Hey, look! It's an idiot with s**t for brains trying to take your money with a prepared meal program.
"In home offices around Boston, a shoestring operation of three full-time employees is working on an unusual answer to that question. As the wrangling over trillion-dollar price tags continues on Capitol Hill, a start-up company...is undertaking its own version of health care reform by using a simple, low-tech premise: Eat healthier food and you’ll become healthier...
Unlike most corporate nutrition and weight-loss programs, which offer predictable prescriptions about portion size and calorie control, Ms. Totten’s plan allows employees surprising amounts of free rein in deciding how much to eat. 'You can eat when you’re hungry, as much as you want, as long as you pay attention to when you’re full,' she advises. 'And then you can eat again whenever you feel hungry.'”
Isn't that what the fat folks who shop at Whore Foods do?
It is the same old canard, eat all you want as long as it is "healthy" food you will be just fine.
Screw you, you ginormous idiot.
Overweight and obesity result from more Calories in than out and the source matters not.
Anything else, like this Totten's crap is plainly and simply wrong.
You want to lose weight? Go
here and learn how to do it on your own. (or see
here and
You are a business person and want a chance at cutting sick care costs? Go
here and learn what you will really need to do.
You are a fool and want to fool yourself more? Listen to Totten and her ilk.
do not expect the rest of us to pay for your rescue.