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Monday, July 20, 2009

Healthcare Costs For U.S. Companies Seen Rising Nine Percent

Good news!
"'Healthcare costs for U.S. businesses are seen rising by 9 percent in 2010, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers PWC.UL survey, which showed that employers will expect workers to pay more of the bill,' Reuters reports...Of the 500 employers surveyed, 42 percent said they 'would increase workers' share of healthcare costs,' and 41 percent that they "would increase medical cost sharing through changes to plans.'
As they should.

It is great that businesses will pass more of the costs onto workers.

Maybe this will inspire caloric responsibility. (probably not - the entitlementalistas in DC will likely undermine this incentive)

But to every silver cloud, there is a dark lining:
"In addition, 'more than two-thirds of employers offer wellness and disease management programs, but few said they were very effective at lowering costs.'"
Instead they will continue to waste money.


Almost all wellness programs are primarily weight loss programs (there is some substance abuse stuff, too, but they are mostly weight loss programs)

It is virtually impossible for wellness programs to work since they, like every other form of expert diet advice, are based on false assumptions.

Here is one that is not.

If you want a wellness program that has a prayer of working for you and your company, gimme a call.

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