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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Children With Higher Self-Control at Lower Risk for Being Overweight Teens

You mean it is not genetics, infections, ethnicity, culture, school lunches, proximity to grocery stores, etc.?
Children who were rated higher in self-control at age 9 years were less likely to be overweight at age 15 years than their less well-controlled peers, investigators reported in a prospective, longitudinal study published in the July issue of the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. The relationship between weight and self-control remained significant even after controlling for a number of confounding variables. The authors suggested that greater impulse control and skill at delaying gratification helped the children maintain a healthy weight in adolescence.
Go figger.
"The capacity to resist immediate temptations to act in one's best long-term interests is among the most important developmental milestones in the social development of children."
And adults.

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