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Monday, May 31, 2010

APA: Americans Report Willpower And Stress As Key Obstacles To Meeting Health-Related Resolutions

OMG! A sudden attack of partial good sense!
An administration task force chaired by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Education and Health and Human Services is asking the public for recommendations to solve the American obesity problem, and a new poll by the American Psychological Association (APA) may have some answers.

Long-term behavior change is necessary to overcome the barriers to healthy living. According to the APA poll conducted online by Harris Interactive in early March, fewer than one in five adults (16 percent) reported being very successful at making health-related improvements such as losing weight (20 percent), starting a regular exercise program (15 percent), eating a healthier diet (10 percent), and reducing stress (7 percent)1 so far this year, although about nine in 10 adults (88 percent) who resolved to make a health-related change say they have been at least somewhat successful at achieving it since January. Despite these efforts, about three-quarters (78 percent) of those who made a health-related resolution say significant obstacles block them from making progress, such as willpower (33 percent), making changes alone (24 percent), and experiencing too much stress (20 percent).

"Lasting lifestyle and behavior changes don't happen overnight. Willpower is a learned skill, not an inherent trait. We all have the capacity to develop skills to make changes last," said Katherine C. Nordal, PhD, executive director for professional practice at APA. "It is important to break down seemingly unattainable goals into manageable portions."
With certainty, willpower is the issue.

There is not a single creature in the known universe that will fail to lose weight if it consumes fewer Calories than it burns.

That is why all the money and resources spent on the fat to get them to lose weight will fail.

Nothing can overcome the lack of sufficient desire to succeed that results in real effort.


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