"According to the Dietary Guidelines for American 2005, the following percentages are recommended:Here are pictures of Barry Sears, a PhD incidentally, not a medical doctor.
* Children aged 2 to 3 - total fat limited to 30%-35% of total calorie intake
* Children aged 4 to 18 - total fat limited to 25%-35% of total calorie intake
* Adults aged 19 and older - total fat limited to 20%-35% of total calorie intake
Dr. Barry Sears, who created the Zone Diet, says an average adult should consume 30% fat, 30% protein and 40% carbohydrate - he stresses that the types of fats are important, favoring the omega-3 oils and vegetable oils."
The pic on top is from 2001. The one on the bottom is from no later than 2005.
This is what 4 years on the Zone Diet can do for you.

Caveat emptor.
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