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Monday, March 17, 2008

Some Diet Risk Perceptions Fly In The Face Of Science

Missing the target.
"Some of our perceptions of risks in our diet fly in the face of science, according to a new survey by the Food Standards Agency."
All of the most important risks leading to diet failure were left out of the survey. Here are some that were excluded:

Believing that a daily reduction in Calories of 500 – 1000 per day will result in a safe 1-2 pounds per week weight loss since this is a physical, physiological, biological and mathematical impossibility.

Following the diet advice of experts like Mehmet Oz, Jorge Cruise, David Katz, Harvard and Mayo whose diets recommend Caloric intakes less than or close to the number of Calories served to concentration camp internees at Dachau.

Following the diet advice of fat people like Oprah, Dr. Phil, Barry Sears, etc.

Believing that you can gain muscle while you are on weight loss diet.

Following any diet expert, like Bob Greene, recommended by Oprah who by any objective standard is a gross weight loss failure and a fat person.

Thinking that exercise is a good approach to weight loss when it is the most inefficient, easily undone and difficult to follow way to lose weight.

Believing that the causes of overweight and obesity are genetic, hormonal or infectious and that a genetic cure, for example, is possible. Especially since the same people who want to fiddle with your genes are the same ones who cannot cure toenail fungus.

Thinking that the reason people are fat is that they do not eat healthy foods. When it comes to weight all that matters is Calories in relative to Calories out.

Now those are real risks.

And the sooner you perceive them, the better off you will be.

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