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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jeans Ad Sparks Controversy. Do Levis Models Come in Any Other Sizes?


Both sides are right and wrong.
When it comes to selling clothes, size matters. A campaign for Levis Curve ID Jeans was banking on it, until it backfired.

The line of customized shape-fitting denims boasts in a print ad, "hotness comes in all shapes and sizes." But underneath that message of empowerment, are three models with very similar, slender body types. Aside from slight differences in backside protrusions, none of the models reflect the size 14 shape of the average American woman.

Copyranter, an advertising watchdog blog that posted the magazine ad Wednesday, called it an insult to women size six and over.

"The company doesn't seem to understand what 'different' means," added Jezebel's Anna North. "See, 'hotness comes in all shapes and sizes,' as long as those shapes are minute variations on the same thin, ponytailed woman."

In a call to Levis, a spokesperson told Shine that particular ad is actually from last year. Their latest campaign takes into account the heaping dose of criticism from bloggers since the first ads launched in 2010. ("If you put the words 'Bold Curve' next to a woman, I expect her to have, um, bold curves and preferably legs that don't look like toothpicks," activist Shelby Knox wrote of one of the first Curve ID ads.)
The detractors are correct in that the models do not portray a broad range of body types. Clearly, at least one is way wrong in describing the legs of the models as toothpicks in appearance.

Levis is wrong in not having models of more sizes and shapes.

Levis is clearly correct in not having models of larger size as the vast majority could only be hot to blind people who would not be able to see the ads (or fatsos who have to resign themselves to finding other fat people attractive).

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