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Monday, May 18, 2009

Female hairiness health warning

You don't say.
"Excessive hairiness in women is not just a cosmetic problem but is likely to be a sign of an underlying medical condition, say UK doctors in a report."
Can you imagine who gets this beauteous condition?

"Weight loss, especially in obese women, may also help reduce high levels of the male hormone testosterone which can be an underlying factor in cases of excess hair."
Adult brontosapienettes.
"Up to 8 percent of all women suffer from hirsutism, which also is common in many overweight or obese teenage girls."
And younger brontosapienettes.
"Because of the link between obesity and hirsutism, this condition also can be found in Type 2 diabetics."
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.

See a pattern forming here?

Lose the weight and lose the hair, Chewbacca.

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