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Monday, January 07, 2008

Oklahoma City mayor puts city on a diet

Clueless in the other OC.
"Mick Cornett has challenged the city to shed 1 million pounds as its New Year's resolution.

Prompted in part by his own struggle to lose weight, Cornett wants to end Oklahoma City's dubious distinction as one of America's fattest cities."

Good intentions, bad approach.

"The mayor timed the start of the weight-loss program to the beginning of the new year, when many people begin exercise programs after holiday feasts."

Exercise is the least efficient way to lose weight and will doom most dieters to failure.

"Carrie Snyder-Renfro, a 44-year-old teacher working out at a fitness center Thursday, said she made a resolution last month to eat healthier and exercise. While she was unaware of the mayor's Web site, she said she would consider signing up.

'Last year I dieted and lost about 10 pounds a month for three months, but I left out a key component,' she said, huffing and puffing on an elliptical machine. 'I didn't exercise regularly. I ended up losing muscle mass instead of fat, and I ended up gaining almost all of it back.

'Now I'm making it more of a priority to put everything in balance. I have to get the eye of the tiger back.'"

Carrie is another poor soul misled by the conventional stupidity and has zero understanding of how weight is lost, why she failed and that she is setting herself up for another bout of failure.

"Cornett wants to make exercise more attractive to residents by increasing the number of bike trails and sidewalks in the sprawling city, where public transportation is minimal, most people are wedded to their cars and outdoor activities for some might be limited to watching a football game."

Another well-intentioned but mistaken effort that I predict will fail.

Stay tuned.

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