"...Fitness Revolution for Kids is a playful, high-energy workout for children ages 5 and up. It is now available at vhttp://www.revolutionforkids.com (sic) for $19.99.If they were so amazing, why are they so fat?
'The Revolution is designed to give today's amazing children the tools they need to create their own generation of health,' Byrne said. 'We empower kids and their families by accepting the good things about them. When kids are feeling healthy and strong, their positive contributions to the world are limitless.'"
In this day and age, amazing kids are the ones who stay lean, trim and in shape.
The only "revolution" here will be in this Byrne person's bank account if enough morons fall for this crap.
Byrne is simply another scumbag from ABC the home of AdipOprah, Mehmet Oz, David Katz and a whole world of overfatness hurt.
Here is how she describes herself:
“I take care of my body, I eat healthy, yet at times, I’ll put on weight for no apparent reason! When fitness is your life, it’s hard not to judge yourself for weight gain, and I work on acceptance & staying positive all the time.”The above accompanies this picture:
Theresa wasn’t always the fitness & empowerment expert you see now. She has learned much of what she teaches today through her own life experience. As a child, she dealt with self esteem issues & a huge lack of coordination. She’s experienced her own struggles with weight as an adult, finding her normal 150lb frame carrying over 200 lbs at times. She has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue for over 10 years & still works to minimize issues with hypothyroidism."

Note "put on weight for no apparent reason!"
There is only one reason and one reason only that people put on weight (excluding things like water retention, in women, and certain illnesses), more Calories in than out.
If this ABC "expert" is too stupid to know that, she is too stupid to advise others.
Avoid this trash.
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