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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fat accumulation: a key factor in diabetes risk

This study is both a clear embarrassment and indictment.

The embarrassment is that it was done at all. Overfatness as a precursor to diabetes is like day following night and has been known for years.

The indictment is the corrupt research establishment has wasted tons of money pursuing BS.
"The amount of fat a person accumulates in relation to their body size as they grow into adulthood, not their birth size or their growth per se, influences their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, results of a new study suggest.

In a study looking at size at birth, adult body size and sensitivity to the blood sugar regulating hormone insulin in young adults, investigators found that an individual's fat mass in adulthood was the only factor significantly related to insulin sensitivity. Reduced insulin sensitivity is a precursor to diabetes."

Unfortunately, the BS research is unlikely to stop.

But you can shut out the noise and do what will work - get fit.

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