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Sunday, September 28, 2008

100-Calorie Pack Misconceptions Of 'Diet Food'

"Beware of mini-packs and mini-foods, especially if you're a dieter.

Chronic dieters tend to consume more calories when foods and packages are smaller, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Authors Maura L. Scott, Stephen M. Nowlis, Naomi Mandel, and Andrea C. Morales (all Arizona State University) examined consumer behavior regarding "mini-packs," 100-calorie food packages that are marketed to help people control calorie intake.

'Interestingly, one group that over-consumes the mini-packs is chronic dieters - individuals constantly trying to manage their weight and food intake,' write the authors. "

It is not "interesting."

It is predictable.

Fatsos are calorically out of control.

Offering them unsatisfying-with-certainty portions of high-Calorie delights cannot lead to what is really needed - self-restraint.

These "death by 100 Calories at a time packs" will never result in weight loss for just about everyone.

Bad weight loss idea.

Great marketing concept.

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