"More prominent displays may be needed to help increase consumer awareness of nutritional information in fast food restaurants, according to an observational study from Yale University that appears in the May issue of the American Journal of Public Health...Ah, yes, the "bigger is better" argument. But...
Of the more than 4,311 patrons observed, only six (0.1 percent) sought out the nutritional information available in the restaurants prior to making a purchase."
"'Clear calorie information is critical to helping consumers make informed decisions about what they are eating,' said Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale and an author of the study. 'It is notoriously difficult to estimate the calories in fast food meals. Polls show that consumers want the information and this study shows how they need it in a more prominent and visible place - right on the menus and menu boards.'"If people "want the information" so badly, then:
why do only 0.1% care enough to find it (assuming they have to root around for it)
why is Kelly Brownell, who is an "expert" in junk food and knows "the calories in fast food meals" a fat, and an IMHO misleading/dishonest fatso?Here are pictures of Kelly:
This one is from the Yale Daily News "Updated: Monday, March 23, 2009 at 3:15am":

Note the article date. This is the image Kelly currently displays on his LEARN website where you can buy his weight loss advice.
Here is a supposedly current image of Kelly from the Yale website:

He's bigger. Is it better?
You, too, can achieve Kelly's success by following his program!
"The LEARN Program is different from any other program available today. It teaches individuals essential skills that are necessary to live and maintain a healthy body weight in today's "toxic" environment of high-fat, high-calorie foods and thousands of labor-saving devices."(Good job, Puerco Brownell. Way to set a good example.)
While you are at it, you can achieve Barry Sears' success by following his Zone Diet!
And when you are done looking at what these experts can accomplish, go to www.JailForOprah.com and see what her experts can do for you.
Then, if you have a (lucid) moment, contact FTC from the Jail For Oprah website and tell them to make these people go away.
For once and for all.
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