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Thursday, February 19, 2009

HRT cancer connection 'confirmed'

Think about this the next time the thought of taking the malpractice known as diet drugs crosses your fat mind.
"New evidence of a link between hormone replacement therapy and a raised risk of breast cancer has been put forward by US researchers.

The New England Journal of Medicine research found breast cancer risk fell sharply when women stopped taking HRT.

A UK expert said a 50% drop in HRT use in recent years had probably stopped up to 1,000 breast cancer cases a year...

Dr Marcia Stefanik, from Stanford University, said: 'This is very strong evidence that oestrogen plus progestin causes breast cancer.

'You start women on hormones and within five years their risk of breast cancer is clearly elevated. You stop the hormones and within one year their risk is essentially back to normal.

"It's reasonably convincing cause-and-effect data.'"
Oh, yeah?
"But another group of experts said the fall in breast cancer rates may be due to other factors...

Dr David Sturdee, president of the International Menopause Society, which represents HRT specialists, said that women should speak to their doctors to see if HRT would be appropriate.

He said: 'There's no doubt there has been a drop in breast cancer rates, which is very good news, but this started before the reduction in HRT use.

'Breast cancer takes years to develop, so if this drop was due to stopping HRT, we wouldn't be seeing it just yet.

'There's something happening, which is worth investigating, but it's unlikely to be HRT.'"
Still think they have any idea of what a "safe" drug is?


Jacqueline said...

Hmmm... So then what would explain the drop in breast cancer rates? With all the pesticides and xenoestrogens floating around, it really seems like they should have shot through the roof!

Jacqueline said...

Here's another resource on breast health that I've found really helpful. It's written by a bunch of docs from the Women to Women clinic in Maine.

Michael Applebaum, MD, JD, FCLM said...

Hello, Jacqueline, and welcome to Fitness Watch.

Kudos for your interest in the health of women. Consider us kindred in that.