Egg wars. Still think they have any idea what a "healthy" food is?
"A large body of science supports the beneficial role eggs play in a healthful diet. Eggs provide high-quality protein for growth, muscle strength and energy and promote weight management. Key nutrients found in eggs have also been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects and promote eye health. An article published in the November 2008 issue of Diabetes Care that examined data collected in the Physicians' Health Study I and the Women's Health Study found an association between egg intake and increased incidence of type 2 diabetes...
'Healthy adults can continue to enjoy eggs as part of a healthful diet,' said registered dietitian Marcia Greenblum, Director of Nutrition and Food Safety Education at the Egg Nutrition Center. 'Eggs provide many nutrients and make an important contribution to overall diet quality. This study does not offer a biological mechanism to explain the findings and fails to adequately address a number of known factors which could have influenced the results.'"
There is one thing in this egg industry release that is absolutely true:
"Statistical associations do not prove cause and effect."
And that should be one of your takeaway points.
Most associations are really weak.
If someone curses your mother, and minutes later she walks into traffic and gets hit by a car, clearly there is an association.
Now you have a choice.
You can believe there is a cause-and-effect relationship, and you had better not cross the person who cursed your mom because of the power they have over life and death, or you can say it is coincidence.
Your choice. I vote for the latter.
Problem is,
we are propagandized into believing that if it sounds true, it must be true.
gullibility is not only killing us and our kids, it also
leads to wasteful, doomed-to-fail policies that affect all of us negatively.
There remains a bottom line.
If you want to be "healthy" from the perspective of the weight debate, achieve and maintain a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9.
The statistical associations between BMIs out of this range and the development of certain really bad illnesses is very strong.
It is not at all like the car analogy.
It is unlike the other crap that is out there.
Wise up.
Hang your hat on what works, not what you are dishonestly led to believe.