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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weight Loss Drug Effectiveness Affected By Genes

More bad news for the stupid morons who still think they will find a drug "cure" for overfatness.
"A study conducted by researchers at Mayo Clinic shows that obese patients with specific genetic makeup had enhanced response to the weight loss drug sibutramine, while others who lack these genetic factors lost little or no weight."
With billions of people, with many more billions of genes, with even many more epigenetic variations (if you believe in that) and other factors, you can count on a gazillion, trillion, humongo-illion, Gogol-illion incalculable variations.

You will die like stink from your diseases of choice before they "solve" this one.

Adios, gordos.

Of course, since there is no relationship between overweight/obesity and genetics, this whole drug thing is doubly stupid.

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