenseless, thyroid gland (again).
She is clearly spewing the slop in which she rolls.
The rollout of her “updated and revised” book together with the rollout of her personal story about why she cannot get the rolls out of her belly are an interesting coincidence.
I will bet, it was not “updated and revised” to tell people it is crap and that she and Bob are liars.
Personally, IMHO, it is nothing more than another attempt by a crooked person to rip-off money from desperate people. (According to the bovine billionaire herself, there are "more than 2.4 million" of them who read the magazine. Add to that the people who watch her TV show, listen to her radio programming, watch her TV network and visit her website and you have an awful lot of impressionable people being fooled.)
What she is talking about this 2008 holiday season is, IMHO, nothing more than another attempt at thievery. This is not new for them as Bob and Oprah, IMHO, have a history of using lies and falsified images to scam the public.
(IMHO, Oprah with Bob are every bit as crooked as Oprah is with her other boys, Mehmet and Michael, David and Jorge.)
Despite the fact that the IMHO whore-for-the-money admits that she was gaining weight beginning "in February 2007," she was too greedy to recuse herself from promoting the diet scheme concocted by her and Bob, instead averring how well it worked for her. Even to this day.
I just pulled this (12-14-08) from their diet website. The website is copyright, 2007. The hardcover edition of the book came out December 26, 2006. The paperback edition came out December 26, 2007. The "I" is fatso "O":
I lost weight in stages. First I became active, and I still work out even though I really hate it, but I know if I don’t I will end up 200 pounds again. Then I started working on my eating. I stopped eating past 7:30 at night. When Bob told me it would make a big difference in my weight, I resisted. I thought it was going to be too hard. But I was surprised to find that it wasn’t; even more surprised when it turned out to be one of the most effective changes I made.Liar.
I’ve now taken most of the bad foods out of my diet and replaced them with good. I eat smaller portions and I eat healthy foods as a way of life, not a diet to go on and off.
And the picture used on the website to promote the diet is:

Double liar.
Triple liar.)
Which is the same picture (the background was changed) she and Bob used to rip people off in 2008, on their website:

And other places on the web:

Quintuple liar.
And at a "discount":

Sextuple liar.
And they promoted her and still promote her (12-24-08) as a "success" on their diet (enlarge the image if you have to or just click on it to get to the page):

Which is the same picture (the background was changed) she and Bob used to rip people off in 2008, on their website:

Quadruple liar.
And other places on the web:

Quintuple liar.
And at a "discount":

Sextuple liar.
And they promoted her and still promote her (12-24-08) as a "success" on their diet (enlarge the image if you have to or just click on it to get to the page):

Septuple liar.
Scummy Oprah and Bob are all talk about integrity as if it means something to them. This is from the complaint to the FTC about Bob and Oprah and their false and deceptive advertising:
Here is their chance to stop the talk and do the walk, which, incidentally, Oprah claims is a big part of the fatso "cure":
"As will be seen in Exhibits A, B and M, there is much made of 'truth' and 'truthfulness' by both Mr. Greene and Ms. Winfrey. Likewise, they speak of accepting responsibility for one’s actions. In fact, 'truthfulness' and 'responsibility' appear in the General Index on pages 272 and 271, respectively, in the hardcover edition.You can check out the Exhibits here.
I submit that in the FTC’s taking of its responsibility it has the opportunity to not only protect consumers from what I contend (and what I posit a reasonable consumer would contend if he/she were aware of them) are clearly false and deceptive advertising practices, but also to provide Ms. Winfrey and Mr. Greene with opportunities to accept responsibility for and the consequences of their dishonesty and untruthfulness."
Here is their chance to stop the talk and do the walk, which, incidentally, Oprah claims is a big part of the fatso "cure":
"All you have to do is work out harder and eat less! Get your 10,000 steps in!"What to do?
Give back all the money they took under clearly false pretenses (plus interest earned and any damages), apologize to the world, do some jail time for being the IMHO crooks they are, shut their mouths for good (and the mouths of Oprah's other experts), stop publishing/writing on topics at which they are failures, slither off into the sunset and just go away for good.
That is integrity.
Incidentally, there is one truth among all this drivel of hers.
And what is most important is that you do not need their sh**ty book in order to do that.
Complain to the FTC about her, Bob, Mehmet, Michael, David and Jorge, so it will get these IMHO parasites out from the broadcast media.
The sooner the better. Stop them before they harm again.
That is integrity.
Incidentally, there is one truth among all this drivel of hers.
"All you have to do is…eat less!"If this means fewer Calories in than out, then she is right.
And what is most important is that you do not need their sh**ty book in order to do that.
Complain to the FTC about her, Bob, Mehmet, Michael, David and Jorge, so it will get these IMHO parasites out from the broadcast media.
The sooner the better. Stop them before they harm again.
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