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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Australians Urged To 'Take 10' Small Steps To Weight Loss Success In 2010

Nine steps too many brought to you by IMHO one of the leading misleading info sources on weight loss - dietitians.
"Forget the fads and 'Take 10 in 2010' - that's the message from Australia's leading nutrition organisation, the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), as they launch the third annual Australia's Healthy Weight Week.

DAA CEO Claire Hewat said the week is a wake-up call for the many dieters who adopt radical and unproven weight loss programs - only to gain more weight. And the call comes on the back of the Federal Government's Preventative Health Taskforce report which has called for better regulation of the multimillion dollar diet industry.

DAA commissioned research reveals that of those Australians trying to lose weight, more than one in five are following a potentially dangerous diet from a book or magazine and only 16 per cent are seeking professional advice from a qualified Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)...

To get people started this Australia's Healthy Weight Week, Associate Professor Collins has selected her top 10 tips for weight loss success:

1. Eat breakfast
2. Include vegetables or salad with lunch and dinner
3. Choose fruit as a snack
4. Replace full fat food and drinks with reduced fat alternatives
5. Choose wholegrain foods instead of more refined foods
6. Eat smaller serving sizes by using smaller plates and cups
7. Eat slowly and stop when you are satisfied not stuffed full
8. Eat when you genuinely feel hungry rather than for emotional or other reasons
9. Swap sweetened beverages such as cordial, soft drink and juice with water
10. Eat your evening meals at a dinner table with the TV turned off"
And this crap is just "to get people started."

Wanna lose weight?

Do ONE thing.

Eat fewer Calories than you burn long enough to get down to intended human weight.

Done. Oops.

TWO things.

Number two is do not listen to dietitians, Big Sick Care, Big Pharma, the government, etc.

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