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Saturday, March 27, 2010

'No evidence' acupuncture boosts chances of IVF baby

Now how is it possible that sticking a needle in you fails to increase fertility?
There is no evidence acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine increase the chance of getting pregnant through IVF, fertility experts say in new guidance.

The methods are increasingly offered as a way of boosting the chances of a baby, but the British Fertility Society suggests couples may be wasting money.

They analysed 14 trials involving 2,670 people before issuing the new guidance...

All the trials involved acupuncture, in which needles were inserted into different areas of the body at different stages in the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle.

No matter at what stage of the process acupuncture was used, it had no impact on the pregnancy or live birth rate, the BFS researchers found...

There were no published trials on the use of Chinese herbs which were rigorous enough for inclusion, so the team concluded that there was "currently no evidence to support the use of this in fertility treatments".
There is one bit of "good" news:
They did however also find it caused no harm, with no difference in miscarriage rates.

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