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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Australian Parents Fail To Recognize Their Children's Burgeoning Weight

More on the global epidemic of stupid, especially stupid parents.
"Despite constant warnings about childhood obesity, too many Australian parents are still oblivious to the fact their children are overweight, according to the findings of the national MBF Healthwatch survey.

The disturbing results showed that only 7.9% of children were considered to be overweight by their parents. However, this is a gross underestimation according to the recent Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report , which showed almost a quarter of all children (aged two to 12) are overweight or obese."
Down under? No, down over-weight.

And now, the death knell for any attempt at helping the kids:
"'I would strongly encourage parents to consider talking to their GP if their child's BMI is outside the healthy weight range for their age and sex,' she said."
It is the sick care industry, worldwide, that is part of the problem.

More delegation of chicken problem-solving to the foxes.

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