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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Weighing The Evidence On Weight Loss - What Works? Canada

Hey, the dietitians from Canada are at it again, trying to drum up business by convincing you they are needed.
"'People who want to lose weight need support and encouragement to pursue behaviours linked to long-term weight management. These behaviours include self-monitoring, a regular healthy diet, eating breakfast and commitment to regular physical activity,' continues Hamilton.

'Dietitians are an important partner to include on an individual's support team for weight loss, not only as nutrition experts, but also as a coach and counselor,' advises Hamilton."
For weight loss, few things are as useless as a dietitian.

They rival diet gurus, physicians and talk show hosts, etc., for a top spot in the useless list.

The problem with these persons is that they advocate the same failing approaches as the rest of the experts.

Which means, you haven't a prayer of succeeding.

All weight loss takes are fewer Calories in than out and the passage of time.

If you can, get a copy of their piece (of you know what).

Despite the claim:
"Dietitians of Canada sheds light on current evidence related to the effectiveness of weight loss programs in a recent publication titled Weighing the evidence on weight loss approaches in adults."
This article sheds no light on anything. It is inconclusive.

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