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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Health Benetits (sic) From Purple Tomatoes

But no spelling benefits. (see article title)
"Scientists have expressed genes from snapdragon in tomatoes to grow purple tomatoes high in health-protecting anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are naturally occurring pigments found at particularly high levels in berries such as blackberry, cranberry and chokeberry. Scientists are investigating ways to increase the levels of health-promoting compounds in more commonly eaten fruits and vegetables...

Anthocyanins offer protection against certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and age-related degenerative diseases. There is evidence that anthocyanins also have anti-inflammatory activity, promote visual acuity and hinder obesity and diabetes."
Of course, in a while when they discover the downside to anthocyanins, there will be all these killer tomatoes out there breeding with other tomatoes and who knows what.
"Tomatoes already contain high levels of the antioxidant lycopene. Highly processed tomatoes are the best source, or tomatoes cooked in a little oil, which helps to release the lycopene from cells. Flavonoids meanwhile are soluble in water, and foods containing both water soluble and fat-dissolved antioxidants are considered to offer the best protection against disease."
So much for the admonition against eating "processed" foods.

If you believe the lycopene stuff, then the best way to get it is not from mere "processed tomatoes," but "highly processed tomatoes."

Good luck figuring this one out.

And surviving the hysteria over Frankenfoods.

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