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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Poor Maternal Nutrition Passes Health Risk Across Generations

Crap from Utah.
"The new science of epigenetics explains how genes can be modified by the environment, and a prime result of epigenetic inquiry has just been published online...

You are what your mother did not eat during pregnancy. In the research report, scientists from the University of Utah show that rat fetuses receiving poor nutrition in the womb become genetically primed to be born into an environment lacking proper nutrition. As a result of this genetic adaptation, the rats were likely to grow to smaller sizes than their normal counterparts. At the same time, they were also at higher risk for a host of health problems throughout their lives, such as diabetes, growth retardation, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and neurodevelopmental delays, among others. Although the study involved rats, the genes and cellular mechanisms involved are the same as those in humans."
The so-called epigenetic cause of fatsoness is clearly garbage.

Bad parenting is the clear culprit.

Extending the "thinking" of the researchers, watching too much TV, studying too little to do well in school and dressing with a fashion sense similar to your folks are all epigenetically determined.
"'The new 'epigenetics' has taught us how nature is changed by nurture,' said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal."
Not hardly.

It has taught researchers another scam to run for grant money.

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