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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Higher Coffee Consumption Not Linked To High Blood Pressure

Reality check. Why it is better to be fit than not.

If they are unsettled on matters as omnipresent as coffee and blood pressure, do you really think they are of any value when it comes to the tough stuff, e.g., prescription drug interactions, genetic interventions, etc.?
There is no evidence that regularly drinking three or more cups of coffee a day is linked to high blood pressure, according to a new analysis of data pooled from several published studies, although the researchers did find a slight link with lower levels of consumption...

The researchers concluded their results suggest that habitual consumption of more than three cups of coffee a day is not linked to increased risk of high blood pressure compared to drinking less than one cup per day, but it looks like there is a "slightly elevated risk" for light to moderate consumption of 1 to 3 cups per day...

The relationship between coffee drinking and blood pressure may be complicated for several reasons, including the possibility of different effects in different people, perhaps due to genetic differences that make it safe for some to drink a lot of coffee but not others, according to one of the authors quoted by Reuters Health.
Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?

Why risk it?

Fit people tend to be healthier people with less need to interact with the woefully unknowing sick care system.

Get fit.

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