Here are some data from MASSematics tm : How To Get Rich By Not Dieting:
The average cost of the extra Calories needed to get and maintain an average amount of overweight:
$1.88 per dayBy depositing the YEARLY amount ONCE each year, an INDIVIDUAL would have saved over an average lifetime at 5%, 7.5% and 10%, this much money with interest compounding once annually:
$57.34 per month
$688.13 per year
Yearly Cost - $688.13Annual Interest 5% - $666,096.86Annual Interest 7.5% - $2,962,947.67Annual Interest 10% - $13,971,593.94
Monthly Cost - $182.34Annual Interest 5% - $2,207,968.86Annual Interest 7.5% - $10,664,615.55Annual Interest 10% - $56,853,186.45
Cost - $40.66 per day after taxesHow many times more expensive a 3-Hour Diet tm Calorie is than an average Calorie:
$284.60 per week after taxes
Daily pre-tax earnings $87.54 each day, every work day
Hourly pre-tax earnings $10.94 per hour, every hour, every work day
8.7 timesHow many times more expensive a NutriSystem tm Calorie is than an average Calorie:
9.9 timesAdd to the examples above, the costs of government rescue for the fat and that money being lost from other endeavors which could yield returns.
"Recent media reports have highlighted the difficulty that recipients of social assistance face in purchasing a healthy diet. Dietitians of Canada (DC), the national association of dietitians, contends that the most appropriate approach to ensure Ontarians can purchase a healthy diet is through poverty reduction. Linda Dietrich, DC's Regional Executive Director for Central and Southern Ontario, states that 'Research shows that food insecurity has immediate and long-term health consequences, and makes it more difficult to manage chronic diseases. The position of Dietitians of Canada is that all Canadians must have food security, and recommends addressing the issue through a population health approach that reduces poverty through improvements to the social safety net.'Of course they do, since their inane nutrition advice causes the problem.
Registered Dietitians see the effects of food insecurity daily in their practice..."
It is more than possible to eat healthily AND spend less.
But the first step to nutritional financial freedom is to stop paying attention to the experts.
The sooner you do that, the wealthier and fitter you will become.