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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Short Sleep Times In Patients With Chronic Medical Diagnoses Are Associated With An Increased Risk Of Obesity - JCSM

Now I wonder how the he American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) could possibly benefit from this research. Hmm...
"A study published in the December 15 issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (JCSM) demonstrates an association between short sleep times and obesity in patients with chronic medical problems...

According to the results, subjects with short sleep times (less than seven hours) had a significantly increased likelihood of obesity defined by a body mass index greater than 30 kg/meters2 when compared to the reference group of eight to nine hours. There was a U-shaped relationship between obesity and sleep time in women indicating that women who had both short and long sleep times were more likely to be obese. This relationship was not present in men. Other factors predicting obesity in these clinic patients included young age (18 to 49 years), not smoking, drinking alcohol, hypertension, diabetes, and sleep apnea."
Interestingly, there was apparently no relationship between being fat and consuming too many Calories.

Some scientists, eh?
"'Our study demonstrates that short sleep times have an association with obesity in adults with chronic medical problems and that chronic disease and attendant therapies and/or changes in physical activities do not obscure this relationship,' said Kenneth Nugent, MD, of Texas Tech University, lead author of the study. 'This study suggests that adults should sleep eight to nine hours per night to maintain optimal weight. Whether or not manipulating sleep time in adults will prevent additional weight gain or facilitate weight loss is unclear. This question will require therapeutic trials in which sleep hygiene is addressed during weight loss studies.'"
Their study demonstrates that they are morons.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Give them more money for research if you are one, too.

Count me out.

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