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Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Weight Is Over - New Pfizer Drug Fights Canine Obesity

It is possible that dogs get the best drugs first since they are often lab animals.
"Dog owners, who would like a slimmer, healthier pet, shouldn't despair just because diet and exercise have failed to have the desired effect."
I wonder whose fault it is for this impossible outcome.

Could it be the owners? The pet shops that sell the food to these animals when the owners are not looking? The pet food elves that fill the doggie food bowls at night when the owners are asleep?
"A new drug which has already been used successfully in the US is now approved for use by European vets. It works mainly by altering the way the body handles fat in the diet, so the dog feels full earlier and may beg less, thus making it easier for the owner to implement and commit to a weight loss programme long-term."
Soon, you too, can be barking for the scam.
"It has been developed specifically for use in dogs and is not approved for use in any other animals or humans."

Or, you could just keep barking because you cannot swallow when you bark.

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