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Friday, June 15, 2012

Strict School Physical Education Laws Improve Children's Health

K-rap. Not at all what the study allegedly showed.
As childhood obesity and diabetes rates are skyrocketing in the US, many schools are eliminating physical education classes. A national study in the American Journal of Public Health reports that specific and required state legislation with regard to PE times could be a crucial tool to ensure that children meet the daily recommendations of physical activity.

The investigators evaluated data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's most recent School Health Policies and Programs Survey in order to establish whether public schools in states with specific and strict physical education laws taught more weekly PE time. They assessed a total of 410 schools, which they previously categorized depending on their state's PE time requirements scores as determined by the Classification of Laws Associated with School Students (C.L.A.S.S. scoring system.

The findings revealed that schools in states with strict specific requirement laws taught, on average, over 27 more minutes of PE per week at elementary school level and over 60 more minutes per week at middle school levels than schools in states with non-specific, i.e. weak laws. In comparison with schools at elementary and middle school level that had neither PE laws nor requirements, those with strict PE laws had on average over 40 minutes of PE at elementary level and 60 more minutes at middle school level.
All it showed was that some places have more PE time than others.

No data on outcome.

More politics and speculation. No science.

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