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Friday, April 18, 2008

Vitamins 'may shorten your life'


Still think they know what a "healthy" food or supplement is?

Are you still an idiot?
"Research has suggested certain vitamin supplements do not extend life and could even lead to a premature death.

A review of 67 studies found 'no convincing evidence' that antioxidant supplements cut the risk of dying.

Scientists at Copenhagen University said vitamins A and E could interfere with the body's natural defences.

'Even more, beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E seem to increase mortality,' according to the review by the respected Cochrane Collaboration.

After various factors were taken into account and a further 20 studies excluded, the researchers linked vitamin A supplements to a 16% increased risk of dying, beta-carotene to a 7% increased risk and vitamin E to a 4% increased risk.

Vitamin C did not appear to have any effect one way or the other, and the team said more work was needed into this supplement - as well as into selenium.

In conclusion, 'we found no evidence to support antioxidant supplements for primary or secondary prevention,' they said.

It was unclear exactly why the supplements could have this effect, but the team speculated that they could interfere with how the body works: beta-carotene, for instance, is thought to change the way a body uses fats."

The last sentence is worthless speculation.

The worthwhile part is simple: no one knows what a "healthy" food or supplement is.

But, eating healthily is known.

Do it.

So are the benefits of fitness.

Get fit.

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