Obese people support lifestyle-change interventions, rather than those that purely promote weight loss. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Public Health interviewed 142 obese people about their opinions on interventions ranging from gastric bands to legal regulation, finding that non-commercial, non-stigmatizing techniques were preferred.Bronto Sapiens will blame every attempt at weight loss for their failure.
The dieting industry was seen as "greedy," "a scam" and "a rip-off" but, according to Thomas, "Ironically, many participants still said that they would turn to commercial dieting to help lose weight and improve their health. This was because they had very little other support available to them. There is a need for greater attention to be dedicated to interventions that support and empower individuals to improve their lifestyle. At the individual level, personalised care planning and long term support systems must be developed to assist obese individuals. At the population level, anti-stigma campaigns and regulation should both be explored."
"It is too tough." "Be nicer to me." Etc.
F**k you.
You want more support? Talk to the people who care about you and leave the rest of society out of it.
You want more coddling? Get it from the people you know and leave the rest of us out of it.
And supposing that there are people like that in your life, then why did you become a fatso, anyway?
You do not need tough or tender love.
You need to be held accountable for you caloric irresponsibility and pay for the consequences of your behavior.
Once there is cost to you, then you will be inspired to change.
Do not blame anyone but yourself for getting fat and get knowledgeable enough about weight loss to understand why diets fail and how you are being misled by those you follow.

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