Nearly 80 million Americans would no longer need to take vitamin D supplements under new Institute of Medicine guidelines, according to a study by Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine researchers.But you can count on Whore Foods, and others, to keep pushing this stuff.
Results were published in the journal PLOS ONE.
The new guidelines advise that almost all people get sufficient vitamin D when their blood levels are at or above 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Older guidelines said people needed vitamin D levels above 30 ng/ml.
Holly Kramer, MD, MPH and colleagues examined data from 15,099 non-institutionalized adults who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES III). The sample included 1,097 adults who had chronic kidney disease, which has been linked to low vitamin D levels.
In the survey population, 70.5 percent of adults with healthy kidneys had vitamin D blood levels that would be considered insufficient under the older guidelines. But under the newer Institute of Medicine guidelines, only 30.3 percent of these adults had insufficient vitamin D levels.
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Friday, November 30, 2012
New Guidelines For Vitamin D Supplements
Unnecessary supplement.
Overweight, Obesity in Adolescents Linked With Increased Risk for End-Stage Renal Disease Over Time
More nutritional child abuse.
Being overweight and obese during adolescence appears related to an increased risk of all-cause treated end-stage renal disease (ESRD) during a 25-year period, according to a report published Online First by Archives of Internal Medicine, a JAMA Network publication.Stop the nutritional child abuse.
Children and adolescents with high body mass index (BMI) often become obese adults, and obese adults are at risk for chronic conditions such as diabetes, which can mean future risk of chronic kidney disease and ESRD, according to the study background.
Asaf Vivante, M.D., of the Israeli Defense Forces Medical Corps and the Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel, and colleagues examined the association between BMI in adolescence and the risk for all-cause, diabetic and nondiabetic ESRD.
Medical data for almost 1.2 million adolescents (17 years old) who were examined for fitness for Israeli military service between January 1967 and December 1997 were linked to the Israeli ESRD registry in a nationwide population-based retrospective study.
"In this long-term nationwide population-based study, overweight and obesity at age 17 years were strongly and positively associated with the incidence of future treated ESRD, although the absolute risk for ESRD remains low," the authors comment.
Need To Increase Physical Exercise? Then Avoid 'The Biggest Loser'
What people will do for $250 K and more is different from what real people will do.
The Biggest Loser might be a TV ratings winner, but its extreme depiction of exercise is more likely to turn people off than get them off the couch, according to new research from the University of Alberta.Don't fall for the TV show's crap.
Researchers in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation found that watching a short video clip of the Biggest Loser fuelled negative attitudes toward exercise, raising further questions about how physical activity is shown in the popular media.
"The depictions of exercise on shows like The Biggest Loser are really negative," said lead author Tanya Berry, Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity Promotion. "People are screaming and crying and throwing up, and if you're not a regular exerciser you might think this is what exercise is - that it's this horrible experience where you have to push yourself to the extremes and the limits, which is completely wrong."
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Obese Patients At Greater Risk Of Infection And Other Complications Following Knee Replacement Surgery
More good news! Another thing that fat people give themselves that we should not be paying for.
Oh, happy days.
Obese patients have a greater risk of complications following total knee replacement surgery, including post-surgical infections, according to a new literature review recently published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS). Because of complications, obese patients are more likely to require follow-up surgery (revision).And that they will have to pay for their fatso-related complications themselves.
Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, particularly in the United States, and is a well-documented risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis. Arthritis is initially treated nonsurgically, but total joint replacement often becomes necessary if the disease progresses. Consequently, the rate of joint replacements in obese individuals has increased in the last several decades.
"Orthopaedic operations can technically be more difficult in obese people, and it is important for us to know whether there is a higher complication rate in the obese, and if the long-term outcome is worse," says Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, an orthopaedic surgeon at the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, and lead author of the study. Findings include:
Obese patients have double the rate of infection following total knee replacement surgery compared to non-obese patients.The paper's authors advise that knee replacement surgery not be withheld from obese patients. Rather, obese patients should be well-informed of the likelihood of complications following their total knee replacement, and advised to lose weight before surgery.
Obese patients' rate of infection is higher for both superficial and deep infections.
The long-term surgical revision rate for obese patients is nearly double that for non-obese patients.
Oh, happy days.
New Clues to How the Brain and Body Communicate to Regulate Weight
Assuming there are communications.
Maintaining a healthy body weight may be difficult for many people, but it's reassuring to know that our brains and bodies are wired to work together to do just that -- in essence, to achieve a phenomenon known as energy balance, a tight matching between the number of calories consumed versus those expended. This careful balance results from a complex interchange of neurobiological crosstalk within regions of the brain's hypothalamus, and when this "conversation" goes awry, obesity or anorexia can result.The answer to "how" is "poorly" in the fat (because of bad brain) and "just fine" in the intended-sized.
Risk Factors Predict Childhood Obesity, Researchers Find
Fat parents have fat kids.
High birth weight, rapid weight gain and having an overweight mother who smokes can all increase the risk of a baby becoming obese later in childhood, research by experts at The University of Nottingham has found.The fat should not reproduce.
The study, published in the latest edition of the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, also discovered that children who were breastfed and were introduced to solid food later had a slightly reduced chance of becoming overweight.
The findings come following a systematic review and analysis of data from around 30 previous studies looking at the impact of factors affecting babies during the first 12 months of their lives and their potential link with childhood obesity.
The study was undertaken by PhD student Stephen Weng, supported by a team led by Dr Sarah Redsell in the University's School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy. The team also included Professor Cris Glazebrook and Professor Min Yang of the Institute of Mental Health, and Dr Judy Swift, School of Biosciences.
The first study of its kind to review all the evidence for risk factors in infancy associated with childhood obesity, it is hoped the findings will help to bridge the gap between research and the implementation of new clinical practice.
Dr Redsell said: "The results of this study effectively identify the most significant risk factors by analysing data from a large number of other studies that have previously been conducted. This will offer a robust starting point for further research that will identify the most appropriate ways in which this information could be useful in healthcare practice."
In the UK around one-quarter of children aged four to five years old and one-third of 10 to 11-year-olds are overweight and evidence suggests that children who are overweight at the age of five are more likely to be obese in adulthood.
Up to now, support from GPs and health visitors has centred on advice on healthy eating and breastfeeding but many practitioners believe more should be done to identify infants who are at risk of becoming obese at an earlier age.
The analysis of previous studies showed that:
Children of mothers who were overweight before pregnancy were 1.37 times more likely to be overweight at the age of three; 4.25 more likely to be overweight at the age of seven; and 2.36 times more likely to be overweight between the ages of nine and 14 years.
Six out of seven studies looking at infant birth weight showed a significant association between babies who were heavy at birth and obesity in later childhood.
Six studies investigating rapid weight gain in babies in their first year of life found strong links with obesity -- one study found that those babies in the top 20 per cent of monthly weight gain were 3.9 times more likely to be overweight at the age of four and a half years old.
Children with mothers who smoked during pregnancy were 47 per cent more likely to be overweight compared to the children of non-smoking mothers.
Children who were breastfed -- however briefly -- were 15 per cent less likely to become overweight in childhood compared to those children who were never breastfed.
There is some evidence that giving solid foods early can be linked to later obesity -- one study found that formula-fed babies given solid foods before four months were 6.3 times more likely to be overweight at three years of age than those where solid food was introduced between four and five months.
No compelling evidence to show a link between childhood obesity and maternal age or education at birth, maternal depression or ethnicity and inconclusive evidence for delivery type, weight gain in the womb, maternal weight loss after birth and 'fussy' infant temperament.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Carb Intake, Sperm Count Association Explored
At last, an answer to the question, "Why can't the Chinese reproduce?"
Rice is carbohydrate.
Rice is carbohydrate.
As carbohydrate intake and dietary glycemic load increase, sperm concentration decreases, according to research presented here at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 68th Annual Meeting.Stupid.
Researchers analyzed data on 189 men 18 to 22 years of age who were enrolled in the Rochester Young Men's Study, conducted at the University of Rochester in New York, in 2009 and 2010.
The men's diets were assessed with a validated food frequency questionnaire, and semen samples were analyzed for sperm concentration, motility, and morphology.
The participants (82% white) had a mean body mass index (BMI) of 25.3 kg/m² and were highly physically active, spending an average of 11 hours per week on moderate to vigorous physical activity.
On average, about 50% of the men's diets was made up of carbohydrates.
After adjustment for factors such as total energy intake, age, abstinence time, BMI, smoking status, and the intake of protein, caffeine, and alcohol, the steady decline in sperm concentration was consistent with increasing quartiles of total carbohydrate intake (P for trend = .08): 49 million/mL (95% confidence interval [CI], 31 to 74) in the lowest quartile, followed by 47 million/mL (95% CI, 32 to 70), 37 million/mL (95% CI, 25 to 55), and 35 million/mL (95% CI, 23 to 51) in the highest quartile.
There was also an association between dietary glycemic load, which reflects the amount and quality of carbohydrates in the diet, and reduced sperm concentration (P for trend = .04). Adjusted sperm concentrations, from lowest to highest glycemic load, were 59 million/mL (95% CI, 39 to 91), 37 million/mL (95% CI, 26 to 55), 43 million/mL (95% CI, 29 to 62), and 32 million/mL (95% CI, 22 to 48).
Sperm motility was not associated with carbohydrate intake or with dietary glycemic load, and neither was morphology.
According to lead author Jorge E. Chavarro, MD, from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, data on the nature of dietary influences on sperm concentration, in general, are lacking.
Little is known about how diet and other modifiable lifestyle factors affect human fertility, but "it has been shown very consistently that being overweight or obese is strongly related to poor semen quality," he told Medscape Medical News.
"We also know that many of the systemic effects of obesity, such as chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance, can be elicited by the composition of diet, independent of body weight," Dr. Chavarro explained. "With this in mind, we wanted to know if one aspect of diet, namely carbohydrate intake, was related to semen quality," he said.
Resveratrol supplements may offer little benefit for healthy people
And everyone else.
Care to bet?
Resveratrol — the red wine compound often touted for its possible healthful and anti-aging effects — may not bring the benefits to healthy people that preliminary research has suggested, a small new study finds.But it won't.
In the 12-week study, 29 healthy women, most of them in their late 50s, were given either resveratrol supplements or a placebo. No appreciable differences were found after the 12 weeks between the two groups in regard to body fat, resting metabolic rate, fat levels in the blood, or markers of inflammation.
"Our data demonstrate that resveratrol supplementation does not have metabolic benefits in relatively healthy middle-aged women," study researcher Dr. Samuel Klein, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis, said in a statement.
People with metabolic problems did not take part in the study, and it is still possible resveratrol might benefit them, Klein noted.
Care to bet?
Resveratrol Does Not Benefit Healthy Women
Bad day for resveratrol.
If you are "healthy," why take anything?
If you are "healthy," why take anything?
Although a red wine ingredient, known as resveratrol, has been known to reduce the risk of heart disease, improve insulin sensitivity, and increase longevity, these benefits are not seen in healthy women.You shouldn't.
The finding, published in Cell Metabolism, came from a team of researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis after observing 29 women who did not have type 2 diabetes, had already gone through menopause, and who were fairly healthy overall.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Dairy Products Won't Make You Skinny, Evidence Says
Apparently Big White feels differently.
Of course, relying on evidence has never been Big White's strong suit.
Of course, relying on evidence has never been Big White's strong suit.
Adding a couple of servings of milk or yogurt to their daily diet probably won't help people lose weight, a new meta-analysis suggests.Big White bites the dust, as it should.
Some research has suggested dairy products may help people feel full for longer, or that the calcium in milk and yogurt can prevent the build-up of fat tissue. But those remain unproven theories.
"The results are not very consistent," said Dr. Frank Hu from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, who worked on the new review.
"Overall, I think the evidence doesn't support the claim that dairy products are beneficial for weight loss," he said.
Dr. Hu and his colleagues analyzed the results of 29 studies involving a total of 2,101 participants, some of whom were randomly assigned to add extra dairy to their diets.
The set-ups of those studies varied widely, with dairy intakes ranging from one to more than six servings per day and diet interventions lasting between one month and two years. Some studies put participants on a reduced-calorie diet to promote weight loss, while others did not.
On average, people assigned to the extra-dairy groups lost 0.3 more pounds - about 0.14 kilograms - than the comparison group, a difference that wasn't statistically significant. They did lose slightly more body fat - about one extra pound worth.
When the researchers broke down the results further, they found dairy products seemed to confer some benefit over the short term when they were part of a weight-loss diet. But otherwise, adding more milk, yogurt and cheese didn't help people lose weight or keep it off, Dr. Hu and his colleagues reported online August 29th in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Economic Conditions May Trump Genetics When Battling Obesity
If it can "trump" genetics, then genetics is no issue.
Or male pattern baldness.
It cannot be done.
In a first of its kind study that shows environmental conditions can be more influential than genetics, Virginia Tech researchers have found that the cost of food - not someone's genetic makeup - is a major factor in eating fattening food.Try trumping the genetics of brown eyes.
Or male pattern baldness.
It cannot be done.
Gastric Bypass Moves 'Beyond the Realms' of Cosmetic Surgery
As long as it moves beyond "the rest of us have to pay for it" realm into the "fat person pays for it him- or her- self," go for it.
Bariatric surgery significantly reduces several risk factors for cardiovascular disease and improves the structure and function of the heart, according to the largest-ever meta-analysis of the subject involving almost 20 000 patients followed up for a mean of almost five years.Until then, it remains in the "experience the consequences of your choices fatso" realm, where it belongs.
"The magnitude of effect on cardiovascular risk factors is impressive, and to date no pharmacological therapy for weight management or diabetes has shown a comparable effect over these short time periods," say Dr Amanda Vest (Cleveland Clinic, OH) and colleagues in their paper published Heart. "These observations have elevated bariatric surgery beyond the realms of a cosmetic procedure and into the spectrum of interventions demonstrating efficacy in preventing CV events."
Monday, November 26, 2012
Is Obesity Irreversible? Timing Is Key in Weight Loss
Anytime you consume fewer Calories than you burn, you will lose weight.
Anytime you consume more Calories than you burn, you will gain weight.
Anytime you make excuses for your lack of willpower and resulting failure, you will remain fat.
Joint research between the University of Michigan and the Argentina-based National Council of Science and Technology (CONICET) has shed light on one of the most frustrating mysteries of weight loss -- why the weight inevitably comes back.Timing means nothing.
A novel animal model showed that the longer mice remained overweight, the more "irreversible" obesity became, according to the new study that appeared online ahead of print Oct.24 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Over time, the static, obese state of the mice reset the "normal," body weight set point to become permanently elevated, despite dieting that initially worked to shed pounds, authors say.
"Our model demonstrates that obesity is in part a self-perpetuating disorder and the results further emphasize the importance of early intervention in childhood to try to prevent the condition whose effects can last a lifetime," says senior author Malcolm J. Low, M.D., Ph.D., professor of molecular and integrative physiology and internal medicine.
"Our new animal model will be useful in pinpointing the reasons why most adults find it exceedingly difficult to maintain meaningful weight loss from dieting and exercise alone."
Anytime you consume fewer Calories than you burn, you will lose weight.
Anytime you consume more Calories than you burn, you will gain weight.
Anytime you make excuses for your lack of willpower and resulting failure, you will remain fat.
Can Obesity Hit A Point Of No Return? Researchers Say Yes
They are wrong.
Unless one is a research mouse and eats what is provided.
Or unless one is as stupid as a mouse.
The latter is likely for the fat.
And for obesity researchers, too.
Why does weight always find its way back onto our bodies? The longer a person is overweight, the higher the risk of the obesity becoming "irreversible", according to researchers from the University of Michigan and the National Council of Science and Technology (COINCET) in Argentina.One can and will always lose weight when one eats fewer Calories than one burns.
The new study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and conducted on mice, revealed that the longer the animals were overweight, the less likely they were to shed the excess weight.
According to the report, the obesity in mice eventually replaces the "normal" body weight, making the mice's "normal" weight higher than before, regardless of whether they were put on diets which previously worked to lose the pounds.
Unless one is a research mouse and eats what is provided.
Or unless one is as stupid as a mouse.
The latter is likely for the fat.
And for obesity researchers, too.
Higher Levels Of Activity, Lower BMI May Help To Protect Amish Children Against Type 2 Diabetes
No news here.
How you get to be a non-fatty is your choice.
Eat less.
Burn more.
Either will work.
Old Order Amish children are much more physically active and three times less likely to be overweight than non-Amish children, which may provide them with some long-term protection against developing Type 2 diabetes, University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers report in the journal Diabetes Care.Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes, no matter if the fatty is an adult or kid.
The researchers found that Amish children in Lancaster County, Pa., spent an additional 34 minutes a day in light physical activity, plus another 53 additional minutes a day in moderate to vigorous activity compared to non-Amish white children living nearby on Maryland's rural Eastern Shore. The amount of moderate to vigorous activity, which is important to cardiovascular health, was twice that of the non-Amish children. The level of physical activity was inversely correlated to their BMI, or body mass index, which is a measurement of body fat based on a person's height and weight.
How you get to be a non-fatty is your choice.
Eat less.
Burn more.
Either will work.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Clinical Research: Small Studies Often Yield Large Outcomes
Remember this.
Proceed cautiously when you come across a clinical study declaring a large treatment effect. Such findings most often emerge from small studies, and if replicated, the strength of the finding generally drops significantly. In addition, only very rarely do these reports show a significant survival benefit for patients, according to a study published in...JAMA.Because it it true.
"Nominally significant very large effects arose mostly from small trials with few events," write the authors, Tiago V. Pereira, PhD, from the Health Technology Assessment Unit, Institute of Education and Sciences, German Hospital Oswaldo Cruz, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Ralph I. Horwitz, MD, from GlaxoSmithKline and the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut; and John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc, from the Stanford University School of Medicine in California. Dr. Ioannidis is known for a 2005 study published in PLOS Medicine entitled "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False."
Sedentary Behavior Changes Possible Through Counseling In Primary Care
Or, change is possible if one just moves instead of wasting time sitting, talking, i.e., getting counseled.
If the sedentary need counseling to move, let them pay for it themselves.
This way they can move from the doc's office to the bank and withdraw their own money.
Although primary care physicians take care of many aspects of health and disease, little is known about how they can change sedentary behavior through counseling, according to researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Results from a new study suggest encouraging patients to decrease the time they spend sitting each day may be feasible in the primary care setting.A waste of money and time.
If the sedentary need counseling to move, let them pay for it themselves.
This way they can move from the doc's office to the bank and withdraw their own money.
Blood-Pressure Control Improving in US
So what?
Second, unless there is clinical improvement and cost-savings, it makes no difference.
For these, we will have to wait and see.
Use of antihypertensive medication and blood-pressure control among US adults with hypertension has significantly increased over the past 10 years, new data show.First, they need drugs to do it.
The data, published in...Circulation, come from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which included 9320 hypertensive patients who were interviewed in 2001–2002 and again in 2009–2010.
Results showed that 28.7% of hypertensive patients had their blood pressure controlled in 2001-2002, but this had increased to 47.2% by 2009–2010.
This correlated with an increase in the use of antihypertensive medication, with the number of patients who reported taking any antihypertensive drug increasing from 63.5% in 2001 to 77.3% in 2010. And the numbers taking multiple antihypertensive drugs increased from 36.8% in 2001 to 47.7% in 2010.
Second, unless there is clinical improvement and cost-savings, it makes no difference.
For these, we will have to wait and see.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Crusty foods may worsen heart problems associated with diabetes

A University of Illinois study suggests avoiding cooking methods that produce the kind of crusty bits you'd find on a grilled hamburger, especially if you have diabetes and know you're at increased risk for cardiovascular disease because of your diagnosis.
"We see evidence that cooking methods that create a crust - think the edge of a brownie or the crispy borders of meats prepared at very high temperatures - produce advanced glycation end products (AGEs). And AGEs are associated with plaque formation, the kind we see in cardiovascular disease," said Karen Chapman-Novakofski, a U of I professor of nutrition.
For years nutrition experts have advised people with diabetes to bake, broil, or grill their food instead of frying it, she said.
"That's still true, but if you have diabetes, you should know that AGEs - byproducts of food preparation methods that feature very high, intense, dry heat - tend to end up on other tissues in the body, causing long-term damage," she added.
If you're fighting this vascular buildup anyway, Chapman-Novakofski thinks that consuming products containing AGEs could worsen the cardiovascular complications of diabetes.
Everything kills.
No hope. No hope.

Partial Sleep Deprivation Associated With Obesity

Weight loss drug.
Understanding the link between partial sleep deprivation and energy imbalance may help a person prevent weight gain and even lose weight.Bulls**t.
This finding, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, came from a comprehensive analysis of research published over a 15-year period.
Over 35% of individuals in the United States are struggling with obesity and over 28% are getting insufficient sleep, less than 6 hours each night.
A previous study in the British Medical Journal indicated that young kids who do not get sufficient sleep have a significantly higher chance of becoming overweight. Another report, presented at SLEEP, suggested that adolescent obesity is linked to having less sleep, potentially due to higher caffeine intake or more hours of technology use.
In order to lose weight, people alter their lifestyles to focus more on nutrition and exercise. However, changes in a person's daily schedule, such as sleep behaviors, can also help control weight.
Sleep matters not.
Calories matter all.
Sleep as much or as little as you want.
Just do not overconsume Calories.
That will fix/prevent overweight/obesity.
Electronic Devices In Kids' Bedrooms At Night Can Lead To Sleeplessness And Can Raise Their Risk Of Obesity
Obesogenic culprit.

Children who bask in the nighttime glow of a TV or computer don't get enough rest and suffer from poor lifestyle habits, new research from the University of Alberta has shown.A real killer.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Adding Teriparatide Raises Hip BMD More Than Switching Drugs
Two words - Anabolic Clinic (sm).
Learn more here.
Postmenopausal women receiving ongoing antiresorptive osteoporosis therapy did better when teriparatide was added to their regimen than when they were switched to teriparatide monotherapy, researchers reported here at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2012 Annual Meeting.Anabolic substances are safer than teriparatide and can be used for prevention of osteoporosis.
Learn more here.
Dietary And Herbal Supplements Could Interfere With Prescription Drugs
Certain herb and dietary supplements (HDS) can produce potentially dangerous drug interference, especially among people taking medication for cardiovascular or nervous system issues.Still think they have any idea what a "safe" supplement is?
These findings are part of an extensive new research review published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice.
Organic Foods For Kids - Is It Worth The Money?
Buying organic foods for your kids will probably lower their exposure to drug-resistant bacteria as well as pesticides, but whether spending the extra money provides significant benefits is less clear.Next.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Greater Parental Stress Linked to Children's Obesity, Fast Food Use, Reduced Activity
Right perps, wrong reason.
But, okay, stressed people should not have kids.
Parents with a higher number of stressors in their lives are more likely to have obese children, according to a new study by pediatric researchers. Furthermore, when parents perceive themselves to be stressed, their children eat fast food more often, compared to children whose parents feel less stressed.More grossly stupid excusinators working overtime.
But, okay, stressed people should not have kids.
Exercise May Beat Mental Activity in Preserving Cognition
Why fat slobs remain stupid.
Move your brain.
More evidence has linked exercise with a positive effect on the brain. A new study finds that older adults who reported being the most physically active had less brain atrophy, higher volumes of gray matter, and less damage to white matter compared with their more sedentary counterparts.Move your fat ass.
Not only was the sample size, at almost 700 participants, much larger than those of other studies looking at the effect of physical activity on the brain, but this study is the first to look in detail at the effect of exercise on white matter, the brain's "wiring," .lead author Alan J. Gow, PhD, senior research fellow, Center for Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, told Medscape Medical News.
Move your brain.
Organic Foods Offer No Meaningful Nutritional Benefits, AAP Says
Won't stop the morons from buying at Whore Foods.
Waste your money.
But don't expect the rest of us to bail you out when you get your fatso diseases of choice thinking that eating organic was going to save you from Calories.
Organic foods are essentially no more nutritious than conventionally produced foods, but whether they are safer is still an unanswered question, according to a new policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released here during its 2012 National Conference and Exhibition.Go ahead.
The AAP conducted an extensive analysis of scientific evidence surrounding organic produce, dairy products, and meat. The conclusion was mixed: Although organic foods have the same vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and other nutrients as conventional foods, they also have lower pesticide levels and, in the case of meat, are less likely to be contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria, because antibiotics are not used in these animals.
"In the long term, there is currently no direct evidence that consuming an organic diet leads to improved health or lower risk of disease," AAP officials said in a statement.
The new recommendations were presented at a press conference during the meeting and concurrently published online October 22 in the journal Pediatrics.
"We found no significant difference in nutrients in organic vs conventional foods, with the caveat that such studies are very difficult to conduct due to many confounding factors," said Joel Forman, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City. Dr. Forman was on the AAP Council on Environmental Health when the effort was initiated.
Waste your money.
But don't expect the rest of us to bail you out when you get your fatso diseases of choice thinking that eating organic was going to save you from Calories.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Too Many Carbs, Too Much Sugar May Increase Risk Of Cognitive Impairment
The billboard kids of "too much" are the fat.
And they are cognitively impaired, i.e., stupid.
And they are cognitively impaired, i.e., stupid.
People 70 and older who eat food high in carbohydrates have nearly four times the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, and the danger also rises with a diet heavy in sugar, Mayo Clinic researchers have found. Those who consume a lot of protein and fat relative to carbohydrates are less likely to become cognitively impaired, the study found. The findings are published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.That is a "well-rounded diet," not a diet that makes you, well, round.
The research highlights the importance of a well-rounded diet, says lead author Rosebud Roberts, M.B., Ch.B., a Mayo Clinic epidemiologist.
Eating More Legumes May Improve Glycemic Control, Lower Estimated Heart Disease Risk
It should be clear that the problem has always been not enough legumes.
Eating more legumes (such as beans, chickpeas or lentils) as part of a low-glycemic index diet appears to improve glycemic control and reduce estimated coronary heart disease (CHD) risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), according to a report of a randomized controlled trial published Online First by Archives of Internal Medicine, a JAMA Network publication.Not.
Mouse Life Span Extended By Starvation Hormone Without The Need For Calorie Restriction
Do you really think that there is life extension by calorie restriction to the point of stimulating a "starvation hormone"?

A study by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers finds that a starvation hormone markedly extends life span in mice without the need for calorie restriction.Good luck with that.
"Restricting food intake has been shown to extend lifespan in several different kinds of animals. In our study, we found transgenic mice that produced more of the hormone fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21) got the benefits of dieting without having to limit their food intake. Male mice that overproduced the hormone had about a 30 percent increase in average life span and female mice had about a 40 percent increase in average life span," said senior author Dr. Steven Kliewer, professor of molecular biology and pharmacology.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Diet-Proof Holiday Meal: Seven Ways to Stay On Track This Season
The Grinches are working overtime this time of year.
Do NOT follow their advice.
Eat like a pig if you choose.
People get fat the other 363 or so days per year.
One or two days of partying is not and never will be the cause of fatosity.
Do NOT follow their advice.
Holiday dinners are filled with heaping dishes of comfort foods, fattening favorites and savory treats. It is no wonder these meals often leave us feeling stuffed with guilt and holiday remorse.Enjoy the holidays.
Patricia Nicholas, a registered dietitian at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, says you can avoid this psychological turmoil by adding "new favorites" to the traditional dishes. "Healthy meals can be festive as well and hopefully, you have been making healthy changes to your diet all year."
Michelle Morgan, a registered dietitian at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, says, "Stay in tune with your hunger during holiday meals. If you feel satiated and comfortable -- stop eating!"
The following is the holiday feast survival guide -- a road map of sorts to keep you and your diet from straying too far this year.
• Re-think your appetizers. Incorporate healthier pre-meal snack options. Swap the bread bowl for whole-wheat pita with a low-fat bean dip!
• Add some color to your holiday dinner spread with a bowl of fruit or a vegetable salad.
• Choose smaller portions. You can still taste all the foods in your holiday spread without overeating. Remember, an occasional indulgence will not destroy your weight-loss attempts, and if you don't love something don't eat it.
• The only thing that should be stuffed during the holidays is the turkey! Just because there is more food sitting around, does not mean you need to eat more. A forkful of pie will do less damage than a whole piece.
• No need for second helpings; have a calorie-free chat instead. The holidays are a great time to engage in conversation with your loved ones -- and this will not add inches to your waistline. Just be sure to move the conversation away from the food!
• Don't skip meals prior to a holiday party or dinner. You are less likely to overeat if you have eaten well throughout the day.
• Don't allow holiday activity to slow down your exercise program. Bundle up and take a walk after your holiday meal -- this not only can prevent you from overeating and picking at leftovers, but is also a great way to burn off some of the extra calories you may have consumed.
Eat like a pig if you choose.
People get fat the other 363 or so days per year.
One or two days of partying is not and never will be the cause of fatosity.
Obese Children More Likely To Experience Foot, Knee And Hip Pain
Fat parents have fat kids.
Stop the abuse.
Pain in the lower extremities - feet, ankles, knees and hips - contributes to both poor physical function and a reduced quality of life in obese children, according to a new study by Dr. Sharon Bout-Tabaku and colleagues, from Nationwide Children's Hospital and The Ohio State University in the US. Their work shows that obese children with lower extremity pain have worse physical function and poorer psychological health than obese children without lower extremity pain. Their findings appear online in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®, published by Springer.More nutritional child abuse.
Obese children show diminished function, reduced psychosocial health (emotional, social and school functioning), and lower physical fitness compared with healthy weight peers. For these children, pain in the lower extremities is more common than pain in the upper extremities and back. However, it remains unclear whether pain interferes with physical fitness or physical activity levels in obese children.
Stop the abuse.
Urinary Tract Infections Unlikely To Be Prevented By Cranberry Juice
Say it ain't so.
Cranberry juice is unlikely to prevent bladder and kidney infections, according to an updated systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. The authors analysed the most up-to-date evidence and concluded that any benefit, if present at all, is likely to be small and only for women with recurrent UTI.Go figger.
Monday, November 19, 2012
How To Keep From Overindulging This Holiday Season
Go ahead and overindulge. It is the holiday season.
At the end of this posting, I will provide a guide on how best to overeat, IMHO.
The FitnessMed tm Guide To Overeating For The Holidays
The holiday season is near or here and calls for you to do anything but celebrate with festive meals can be heard from the Grinches everywhere.
This is madness.
As if two or three days of celebratory eating will make you fat for an entire year.
One day is 0.27% of a year.
Let’s assume there are three holidays for overeating: Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years.
Three days constitute a mere 0.82 % of a year.
The fact is that diligence and eating for health, which means eating for a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, are what a person should do the OTHER days of the year, the other 99.18% of the year.
Repeat – the rest of the year is 99.18%.
You have to be a hard-core sadist to suggest that people give-up celebrating their holidays with festive meals because whatever they do calorically for less than 1% of the year will “ruin their lives.”
Do not believe that drivel.
A holiday is a holiday.
In the spirit of celebration, FitnessMed, Inc., is happy to bring you this guide on how to overeat for the holidays.
Not only will the strategies here help you overeat so you gain the least weight, it will explain to you how you can overconsume up to 33% more Calories without gaining more weight than you would otherwise.
This translates into more turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, stuffing, etc.
Here goes.
When you overconsume Calories, i.e., eat more Calories than your body burns, those excess Calories get stored as fat.
There is no way around this.
To store the extra Calories as fat, your body has to convert the excess food you eat into body fat.
Even though all food Calories are equal, storage of Calories is not.
Overeaten Calories that come from fat are stored more efficiently than overeaten Calories that come from carbohydrate or protein.
What this means is that if you overeat 100 Calories as fat, 97 of them will get stored on your body.
If you overeat 100 Calories as carbohydrate, 75 of them will get stored on your body.
Thus, almost 100% of overeaten fat ends up on you, while only ¾ of overeaten carbohydrate is what you end up wearing. For protein, the number is even less.
This means that you can overeat about 1/3 more Calories as carbohydrate and be no worse off than had you overeaten the Calories as fat (from a weight perspective).
133 Calories x 75% = 99.75 Calories.
So instead of overeating 100 fat Calories and adding 97 Calories of body fat, you can overeat 133 carbohydrate Calories and add about the same number of Calories as body fat.
The trick here is to overeat the Calories as pure carbohydrate and/or protein as possible.
This is not a difficult trick.
Skinless turkey, lean ham, stuffing moistened with fat-free broth and fat-free butter instead of oil, fat-free butter on rolls, fat-free sour cream on potatoes and substituting fruit purees for fat in baked goods (yes, it works – search online for “fat substitutes in baking”) are examples of ways to add more carbohydrate/protein and less fat to your holiday fare. (search online for “fat substitutes in cooking” for more ideas)
Granted the taste of the foods may be different.
However, if someone is interested in reducing their Calories from fat and being able to overeat even more if they choose, the price is much smaller than reducing the festivity of celebrating with food.
It is also smaller than experiencing the day-after guilt.
Besides, just because the taste may be different does not mean it will be less enjoyable. It might even taste better to you.
The only way to find out is to try.
Give it a whirl.
And enjoy the holidays!
Your friends at FitnessMed, Inc.
Go ahead and overindulge. It is the holiday season.
At the end of this posting, I will provide a guide on how best to overeat, IMHO.
As the holiday season approaches, celebrations will be full of good cheer, family fun, and most of all food. But how can we enjoy ourselves without popping a button?Here is the way to really celebrate:
Though the holidays are joyful, the average American gains an average of 10 pounds during this time of year.
The FitnessMed tm Guide To Overeating For The Holidays
The holiday season is near or here and calls for you to do anything but celebrate with festive meals can be heard from the Grinches everywhere.
This is madness.
As if two or three days of celebratory eating will make you fat for an entire year.
One day is 0.27% of a year.
Let’s assume there are three holidays for overeating: Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years.
Three days constitute a mere 0.82 % of a year.
The fact is that diligence and eating for health, which means eating for a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, are what a person should do the OTHER days of the year, the other 99.18% of the year.
Repeat – the rest of the year is 99.18%.
You have to be a hard-core sadist to suggest that people give-up celebrating their holidays with festive meals because whatever they do calorically for less than 1% of the year will “ruin their lives.”
Do not believe that drivel.
A holiday is a holiday.
In the spirit of celebration, FitnessMed, Inc., is happy to bring you this guide on how to overeat for the holidays.
Not only will the strategies here help you overeat so you gain the least weight, it will explain to you how you can overconsume up to 33% more Calories without gaining more weight than you would otherwise.
This translates into more turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, stuffing, etc.
Here goes.
When you overconsume Calories, i.e., eat more Calories than your body burns, those excess Calories get stored as fat.
There is no way around this.
To store the extra Calories as fat, your body has to convert the excess food you eat into body fat.
Even though all food Calories are equal, storage of Calories is not.
Overeaten Calories that come from fat are stored more efficiently than overeaten Calories that come from carbohydrate or protein.
What this means is that if you overeat 100 Calories as fat, 97 of them will get stored on your body.
If you overeat 100 Calories as carbohydrate, 75 of them will get stored on your body.
Thus, almost 100% of overeaten fat ends up on you, while only ¾ of overeaten carbohydrate is what you end up wearing. For protein, the number is even less.
This means that you can overeat about 1/3 more Calories as carbohydrate and be no worse off than had you overeaten the Calories as fat (from a weight perspective).
133 Calories x 75% = 99.75 Calories.
So instead of overeating 100 fat Calories and adding 97 Calories of body fat, you can overeat 133 carbohydrate Calories and add about the same number of Calories as body fat.
The trick here is to overeat the Calories as pure carbohydrate and/or protein as possible.
This is not a difficult trick.
Skinless turkey, lean ham, stuffing moistened with fat-free broth and fat-free butter instead of oil, fat-free butter on rolls, fat-free sour cream on potatoes and substituting fruit purees for fat in baked goods (yes, it works – search online for “fat substitutes in baking”) are examples of ways to add more carbohydrate/protein and less fat to your holiday fare. (search online for “fat substitutes in cooking” for more ideas)
Granted the taste of the foods may be different.
However, if someone is interested in reducing their Calories from fat and being able to overeat even more if they choose, the price is much smaller than reducing the festivity of celebrating with food.
It is also smaller than experiencing the day-after guilt.
Besides, just because the taste may be different does not mean it will be less enjoyable. It might even taste better to you.
The only way to find out is to try.
Give it a whirl.
And enjoy the holidays!
Your friends at FitnessMed, Inc.
High Chocolate Intake And Nobel Prize Winnings Linked
Stupid research into smarts.
It seems that countries with the highest regular chocolate intake per person have a proportionally greater number of Nobel Prize, winners, researchers from Kings College London and the Wellcome Trust have revealed in a new book.Future laureate:
The NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) has an article on this book. It really does seem that more *Nobel laureates emanate from countries with the highest per capita chocolate consumption. Proportionally, Switzerland has one of the highest number of Nobel Prize winners, if you calculate from a percentage of the total population. Switzerland, per capita, is also the highest chocolate consumer in the world.

Expanding Waistlines May Contribute To Cancer Growth
Adipose tissue cells (called adipose stromal cells) which expand in obese people promote and support tumor growth, researchers at the Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston reported in the journal Cancer Research. The authors believe they have discovered why obese cancer patients usually have poorer prognoses compared to slim people.Does.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Regular Physical Activity Can Ease Premature Cardiovascular Aging Caused By Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
And you can bet that these likely fat folk will not start after the diagnosis has been rendered.
One of life's certainties is that everyone ages. However, it's also certain that not everyone ages at the same rate. According to recent research being presented this week, the cardiovascular system of people with type 2 diabetes shows signs of aging significantly earlier than those without the disease. However, exercise can help to slow down this premature aging, bringing the aging of type 2 diabetes patients' cardiovascular systems closer to that of people without the disease, says researcher Amy Huebschmann of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She presented these findings she developed with colleagues Wendy Kohrt and Judith Regensteiner, both from the same institution.Ease? It could have prevented it.
And you can bet that these likely fat folk will not start after the diagnosis has been rendered.
Children Inspired By Natural Playgrounds Tend To Be More Physically Active
So what?
Children who play on playgrounds that incorporate natural elements like logs and flowers tend to be more active than those who play on traditional playgrounds with metal and brightly colored equipment, according to a recent UT study.What matters is if the kids end-up healthier and/or better off in some way over time.
They also appear to use their imagination more, according to the report.
The study, which examined changes in physical activity levels and patterns in young children exposed to both traditional and natural playgrounds, is among the first of its kind in the United States, according to Dawn Coe, assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies.
"Natural playgrounds have been popping up around the country but there was nothing conclusive on if they work," she said. "Now, we know."
"Natural playscapes appear to be a viable alternative to traditional playgrounds for school and community settings," Coe said. "Future studies should look at these changes long-term as well as the nature of the children's play."Of course, this was not evaluated.
Overcoming Leptin Resistance In The Battle Against Obesity
Fewer Calories in than out.
It is not leptin.
It is willpower, self-respect, etc.
How leptin, a hormone that regulates metabolism and body weight interacts with an important brain receptor, has given researchers from the University of Michigan new insight into possible ways of combating obesity, metabolic disorders, and some inflammatory diseases, says a report published in Molecular Cell.We know how to combat obesity.
Fewer Calories in than out.
It is not leptin.
It is willpower, self-respect, etc.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Obese Teen Boys Have Up to 50 Percent Less Testosterone Than Lean Boys
A study by the University at Buffalo shows for the first time that obese males ages 14 to 20 have up to 50 percent less total testosterone than do normal males of the same age, significantly increasing their potential to be impotent and infertile as adults.Or, maybe not.
The paper was published online as an accepted article in Clinical Endocrinology.
The authors are the same researchers in the University at Buffalo's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences who first reported in 2004 the presence of low testosterone levels, known as hypogonadism, in obese, type 2 diabetic adult males and confirmed it in 2010 in more than 2,000 obese men, both diabetic and nondiabetic.
"We were surprised to observe a 50 percent reduction in testosterone in this pediatric study because these obese males were young and were not diabetic," says Paresh Dandona, MD, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Medicine, chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism in the UB medical school and first author on the study. "The implications of our findings are, frankly, horrendous because these boys are potentially impotent and infertile," says Dandona. "The message is a grim one with massive epidemiological implications."
The small study included 25 obese and 25 lean males and was controlled for age and level of sexual maturity. Concentrations of total and free testosterone and estradiol, an estrogen hormone, were measured in morning fasting blood samples. The results need to be confirmed with a larger number of subjects, Dandona says.
"These findings demonstrate that the effect of obesity is powerful, even in the young, and that lifestyle and nutritional intake starting in childhood have major repercussions throughout all stages of life," he says.
Get Up, Stand Up: Sitting for Too Long Doubles Diabetes Risk
Reading, studying kill.
The more time people spend sitting, the greater their risk of diabetes, cardiovascular events, and death, a new meta-analysis has shown. This is the first research to systematically quantify the strength of association between sedentary behavior--beyond just TV viewing--and health outcomes and shows a particularly consistent relationship for diabetes, say Dr Emma G Wilmot (University of Leicester, UK) and colleagues in their paper in the November 2012 issue of Diabetologia.Sit here:
Wilmot says that a number of important messages have emerged from the research. "People don't think about sitting as being dangerous, and it's quite a change, having to think, 'how can I reduce my sitting?' rather than just 'how much exercise can I do?' We've traditionally been focused on making sure we meet the physical-activity guidelines of 30 minutes per day, but with that approach we've overlooked what we do with the other 23 and a half hours in the day. If you sit for the rest of the day, that is going to have an impact on health, and that's essentially what our meta-analysis shows," she told heartwire .

Gastric Bypass Seems Risky After Failed Gastric Banding
Compared to primary gastric bypass surgery, rescue procedures after failed gastric banding have much higher risks of adverse outcomes.Is.
As Dr. Urich Guller told Reuters Health by email, these patients "have significantly more intraoperative complications, postoperative complications, a higher risk of reoperations, an increased length of hospital stay and higher hospital charges compared to patients undergoing primary gastric bypass."
"These differences," he added, "were not only statistically significant but also of great clinical relevance."
"The use of gastric banding to treat obesity has increased drastically in the United States. However, the frequency of reoperations related to gastric banding and associated short-term outcomes are unknown," Dr. Guller, of the University of Berne, Switzerland and colleagues wrote in the introduction to their September 24th online paper in the Annals of Surgery.
To gain further information, the researchers, including Dr. Mathias Worni of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, examined US data on 63,171 patients who underwent a primary gastric bypass procedure and 3,132 (4.7%) who underwent a gastric band-related reoperation. The number of gastric band-related reoperations almost doubled, going from 579 in 2005 to 1,132 in 2008.
Friday, November 16, 2012
'Biggest Loser' Study Finds Modest Diet and Exercise Can Sustain Weight Loss
Now what could it be about eating fewer Calories and/or burning more Calories that keeps weight down?
The fact that this study was performed is an embarrassment.
Exercise and healthy eating reduce body fat and preserve muscle in adults better than diet alone, according to a study funded and conducted by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of HealthCouldn't possibly be the Law of Thermodynamics.
The fact that this study was performed is an embarrassment.
Obesity Promotes Tumor Growth Regardless of Diet
"Tumor" technically means swelling.
Researchers may have discovered a new explanation as to why obese patients with cancer often have a poorer prognosis compared with those who are lean. The potential explanation is based on data reported in Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.Rule of thumb: swollen people, more cancer.
"Studies of the population have clearly established that there is a link between obesity and cancer incidence," said Mikhail Kolonin, Ph.D., associate professor at the Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. "Moreover, for several cancers, obesity is associated with a poorer prognosis."
Kolonin and his colleagues evaluated how obesity promotes cancer progression. "Our earlier studies led us to hypothesize that fat tissue called white adipose tissue, which is the fat tissue that expands in individuals who are obese, is itself directly involved and that it is not just diet and lifestyle that are important," he said.
Their initial results confirmed this hypothesis: In obese and lean mice that ate the same diet, tumors grew much faster in obese mice than they did in lean mice. The researchers also observed that there were far more white adipose tissue cells (called adipose stromal cells) in obese mice than in lean mice and thus turned their focus on the role of these cells.
Menopause Does Not Cause Weight Gain, but Increases Belly Fat, Major Review Finds
Makes sense.
A comprehensive review by the International Menopause Society has found that going through the menopause does not cause a woman to gain weight. However, the hormonal changes at the menopause are associated with a change in the the way that fat is distributed, leading to more belly (abdominal) fat.Only more Calories in than out can result in weight gain.
To mark World Menopause Day (Oct. 18), the International Menopause Society has developed a state-of-the-science review on weight gain at the menopause. This report is published in the peer-reviewed journal, Climacteric.
Being overweight or obese is a major worry for many women, and through midlife, women tend to gain on average around 0.5 kg per year (around 1lb per year). This can have significant consequences, as being overweight or obese is associated with a range of conditions including depression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Globally, around 1.5 billion adults are overweight, and of these around 300 million women are obese. Obesity rates have doubled since 1980, especially in Western countries. There are a variety of reasons for the increase, not only lifestyle reasons. In general, more women than men are obese, and fluctuations in sex hormones have been proposed as being implicated in the weight gain.
The review group considered the evidence on why women gain weight around the menopause. They found that absolute weight gain is determined by non hormonal factors, rather than the menopause itself.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Does Food Marketing Need To Make Us Fat? A Review And Solutions
It does not make anyone fat.
It has nothing to do with the marketers.
It has everything to do with the (over)consumers.
Food marketers are masters at getting people to crave and consume the foods that they promote. In this study authors Dr. Brian Wansink, co-director of the Cornell University Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition and Professor of Marketing and Dr. Pierre Chandon, professor of Marketing at the leading French graduate school of business, INSEAD challenge popular assumptions that link food marketing and obesity. Their findings presented last weekend at the Association for Consumer Research Conference in Vancouver, Canada point to ways in which smart food marketers can use the techniques that peak consumer appetite for calorie-dense fast foods to help people eat better - and improve their bottom line as well.Only more Calories in than out make anyone or any creature, for that matter, fat.
It has nothing to do with the marketers.
It has everything to do with the (over)consumers.
Obesity Medicine Certification Needed, Endocrinologists Say
It is needed so docs can make more bucks.
It will not help people since expert diet advice is the main cause of diet failure.
Once you have lung cancer, you cannot reverse it with behavioral change.
You can reverse fatosity.
Their argument is false.
Obesity and overweight are NOT diseases.
They are choices.
It will not help people since expert diet advice is the main cause of diet failure.
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) has released a position statement in which it calls for specialized education in obesity medicine, a certification program, and shared strategies to combat obesity.This is crap.
Jeffrey I. Mechanick, MD, a clinical professor of medicine, endocrinology, diabetes, and bone disease at the Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, and colleagues presented the position statement in an article published online October 9 in Endocrine Practice.
More than simply an excess of body fat, obesity is a primary disease state, the authors write. "To say that obesity is not a disease but rather a consequence of chosen lifestyle (ie, overeating and/or inactivity) is equivalent to saying that lung cancer is also not a disease because it was brought about by volitional cigarette smoking," the authors write.
Once you have lung cancer, you cannot reverse it with behavioral change.
You can reverse fatosity.
Their argument is false.
Obesity and overweight are NOT diseases.
They are choices.
Using Food for Comfort and Coping Leads to Unwanted Holiday Pounds
For many Americans, the holiday season means dealing with family members and social situations that are uncomfortable and stressful. If turning to food is your solution to feeling better, you might be setting yourself up for a heavy 2013.More duh.
"If you use food as a crutch, this time of year could be troublesome," said Stefanie Barthmare, a psychotherapist with the Methodist Weight Management Center in Houston. "Getting to the root of your problems and finding better ways to deal with them without food will help you avoid putting on extra unwanted pounds this holiday season."
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
For Happiness And Mental Health 7-A-day Recommended
It has to be the fruits and veggies.
Forget family, friends, income, etc.
It must be the food.
Happiness and mental health are highest among people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day, according to a new report.There can be no other reason.
Economists and public health researchers from the University of Warwick studied the eating habits of 80,000 people in Britain. They found mental wellbeing appeared to rise with the number of daily portions of fruit and vegetables people consumed. Wellbeing peaked at seven portions a day.
Forget family, friends, income, etc.
It must be the food.
Minutes Of Intense Exercise Cuts Work Out Time In Half
Will not help.
A kilocalorie or Calorie is 1000 calories.
Note the capital "C."
That is how you tell one from another.
On average one burns 100 Calories traveling 1 mile on foot.
On average one burns about 29 Calories traveling one mile on a bike.
To burn 200 Calories in 2.5 minutes, one would have to ride a bike about 7 miles or at a speed of 2.8 miles per minute. This is 168 miles per hour.
No way.
200 calories is an absolutely negligible amount to burn.
Researchers show that exercisers can burn as many as 200 calories in only 2.5 minutes by incorporating sprint interval training, dramatically cutting the time needed for a work-out.Food energy is measured in kcal or kilocalories.
In this new study conducted by a team from the University of Colorado Anschultz Medical Campus and Colorado State University, researchers compared volunteers' energy disbursement on two separate days, one on which they completed a sprint interval workout on a stationary bicycle. Conclusions showed a slight increase in the amount of calories that were burned on workout day, regardless of the short amount of time spent doing authentic strenuous exercise.
A kilocalorie or Calorie is 1000 calories.
Note the capital "C."
That is how you tell one from another.
On average one burns 100 Calories traveling 1 mile on foot.
On average one burns about 29 Calories traveling one mile on a bike.
To burn 200 Calories in 2.5 minutes, one would have to ride a bike about 7 miles or at a speed of 2.8 miles per minute. This is 168 miles per hour.
No way.
200 calories is an absolutely negligible amount to burn.
Weight Loss Surgery May Be Associated With Increased Substance Use Following Surgery
Out of the pan and into the fire.
Better not to get fat in the first place.
Patients who undergo bariatric weight loss surgery may be at increased risk for substance use (drug use, alcohol use and cigarette smoking) following surgery, particularly among patients who undergo laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery who appear to be at increased risk for alcohol use following surgery, according to a report published Online First by Archives of Surgery, a JAMA Network publication.Oops.
Better not to get fat in the first place.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
More Parks Don't Mean More Walking: Study
Truer words were never spoke.
It is the Calories, stupid.
And parks, etc., are like shiny objects to the fat and their enablers.
You must be a gross idiot to think/believe that the built environment will make a real difference.
People who live within a half-mile of lots of parks and fields go on fewer walks than those who don't have much parkland nearby, a new study from Australia suggests.It is not the built environment.
The findings run contrary to the notion that people get more exercise and are healthier when they have access to outdoor recreation, researchers said.
It's possible, they added, that urban neighborhoods with few parks may instead have lots of cafes, schools and community centers that facilitate walking for transportation.
But regardless of what explains the results, they "provide important evidence that the relationship between park area and levels of walking is far from straightforward," according to Tania King from the University of Melbourne and her colleagues.
It is the Calories, stupid.
And parks, etc., are like shiny objects to the fat and their enablers.
You must be a gross idiot to think/believe that the built environment will make a real difference.
Medication Use Twice As Likely For Overweight Kids
Double your size, double your drugs.
Overweight kids are significantly more likely to take prescription medications than their normal-weight peers, increasing the already expensive costs for treating childhood obesity, according to a new study by the University of Alberta.Fat parents have fat kids.
Over 2,000 Canadian children's medication use were analyzed from the 2007 through 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey.
The team of experts, from the School of Public Health, discovered that overweight and obese kids (ages 12 to 19) were 59% more likely to take prescription drugs than kids of average weight.
Kudos, fat adults.
Stroke Occurring at Younger Ages
Stroke is no longer a disease of the old. A new study shows that stroke is becoming more common in younger people.Fat people.
This finding, say researchers, has "great public health significance because strokes in younger patients carry the potential for greater lifetime burden of disability and because some potential contributors identified for this trend are modifiable."
"With the epidemic of diabetes and obesity, clearly risk factors are happening at younger ages," Brett M. Kissela, MD, from University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in Ohio told Medscape Medical News.
Monday, November 12, 2012
High-Sugar, High-Salt Intake Creates 'A Ticking Time Bomb Of Health Problems'
Note what is most important - "high calorie."
We know.
Apparently, no problem.
To wit, the Twinkie Diet.
The fat- and sugar-rich Western diet leads to a lifetime of health problems, dramatically increasing the risk of stroke or death at a younger age, according to a study presented today at the Canadian Stroke Congress.And if the Calories are not high?
Researchers found that a high-calorie, high-sugar, high-sodium diet nicknamed the 'cafeteria diet' induced most symptoms of metabolic syndrome - a combination of high levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and obesity - in rats after only two months.
We know.
Apparently, no problem.
To wit, the Twinkie Diet.
Many Heart Attack Patients Don't Refill Their Meds
Great news!
Now we do not have to pay for these folks if they suffer a complication from non-compliance with their medications.
Older people who've suffered a myocardial infarction often don't take the medications they've been given, a study shows.This is something that can be tracked.
Seniors filled prescriptions for clopidogrel less than half the time on average, for instance. And the less diligent they were at getting their meds, the more likely they were to have health problems and die early, researchers found.
Now we do not have to pay for these folks if they suffer a complication from non-compliance with their medications.
Safety Issues Found in 24% of Newly Approved Drugs
Fit people tend to use fewer drugs.
Get fit.
Serious safety issues were found after regulatory approval in approximately one quarter of new active substances (NASs) introduced in Canada between 1995 and 2010, and priority-review drugs were more likely than standard-review drugs to acquire serious safety warnings.Better to be fit, than drugged with unsafe medications.
Get fit.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Upping Physical Activity Slashes CV Events, Deaths in Type 2 Diabetics
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
Not surprisingly, higher levels of leisure-time physical activity cut the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes, a new analysis from the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR) shows [1]. But in an important additional finding, researchers report that among diabetics who did little or no exercise at baseline, those who managed to substantially increase their leisure-time physical-activity levels over approximately five years cut their risk of death by almost two-thirds.If they were so into upping their physical activity, they would not have gotten fat enough to develop diabetes.
Dr Björn Zethelius (Uppsala University, Sweden) presented the study findings here at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 2012 Meeting.
"We consider physical activity and dietary advice as the basal treatment for diabetes, and when it fails, different types of pharmacological treatment are added," Zethelius told heartwire . "But what this study shows is that it's never too late to increase your physical activity. Even when you are on medication, if you increase your physical activity, you will lower your risk for cardiovascular diseases. I think that's the [important] message."
Interval Walking Improves Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
No news here given that the fuel of interval training is glucose and continuous walking uses fat.
But the idea of the research was flawed.
These folks would not have become Type 2 diabetes if they had enough self-esteem to handle training.
For them, a training intervention is unlikely to be realistic.
No news here given that the fuel of interval training is glucose and continuous walking uses fat.
But the idea of the research was flawed.
Interval-walking training improved glycemic control for individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) compared with continuous walking with equivalent energy expenditure in a small randomized trial.If the idea was to "find a realistic training intervention," then there is little to no hope.
Researchers reported the results here at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 48th Annual Meeting.
The improvements in glycemic control were dependent on improvements in insulin sensitivity without compensatory deteriorations in beta cell function, said lead author Kristian Karstoft, MD, from the Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, in Denmark.
"The whole idea was to find a realistic training intervention for type 2 diabetic patients," Dr. Karstoft said. Exercise has been recommended for patients with diabetes for a long time, "but how to get them to do exercise is less agreed upon," he said.
These folks would not have become Type 2 diabetes if they had enough self-esteem to handle training.
For them, a training intervention is unlikely to be realistic.
The Cancer-Protective Properties Of Milk
Not even close.
You know why?
I will bet because it does not work.
And you should, too.
A group of scientists in Sweden found that lactoferricin4-14 (Lfcin4-14), a milk protein with known health effects, significantly reduces the growth rate of colon cancer cells over time by prolonging the period of the cell cycle before chromosomes are replicated. In a new study, investigators report that treatment with Lfcin4-14 reduced DNA damage in colon cancer cells exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Their results are published in the October issue of the Journal of Dairy Science®.Note that they did not use milk.
You know why?
I will bet because it does not work.
And you should, too.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Junk Food Advertising To Kids: Self-Regulation Is Failing Across Europe
PARENTS are failing across Europe, in the USA and elsewhere.
Kids do not have the discretionary income to spend on Calories.
Until parents are held accountable, there will be no improvement.
PARENTS are failing across Europe, in the USA and elsewhere.
Advertising of junk food continues to undermine children's health despite the food industry's promises that they would restrict their marketing activities, according to a new report A Junk-Free Childhood 2012: Marketing foods and beverages to children in Europe published by the International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO).It is the fault of the parents if kids get fat.
The review of advertising in Europe undertaken by IASO, a not-for-profit organisation, found that the industry's own figures show that children's exposure to advertisements for fatty and sugary foods had fallen by barely a quarter over the last six years.
The report's author, Dr Tim Lobstein, said "The food and beverage companies were told in 2004 by the then European Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou that they must cut their advertising to children or face regulation. The figures show that self-regulation achieved only a 29% fall in children's exposure, which is deeply disappointing. Exposure is now creeping up again in some countries."
"The problem is made worse because the companies are allowed to set their own standards for what they consider 'junk food' and they set the bar too low," said Dr Lobstein. "Our report found over 30 fatty and sugary foods which are classified as unhealthy in government-approved schemes across Europe and the USA but which are considered healthy by the manufacturers and which they allow themselves to advertise."
Kids do not have the discretionary income to spend on Calories.
Until parents are held accountable, there will be no improvement.
Dark Chocolate Flavonoid Makes Snails Smarter
And what does it do for fat people who got there eating chocolate?
Albeit a really bright one.
Give 'em that much.
Type the word 'superfood,' into a web browser and you'll be overwhelmed: some websites even maintain that dark chocolate can have beneficial effects. But take a closer look at the science underpinning these claims, and you'll discover just how sparse it is. So, when University of Calgary undergraduate Lee Fruson became curious about how dietary factors might affect memory, Ken Lukowiak was sceptical. 'I didn't think any of this stuff would work', Lukowiak recalls. Despite his misgivings, Lukowiak and Fruson decided to concentrate on a group of compounds - the flavonoids - found in a wide range of 'superfoods' including chocolate and green tea, focusing on one particular flavonoid, epicatechin (epi). However, figuring out how a single component of chocolate might improve human memory is almost impossible - too many external factors influence memory formation - so Lukowiak turned to his favourite animal, the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, to find out whether the dark chocolate flavonoid could improve their memories. They publish their discovery that epi improves the length and strength of snail memories in The Journal of Experimental Biology.It proves they are as smart as snails.
Albeit a really bright one.
Give 'em that much.
New EASD/ADA Position Paper Shifts Diabetes Treatment Goals
If they are so smart, why do they need "new goals"?
Get and/or stay fit.
A new position statement for the treatment of type 2 diabetes takes an approach much more focused on the individual patient compared with the "one number fits all" target of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) used up to now.Much better to avoid getting diabetes, than to be subjected to the caprices of the researchers latest and greatest.
Get and/or stay fit.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Mom's Hypertension Affects Cognition in Offspring
And guess which mom's are more likely to have elevated blood pressure.
Fat ones.
Fat ones.
Hypertension during pregnancy can lead to life-long cognitive deficits in offspring, a new study suggests.More early nutritional child abuse.
Researchers report that older men whose mothers had hypertension during pregnancy had more cognitive deficits than those with mothers who were normotensive. The deficits, first identified when the study participants were 20 years old, were uncovered again when they were almost 70 years old.
The study demonstrates that an adverse prenatal environment can have long-term consequences, said study author Katri Räikkönen, PhD, professor, psychology, University of Helsinki, Finland. "It shows that these effects are still present and evident several decades later, in other words, that these prenatal effects persist to old age," Dr. Räikkönen told Medscape Medical News.
Vitamin D May Not Help Prevent Colds
Bad news for the cure du jour.
As if all ills can be cured with Vitamin D.
The whole thing is bulls**t.
Despite past reports that Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, helps with upper respiratory tract infections (colds), researchers are now saying it does not help reduce how often or how severely we get colds, according to a new study in JAMA.Well, what did you expect, really?
Background information in the study said that the link between insufficient levels of vitamin D and how likely a person is to catch a cold had previously not been scientifically proven.
Many studies that have been carried out on vitamin D and its benefits for respiratory health have produced conflicting results. Scientists at the University Hospital Leuven, Belgium carried out a study expecting to confirm the full benefits of high vitamin D levels on COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) symptoms and outcomes. Unfortunately, they found that vitamin D supplements make no difference to COPD symptoms or the risk of developing the disease.
As if all ills can be cured with Vitamin D.
The whole thing is bulls**t.
Vitamin D Ineffective for Respiratory Tract Infections
More bad news for the cure du jour.
Adding vitamin D supplements to your diet with will not prevent upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) or hasten your recovery from them, according to the results of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial published the Journal of the American Medical Association.Oops.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Obesity Resulting From High-Fat, High-Sugar Foods May Impair Brain, Fuel Overeating
Chicken or egg?
What explains the difficulty in dieting is lack of self-control and the support for poor-poor-pitiful-me that fatsos get from others.
"Betcha can't eat just one!" For obese people trying to lose weight, the Lays potato chip advertising slogan hits a bit too close to home as it describes the daily battle to resist high calorie foods.Doesn't explain crap.
But new research by Terry Davidson, director of American University's Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, indicates that diets that lead to obesity - diets high in saturated fat and refined sugar - may cause changes to the brains of obese people that in turn may fuel overconsumption of those same foods and make weight loss more challenging.
"It is a vicious cycle that may explain why obesity is so difficult to overcome," said Davidson, also a professor of psychology at AU.
What explains the difficulty in dieting is lack of self-control and the support for poor-poor-pitiful-me that fatsos get from others.
Wanting To Be Skinny Could Be Due To Genes, Not Societal Factors
Or it could be due to having a shred of self-esteem.
When someone is chastised for desiring to be their "ideal weight," which, incidentally is unknowable and does not exist, then there is something really wrong with the researchers and the society that disses the effort.
In a society where the pressure to be thin surrounds women - between television and airbrushing - some are more vulnerable to the pressure than others, and this may be due to genetics, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.Excusinators working overtime.
In this recent trial, experts keyed in on possible psychological effects of women giving into the societal view of being "skinny".
When women start to change the way they feel about themselves and their bodies and begin to change their behavior in order to get to an ideal weight, it leads to over-obsessiveness about appearance, a key element of eating disorders.
When someone is chastised for desiring to be their "ideal weight," which, incidentally is unknowable and does not exist, then there is something really wrong with the researchers and the society that disses the effort.
Children Can Increase Their Physical Activity By 'Exergaming'
But they won't as studies have proven time and again.
Exer-eating afterwards.
A study published in Pediatrics by researchers at the University of Montreal offers positive news for Wii-loving teenagers and their parents: games such as Wii Sports and Dance Dance Revolution can bring them closer to recommended physical activity levels. The study is the first of its kind. "Teenage exergamers - people who play video games that require physical activity - are most likely females who are stressed about their weight. On average, they play two 50 minute sessions per week," said study author Jennifer O'Loughlin of the university's Department of Social and Preventative Medicine. "As less than 15% of children and adolescents currently participate regularly in physical activity, we are pleased to report that exergaming can add to regular physical activity to attain physical activity guidelines" Current guidelines recommend that youth engage in 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity most days of the week.And it won't make a difference in how fat they get, either.
Exer-eating afterwards.
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Too Much TV Linked to Aggression, Inattention in Kids
But is the just the right amount of TV linked to compliance and docility?
Welcome to the Brave New World.
Preschool-aged children who watch too much television may be at increased risk of developing externalizing problems such as aggression or inattention, new research suggests.Have to find a better way to "program" children so they become cookie cutter compliant.
A population-based study of almost 4000 children in the Netherlands showed that high levels of television viewing over time were significantly linked to both the incidence of externalizing problems and the persistence of preexisting problems.
"In this study, a reasonably small group of some 300 children already had some behavioral problems (a bit oppositional, aggressive, inattentive) when they were 2 years old. We could show that these problems worsen if they watch more than 1 hour of TV a day," coinvestigator Henning Tiemeier, MD, PhD, from the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, told Medscape Medical News.
"Thus, not only do problems arise but if your child is problematic, TV watching may make matters worse," said Dr. Tiemeier.
He noted that this is an important topic to which all clinicians, including those in the United States, should give attention.
"Clinicians should address the problem that many children are 'nursed' by a TV and that a TV keeps irritable or oppositional children quiet. But it does not replace a parent or nanny," said Dr. Tiemeier.
Welcome to the Brave New World.
Caffeinated Coffee Linked To Vision Loss
Coffee is bad, again.
Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
Coffee consumption can lead to a greater risk of developing exfloliation glaucoma, the primary cause of secondary glaucoma, all over the world.Stop eating and drinking everything.
A new study. published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, suggests coffee drinkers may need to reconsider their coffee intake to decrease their probability of developing vision loss or blindness.
Still think they have any idea what they are talking about?
The Trend For Severe Obesity Is Upward
As it should be.
The proportion of Americans who are severely obese -- those people 100 pounds or more overweight -- continues to increase rapidly and much faster than those with moderate obesity, but the rate of growth has slowed, according to a new RAND Corporation study.Kudos, fatsos.
The RAND study found that from 2000 to 2010, the proportion of Americans who were severely obese rose from 3.9 percent of the population to 6.6 percent -- an increase of about 70 percent.
The findings mean that more than 15 million adult Americans are morbidly obese with a body mass index of 40 or more.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Diabetes Screening Fails to Reduce Mortality
Potentially great news!
Now we may be able to save money by not screening the fat.
Screening and intervention for type 2 diabetes in a British population had no effect on all-cause mortality during a 10-year period, according to a study published online October 4 in The Lancet and presented that same day during the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in Berlin, GermanyType 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
Now we may be able to save money by not screening the fat.
Green Veggies Reduce The Risk Of Oral Cancer
Oral sex is back!
Find a vegetarian fast.
The risk of developing mouth cancer can be reduced by consuming cruciferous vegetables at least once a week, suggests new research published in Annals of Oncology.Now there are no more excuses.
Find a vegetarian fast.
A Biological Effect Of Aging May Be Slowed By Omega-3 Supplements
Wanna bet?
Any takers?
Taking enough omega-3 fatty acid supplements to change the balance of oils in the diet could slow a key biological process linked to aging, new research suggests.I am on the side of this is a bunch of hooey.
The study showed that most overweight but healthy middle-aged and older adults who took omega-3 supplements for four months altered a ratio of their fatty acid consumption in a way that helped preserve tiny segments of DNA in their white blood cells.
These segments, called telomeres, are known to shorten over time in many types of cells as a consequence of aging. In the study, lengthening of telomeres in immune system cells was more prevalent in people who substantially improved the ratio of omega-3s to other fatty acids in their diet.
Omega-3 supplementation also reduced oxidative stress, caused by excessive free radicals in the blood, by about 15 percent compared to effects seen in the placebo group.
"The telomere finding is provocative in that it suggests the possibility that a nutritional supplement might actually make a difference in aging," said Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychiatry and psychology at Ohio State and lead author of the study.
Any takers?
Monday, November 05, 2012
Exercise Boosts Obese Teens' Mental Health
Who cares if they "feel better about themselves"?
As if that is the point.
The point is for them to drop the pounds so they are healthier.
Screw this crap.
And stop kidding yourselves.
Overweight or obese adolescents who engage in a modest amount of aerobic exercise — about 2 hours per week — at moderate intensity are apt to feel better about themselves, even in the absence of weight loss or changes in body fat, a new study suggests.A crock.
Who cares if they "feel better about themselves"?
As if that is the point.
The point is for them to drop the pounds so they are healthier.
Screw this crap.
And stop kidding yourselves.
Medication Use Higher Among Overweight, Obese Kids
What could go wrong here?
In fact, let them take all the drugs they want.
As long as they pay for it themselves, hey, have a ball.
And a pill, too, while you are at it.
Note that this is a result of nutritional child abuse.
Overweight children are far more likely to take prescription medications than children of a normal weight -- a trend that adds to already higher health-care costs for treating childhood obesity, according to new research from the University of Alberta.Let them take the drugs.
Researchers from the School of Public Health analyzed the medication use of more than 2,000 Canadian children through the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey. They found that overweight and obese kids aged 12 to 19 years were 59 per cent more likely than their normal-weight peers to take prescription medication.
Co-author Christina Fung said prescription drug expenditures have doubled over the past decade and now account for 17 per cent of health-care costs in Canada -- the second highest after hospital expenses. Having a more complete picture helps governments and health-care providers direct spending more effectively, she said.
"Overweight and obese patients are more expensive to the health-care system in terms of using medication and prescription drugs," she said. "In Canada, we have a public health-care system, and this is an issue of accountability and where health-care dollars are spent, and when."
The study also showed that overweight and obese children were twice as likely to take medication for respiratory ailments such as asthma and allergies.
In fact, let them take all the drugs they want.
As long as they pay for it themselves, hey, have a ball.
And a pill, too, while you are at it.
Note that this is a result of nutritional child abuse.
CV Death Spikes When Weight Gain Follows New Diabetes Diagnosis
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
What do you think the chances are that a fat person will get fatter, even after getting the diagnosis of diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is fat person diabetes.
What do you think the chances are that a fat person will get fatter, even after getting the diagnosis of diabetes?
Patients newly diagnosed with diabetes who gain, rather than lose or maintain, weight are at a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular death, new Swedish data suggest. The findings cast a light on a group that is rarely the focus of diabetes studies, lead author Dr Johan Bodegård (Center for Excellence, AstraZeneca Nordic, Södertälje, Sweden) told heartwire . Most studies, he points out, focus on baseline weight of participants but fail to track changes over time, and if they do, they look at diabetics who manage to shed some pounds, not put them on.Pretty good, I'll bet.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Obese Brain May Thwart Weight Loss: Diets High in Saturated Fat, Refined Sugar May Cause Brain Changes That Fuel Overconsumption
The reasons the fat either keep getting fatter or fail to lose weight include poor impulse control, lack of self-esteem, bad diet advice from the experts, excuses like this moron makes that give the fat license to fail, etc.
It has nothing to do with brain changes.
The only connection to the brain is that the fat are stupid for getting/remaining fat.
"Betcha can't eat just one!" For obese people trying to lose weight, advertising slogans such as this one hit a bit too close to home as it describes the daily battle to resist high calorie foods.This excusinator is working overtime.
But new research by Terry Davidson, director of American University's Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, indicates that diets that lead to obesity -- diets high in saturated fat and refined sugar -- may cause changes to the brains of obese people that in turn may fuel overconsumption of those same foods and make weight loss more challenging.
The reasons the fat either keep getting fatter or fail to lose weight include poor impulse control, lack of self-esteem, bad diet advice from the experts, excuses like this moron makes that give the fat license to fail, etc.
It has nothing to do with brain changes.
The only connection to the brain is that the fat are stupid for getting/remaining fat.
Fish Linked to Heart Failure Risk, Omega-3 Results Mixed
More about questionably effective supplements.
A new study suggests it may be best to eat fish instead of taking individual omega-3 fatty acids in supplement form.But leave it to the Whore Foods crowd to keep buying this stuff.
After reviewing information on the habits and fatty-acid blood levels of more than 20,000 male doctors, researchers found mixed results when it came to omega-3 supplements and the men's likelihood of heart failure, but eating fish regularly was linked to a lower risk.
According to the study's senior researcher, the results are consistent with the American Heart Association's (AHA) recommendations.
"Our findings showed a lower risk of heart failure in men consuming any amount of fish per week," Dr. Luc Djoussé, of Harvard Medical School in Boston said in an email. "Given current AHA recommendations, we do not believe that any change should be made based on our findings."
The current recommendations are for people to eat two servings of fatty fish per week. Salmon, herring, sardines and albacore tuna are some of the fish considered the most beneficial, according to the AHA.
Some people, however, may prefer to take omega-3 fatty acid supplements that are available over the counter, but their benefits for heart health remain unclear. One recent meta-analysis found no link between omega-3 supplements and overall death rates (see Reuters Health story from Sept. 11, 2012).
Obesity Epidemic Means Bariatric Surgery Rates Continue to Rise, Reports Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
As long as the rest of us don't pay for it, shoot for the moon.
Get it, fatsos?
With rising rates of morbid obesity, the number of bariatric surgery procedures is likely to increase as well, reports a paper in...Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).But if the rest of us have to, the rates had better come down.
Get it, fatsos?
Saturday, November 03, 2012
The instant way to get 22 percent stronger
An absolute lie.
You are simply using the capacity you already had.
Getting stronger means increasing your strength capacity.
This is bulls**t at its finest.
And reason not to believe the sources.
These folks and the media outlet are IMHO charlatans and irresponsible idiots/crooks.
Pay attention! If you’ve been mindlessly going through your workouts, you could be missing out on big results.Just because you work something "22% harder" does not mean you are getting 22% stronger.
A new study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that when people focused on a specific muscle during basic lifts—i.e. thinking about pecs during a bench press—they worked that muscle 22 percent harder.
You are simply using the capacity you already had.
Getting stronger means increasing your strength capacity.
This is bulls**t at its finest.
And reason not to believe the sources.
These folks and the media outlet are IMHO charlatans and irresponsible idiots/crooks.
The Challenges Of Cancer Prevention: Myths And Misunderstandings Hamper Prevention Efforts
Fatso denial.
Lower the risk.
New insights on the global fight to prevent cancers were presented during the ESMO 2012 Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology in Vienna. The studies highlight the challenges of overcoming misunderstandings about how important lifestyle factors are in reducing cancer risk.Lose the weight.
"These studies highlight the fact that a large proportion of the European population does not particularly like the idea of 'self-responsibility' for personal cancer prevention - that is, changing their habits and lifestyle accordingly. Rather, they blame genetics and society for getting cancer," said Prof Hans-Jorg Senn, St. Gallen, Switzerland, Chair of the ESMO Cancer Prevention Faculty.
"Increasing awareness of the importance of primary cancer prevention is an enormous health-political issue for the future," Prof Senn said. "If we do not become more successful in truly and significantly lowering the incidence of major cancer types, such as gastrointestinal and breast cancer in our ageing society, we will wind up with drastically increasing financial burdens for ever-more active treatment and care, besides the projected losses in working capacity and the accompanying burdens of human suffering."
Study reveals confusion about cancer risk factors - tight underwear does not increase cancer risk... but obesity does!
Many people are highly misinformed about the important role lifestyle factors play in raising their risk of developing cancer, according to a new research released at the ESMO 2012 Congress in Vienna.
A large proportion of people overestimate the cancer risk attributable to genetics, said Dr Derek Power, medical oncologist at Mercy and Cork University Hospitals, Ireland. On the other hand, many underestimate the cancer risks associated with obesity, alcohol and sunlight exposure.
"Many myths surrounding cancer risk are also still popular," said Dr Power, who was the lead author of the study. "For example, many people wrongly think that a blow to the breast, stress, wearing tight underwear, the use of mobile phones, genetically modified foods and aerosols are major cancer risk factors."
Dr Power and colleagues used a 48-question survey to assess knowledge about cancer risks among the general population. Overall, 748 people took part, including 126 who said they were healthcare professionals. The survey was carried out at University College Cork (UCC) by Lisa Burns and Ursula Kenny, both undergraduates in BSc Nutritional Sciences degree, in conjunction with Breakthrough Cancer Research and the Irish Cancer Society.
"Overall, 90% people, including healthcare professionals, believed genetics 'strongly' increases risk," Dr Power said. "More than one in four of the public believed that more than 50% of cancers are genetic. Incredibly 15% of people we surveyed believed lifetime risk of cancer is non-modifiable."
These misunderstandings must be tackled if cancer rates are to be reduced, he said.
"This misinformation needs to be addressed in health promotion campaigns, emphasizing that diet and lifestyle including smoking account for 90-95% of cancers," he said. "Only about 5 to 8% of cancers, depending on cancer site, are due to an inherited gene."
Lower the risk.
Feeling Full During Weight Loss May Depend On Flavor And Texture
And this demonstrates the problem.
People should know and accept that they may not feel full - and deal with it.
Discipline demands that there be a bit of leeway.
And until people realize that discipline is what it takes, even if it means sustaining a temporary feeling of unfulness, so be it.
And deal with it.
Life is not anesthetic.
Despite what the progressive, nanny medical profession and its supporting industries tell you.
Low calorie foods may help people lose weight but there is often a problem that people using them do not feel full. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Flavour shows that subtle manipulations of texture and creamy flavour can increase the expectation that a fruit yoghurt drink will be filling and suppress hunger regardless of actual calorific content.The expectation of fullness is a deal killer for weight loss.
People should know and accept that they may not feel full - and deal with it.
Discipline demands that there be a bit of leeway.
And until people realize that discipline is what it takes, even if it means sustaining a temporary feeling of unfulness, so be it.
And deal with it.
Life is not anesthetic.
Despite what the progressive, nanny medical profession and its supporting industries tell you.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Bariatric Surgery Before Age 18 May Have Lifelong Benefits
For the surgeon.
Bariatric surgery in teenagers might avert a number of metabolic problems in later life, according to a retrospective study of obese adults that endeavored to model how their health might have been different had they had bariatric surgery at age 18.Since surgerized fatsos need care for the rest of their lives.
Doctor under fire for refusing to treat 200lb woman on grounds that too many staff are injured by obese patients
Poor fat f**k wants to reintroduce the institution of slavery.
Force feeding yourself is stupidity.
I am forced to say f**k you.
A doctor in Worcester, Massachusetts has been branded 'uncaring' after turning away an obese woman who came to her for treatment. Dr Helen Carter, an award-winning primary care physician and internist, has been refusing to treat overweight patients since the spring in efforts to protect staff that she says have too often been injured by them.Forced personal service is slavery.
But while admitting that her weight does fluctuate over 200lbs, rejected patient Ida Davidson has hit back at the doctor saying her attitude is disappointing.
Speaking to Boston's WCVB, the middle-aged woman recalled her visit to Dr Carter's practice: 'She's like, "You gained weight, are your feet swollen, are your feet swollen?" I said "No." 'She was really obsessed about the whole thing and me being in her office and she didn't want to care for me.'
Defending her refusal of treatment, Dr Carter explained calmly: 'After three consecutive injuries [with other patients] trying to care for people over 250 pounds, my office is unable to accommodate a certain weight and we put a limit on it.'
And according to the American Medical Association's Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs, she is well within her legal and ethical rights to do just that.
Both patients and physicians should be able to exercise freedom in whom to enter into a patient-physician relationship,' policy documents read. 'Physicians do not give up their freedom of association by merely becoming professionals.'
Force feeding yourself is stupidity.
I am forced to say f**k you.
Low Levels Of Vitamin D Linked To Mortality In The Elderly
Live forever!
The cure du jour is the crap du jour.
New research confirms low levels of vitamin D are associated with a larger rate of mortality in older adults.Get more Vitamin D.
The cure du jour is the crap du jour.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Battles Between Steroid Receptors To Regulate Fat Accumulation
Help your androgen receptors today.
Take anabolic substances.
Go here.
Take anabolic substances.
The androgen receptor in human cells inhibits fat accumulation, but its activity can be sabotaged by glucocorticoids, steroids that regulate fat deposition and are known drivers of obesity and insulin resistance, said researchers led by those at Baylor College of Medicine in a report in the journal Chemistry & Biology.*See here.
Go here.
Kids' Exercise Interventions Show Negligible Impact
As we have said all along at Fitness Watch.
See here, here and here.
Interventions like extra exercise classes that aim to increase physical activity levels in children as a way to tackle the rising problem of obesity and overweight in youngsters appear to be having only a small, almost negligible effect, according to a review published online in BMJ on Thursday."Exercise" for weight control is an idiot's game.
See here, here and here.
Immune System Protein Can Fight Obesity
But it won't.
A kind of anti-tumor immune cell that can help fight obesity and the metabolic syndrome that causes diabetes has been discovered by researchers at Trinity College in Dublin.The only thing that will is fewer Calories in than out.
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