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Friday, April 18, 2008

No More Bare-Bone Top Models in France?

This is the weight equivalent of penny wise and dollar foolish.
"Organizations representing fashion houses, advertising firms and media outlets  with the backing of the French minister of health  on Wednesday, in Paris, signed a charter of good conduct about the future use of top model body images to stave off growing concerns about anorexia. Several of the signers viewed the formal move as a 'first step' toward helping to combat the eating disorder."
Maybe anorexia and bulimia are deals in the general population. If they are, compared to overweight and obesity, they are minor deals. (I get that if you or a loved one have it/them it is a bigger deal to you. But I am talking population prevalence wise, so if you are insulted, get a life.)

No word on whether the Calorie Restriction Long Life Advocates will be targeted, too.
"On the same day, a law project made the case before a commission at France's National Assembly, to punish those people or organizations that help to propagate unhealthy body images. Parliament members will examine this law project next week."
Now if this is true, then all overweight sick care workers, educators, fat "advocacy" groups, etc. should be punished.

I am in favor of that one.

If you nail the thin, then nail the fat.

Use a longer nail, of course.

And if you don't, well, you are clearly hypocrites and cowards.

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